Hortobagyi Palacsinta,Gulyás (Goulash),Flodni Recipe with Chef Ranveer Brar Episode 14
►00:38 Hortobagyi Palacsinta Recipe
►08:15 Gulyás (Goulash) Recipe
►13:25 Flodni Recipe
#hortobagyipalacsintarecipe #gulyásgoulashrecipe #flodnirecipe #chefranveerbrar #chefranveer #globalmenu #hungarydish #hungaryrecipe
Hortobagyi Palacsinta Recipe | The Global Menu Episode 14
Hortobágyi palacsinta is a savoury Hungarian Crêpe, filled with meat (usually veal). The meat is prepared as a stew; minced meat is fried with onions and spices like the pörkölt or the paprikás dish, using veal, veal with mushrooms, chicken, or Hungarian sausage. The crêpes are filled with the minced meat, tucking in the ends, and are baked in the oven with a paprika and tejföl (sour cream) sauce, then topped with fresh parsley. Popular serving option in Hungary is rolling the filled crêpes up, or folding them into half and rolling them up on the shorter side. The rolled up crêpes then can be stacked on each other with the sauce poured over them.
Hortobagyi Palacsinta Recipe
Mix 150 gms flour with 1 egg,
200 ml whole milk, 100 ml soda water,
3 tsp sugar, pinch of salt, 2 tsp oil and
whisk it to thin consistency batter, rest
for 15 minutes
Season pan with rubbing onion on
the pan surface
Pour batter evenly into round shape
and cook crepe on both sides
In warm oil, add 1 sliced onion,
5-6 mushrooms, 1 chopped tomato
and saute
Add 2 tsp paprika, salt to taste,
1 tsp refined flour and cook
Pour 100 ml fresh cream, turn the gas
off, fold 1 tbsp sour cream in the sauce
Take a crepe, spoon sauce in the center
and fold it into a pocket, repeat the
procedure with another crepe
Place both crepe pockets on top of
each other in a baking tray and add
more sauce, add soften fresh cottage
cheese and bake crepes for 180°C
for 10 minutes
Garnish Hortobégyi Palacsinta with
some fried parsley and mint leaves,
sprinkle pinch of paprika and serve hot
Hortobågyi Palacsinta is ready
to be served.
Gulyás (Goulash) Recipe | The Global Menu Episode 14
Goulash (Hungarian: gulyás, Albanian: gullash) is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika and other spices. Originating in Hungary, goulash is a common meal predominantly eaten in Central Europe but also in other parts of Europe. It is one of the national dishes of Hungary and a symbol of the country.
Its origin traces back to the 9th century to stews eaten by Hungarian shepherds. At that time, the cooked and flavored meat was dried with the help of the sun and packed into bags produced from sheep's stomachs, needing only water to make it into a meal. Earlier versions of goulash did not include paprika, as it was not introduced to the Old World until the 16th century.
Warm 100 ml oil in a deep large pot,
add 15-20 garlic cloves, 1 kg Iamb
and cook till the Iamb is lightly
Add 2 diced onions and cook,
add 3 chopped bell peppers,
3 diced tomatoes and 3 tbsp paprika
powder, add 2 potatoes and 2 carrots,
Stir Iamb stock, add salt to taste
and cover the lamb to cook in its steam
Once done serve Gulyås with baguette.
Flodni Recipe | The Global Menu Episode 14
As the saying goes if you want to eat good flódni, you’ll have to visit Hungary. The homeland of flódni is Hungary, but nowadays it’s also offered in other parts of the world as a specialty of the Hungarian-Jewish cuisine. In many families flódni – just like beigli or zserbó – can’t be omitted from the holidays’ confection repertoire. Some bake it for Christmas or for Hanukkah, others make it for the New Year’s Eve.
