The Best Meatball Recipe | Home Movies with Alison Roman
In the first episode of Home Movies with Alison Roman (that's me), I'm going to be showing you how I make meatballs from my newsletter, cleverly titled, A Newsletter. While a lot of my recipes are inspired by something FUN and WONDERFUL, these ones were inspired by.....something, uh, not great. Anyway, I won't say this is the ONLY way to make meatballs, but I do think it's the BEST. There's isn’t really a “secret” to them, but there are two important steps that make a huge difference:
1. Using bread crumbs instead of fresh bread, and soaking them in a mixture of ricotta and egg for at least 10 minutes. This is essentially the “soak milk in bread” step you’ll find in many meatball recipes, but instead of soaking the bread in milk, soak it in cheese. Cheese is better than milk. Simple math. This means the meatballs will be richer, more flavorful with the added bonus of never having to say now I'm going to soak milk in bread.
2. Searing the meatballs in the pot, *then* making the sauce. Meatballs done on a sheet pan are not bad, but they are not browned, and the browning is what is going to not only make our meatballs taste amazing, but the sauce, too (and yes, I've tested side by side, and YES there IS a difference!). Doing them in a pot is more work, sure, but you reap the rewards in the form of fat and juicy bits and browned, delicious meat that all flavor your tomato sauce as you finish gently cooking the meatballs.
0:00 Start
0:10 Intro to Goodbye Meatballs
0:25 Home Movies with Alison Roman intro
0:34 Prep the ingredients for the meatballs
4:33 Adding the meat to the bread mixture
5:52 Prep for cooking the meatballs
6:45 Prep the ingredients for the sauce
7:16 Rolling the meatballs
7:51 The story behind Goodbye Meatballs
9:39 Cooking the meatballs
12:04 Building the sauce
13:40 Start boiling water for the pasta
13:50 Finish the meatballs in the sauce
14:45 Cooking the pasta
15:04 Serving the meatballs, sauce, and pasta
16:14 Tasting the meatballs
#Meatballs #MeatballsRecipe #GoodbyeMeatballs
#AlisonRoman #AlisonRomanHomeMovies #AlisonRomanNothingFancy
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Director/Editor: Daniel Hurwitz
Director of Photography: Charlie Gruet
Sound: Brian Cushin
Special Thanks: Justin Sloan
Vietnamese Caramalised Pork Bowls
Crazy delicious, crazy FAST!!!
Caramelised pork is a Vietnamese dish, and this is a super fast ground pork (mince) version. All the flavour, in one delicious pork bowl!
Diese deutsche Pasta hat alle verrückt gemacht! Günstig, schnell und unglaublich lecker!
Diese deutsche Pasta hat alle verrückt gemacht! Günstig, schnell und unglaublich lecker!
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Pasta mit geräucherter Wurst, Tomaten, Pilzen und Käse sind ein sehr schmackhafter und sättigender erster Gang. Ihre Familie wird begeistert sein!????
Um ein ???????? leckeres und sättigendes Essen zuzubereiten, benötigst du nur wenige Zutaten und ein paar Minuten.
Sie können dieses köstliche Gericht zum Mittag- oder Abendessen zubereiten. Probieren Sie diese köstliche Pasta und ich bin sicher, Sie werden es lieben! ????????????
● Öl zum Braten - 2 EL
● Zwiebel - 1 Stck
● Pilze - 200 g
● Geräucherte Wurst - 450 g
● 3 Knoblauchzehen
● Nudeln - 250 g
● Tomate - 2 Stk
● Hühnerbrühe - 450 ml
● Sahne - 120 ml
● Salz, Schwarzer Pfeffer, Oregano
● Cheddar-Käse - 120 g
● Petersilie (optional)
Guten Appetit! ????
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BOW TIES & MEATBALLS????????????
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