Apricot Filling:
Heat 100 ml white wine in a pan, add
5-6 apricots, 1 tbsp apricot jam,
1 tbsp castor sugar, 2 tbsp unsalted butter,
1 tbsp roasted poppy seeds and cook
on low flame till filling leaves sides
of the pan
Prunes Filling:
In a pan melt 2 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp sugar,
100 gms chopped prunes and cook till it
turns into jam consistency
Chocolate Filling:
On a double boiler melt 200 gms dark
chocolate, add 20 chopped walnuts
and fold the filling
Apple Filling:
In a pan add 1 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp sugar
add 1 grated apple, stir the filling till
apple leaves side of the pan
Pastry Sheet:
Mix 1 kg flour, 300 gms butter and cold
water in a bowl, make a dough and
roll it thinly in rectangular shape
For making F16dni grease a baking tray,
line pastry sheet in the tray and spread
chocolate mix on it, cover with another
pastry sheet and place apple filling
followed by pastry sheet
In the third layer spoon apricot filling
and place the pastry on top followed by
prunes filling and seal F16dni with a
pastry sheet
Bake F16dni at 170°C for 1 hour and
later refrigerate for 6 hours
In a pan add 1 tbsp of powdered
sugar, 50 gms blueberries, few walnuts,
splash of white wine and saute
To serve place a quenelle of unsalted
butter on F16dni, sliced apricot,
pour blueberries mix around it
and garnish with fresh mint sprigs
Flodni is ready to be served.
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ГУЛАШ по унгарски. Автентична рецепта от Унгария!
ГУЛАШ по унгарски. Най-вкусният гулаш! Автентична рецепта от Унгария! 2 години търсих тази рецепта! Гулаш е ястие, произлизащо от унгарската кухня, и е приготвяно от говеждо месо, лук, червени чушки и червен пипер. Името му идва от унгарското gulyás, от gulya – „кравар“ .Гулашът е национално ястие в Унгария и съседните ѝ страни в Централна Европа и Балканите и е широко известен в други части на света. По традиция той се смята за просто домашно ястие, тъй като изисква малко внимание след първоначалната подготовка на продуктите.
Гулашът най-често се приготвя като яхния, но често се среща и като супа-гулаш.
Можете да го сервирате с 1 лъжица сметана и поръсен с магданоз и листа целина.
ГУЛАШ по унгарски. Най-вкусният гулаш! Автентична рецепта от Унгария! 2 години търсих тази рецепта!
А ето и необходимите продукти:
Телешко месо - 900 гр
Чушки - 2бр
Домати - 1бр
Моркови- 1 бр (голям)
Глава целина - 1/2 бр (по желание)
Пащърнак- 1 бр. (по желание)
Картофи - 4 бр (големи)
Лук - 2 глави (големи)
Чесън - 5-6 скилидки
Свинска Мас - 150-200 гр
Кимион смлян - 1 ч.л
Кимион на зърна - 1 ч.л
Черен пипер смлян - 1 ч.л
Червен пипер - 2-3 с.л
Дафинов лист - 1 бр
Магданоз и листа целина за поръсване
Сол на вкус
За Галушките:
Брашно - 100 гр
Яйце - 1бр
Сол на вкус
Сервирайте с топъл домашен хляб или току що изпечена питка!
А рецептите, как да си направите хляба и питката, може да намерите тук:
Моят Инстаграм:
Домашен Хляб:
Содена Питка:
Също така опитайте и бързата туршия, ще е готова докато се готви гулаша и е много подходяща за това ястие:
Бърза Туршия:
Надявам се рецептата да ви хареса, става много вкусно и апетитно!
Не забравяйте да натиснете бутона ''Абониране'' за да ме последвате и получавате известия когато кача ново видео:)
#goulash #гулаш #hungariangoulash #рецептасмесо
The BEST Beef Stew Recipe - Hundreds of 5-Star Reviews!!
Seriously, the best beef stew recipe ever, with slow-braised beef, chunky mushrooms, potatoes, carrots and peas. This soup recipe is so aromatic and delicious, it's bound to become a family favorite!
Connect with me on social media!
ALL MY RECIPES can be found HERE:
Bestes Gulasch zubereiten u. kochen | Omas Rezept - lecker und einfach
CALLEkocht - Omas Rezepte Gulasch kochen nach Omas Rezept. Super einfach, super schnell und super lecker.
Wichtig ist das gleiche Verhältnis im Volumen zwischen Zwiebeln und Fleisch.
#callekocht, #omasrezepte, #gulasch
1 kg Schweinefleisch oder Rindfleisch aus der Keule geschnitten
500 g Gemüsezwiebeln
1 Knoblauchzehe
2 EL Tomatenmark
5 EL Pflanzenöl
2 TL Paprika Pulver, edelsüß
2 TL Paprika Pulver Rosenscharf
1 TL Kümmel
Unsere besten Rezepte findest Du jetzt auch in unserem ersten Kochbuch:
Aus Omas Küche: Lieblingsgerichte aus der guten alten Zeit.
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