Golubtsi Cabbage Rolls Recipe with Sassy Chef and Molé Mama
Follow this simple recipe for Russian cabbage rolls - or golubtzi - by Sassy Chef Sasanna! These scrumptious rice and beef wraps are traditionally topped with chunky tomato sauce and big dollops of sour cream!
Take a trip with us to Maui, Hawaii, for this special guest chef feature on Russian comfort food and the old school value of cooking for the family. While the cabbage leaves boil and the golubtsi sauce thickens, Sassy Chef tells stories of growing up around the kitchen and explains how to she came to move to Maui.
When she isn't playing the camerawoman, Molé Mama helps roll the cabbage over the meat mixture and taste test the final product. You will see by her reaction how tasty traditional golubtsi can be!
This dish is best served hot, so be sure to collect your ingredients, and notify hungry family members before starting the video. The preparation time is 90 minutes. To make golubtsi cabbage rolls with tomato sauce, you will need:
1 large pot for boiling saltwater
1 small metal saucepan for sauce
1 large mixing bowl for meat
1 small mixing bowl for sauce
1 medium-size baking pan
1 large frying pan
1 lint-free towel
thongs, whisk and a sharp knife
For the tastiest cabbage rolls with traditional Russian preparation, you will need:
10 to 12 large cabbage leaves
1.5 lbs ground meat
1/2 cup cooked rice
1/2 cup shredded carrots
1/2 cup diced bell peppers
1 large onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
2 TBSP flour
1 TSP bay leaves and allspice
2 TBSP minced parsley
2 cups beef stock
2 cups canned tomatoes
Hawaiian sea salt and ground pepper to taste
1/2 cup sour cream
In this same afternoon, Molé Mama and Sassy Chef also collaborate on a traditional Hawaiian dish - pork laulau - so stay tuned for the follow-up video! To learn more about Sassy Chef Sasanna Babashoff, follow her on Instagram: @the_sassy_chef
Connect with Molé Mama:
To read Molé Mamas blog, visit her website: molemama.com
To gain culinary inspiration, follow her Instagram: @mole_mama
To converse, Like her Facebook page: fb.com/molemama
Filmed on location in Maui, Hawaii by Molé Mama
Edited by Caron Shahrestani of caronmodernmedia.com
Music by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com
Banosh — Video recipe | Authentic savor of Ukraine
Banosh, or banush, is a traditional dish of Hutsul cuisine. It is a viscous corn porridge cooked in cream or sour cream, seasoned with cheese, cracklings or porcini mushrooms. It is considered a calling card of Zakarpattia, because banosh is served there in almost every restaurant. And, of course, it is cooked in every family.
More info:
Lady Marina Daily Menu -Beef and Mushroom buckwheat
Diet is a meal plan created + right fitness work everyday
On the first week, the individual is required to take a maximum of 500 calories each on the first two days.
It’s affordable. Calorie-for-calorie, beef is more nutrient dense than vegetarian protein options like peanut butter, tofu or beans. You get more nutritional bang for your buck by choosing healthy, lean animal proteins. High protein buckwheat flour is being studied for possible use in foods to reduce plasma cholesterol, body fat, and cholesterol gallstones. hit-beat-win.co.uk
Kapustnyak, Ukrainian Penicillin: Sauerkraut Soup
Artisan Sourdough Rye Bread in a Dutch Oven
Ukrainian Style Sauerkraut in a Crock
The idea of inserting some sauerkraut into a soup might sound weird at first, but I assure you that the results are absolutely mesmerizing and once you try it, you will become addicted, and understand why Ukrainian people love it so much!
Sauerkraut soup is also popular in many countries such as Poland, Germany, etc.
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Author: Inna of innichkachef.com
Serves: 6-8 people
3 cups sauerkraut with a juice (I used homemade in the video)
3 cups shredded cabbage.
1 large carrot or 2 mediums
1 large onion or 2 mediums
1 large russet potato or 2 mediums
1/2 cup millet (soak for 6-8 hours before cooking time)
1-2 tablespoons butter
1-2 tablespoons extra virgin sunflower oil
Celtic salt
black pepper to taste.
Pinch of red pepper flakes
2 bay leaves
Parsley, dill for garnish (optional)
1 cup chopped lardons (optional and see note above)
Many of my friends have asked how they can assist in helping the people of Ukraine. There are many organizations are ready and willing to be of assistance by way of providing needs items. Here are my two American organizations that I have selected. It takes just a few clicks to donate, and I thank you from my heart for your contribution:
International Orthodox Christian Charities
Save The Children at support
Or directly to Ukranian organizations, here is how you can do it:
For business queries/sponsors,
please contact: innichkachef@gmail.com
Check out how to make an easy way Basic Chicken Stock
Check out how to make corn stock
The Best Ukrainian Borsch
Ukrainian Buckwheat Soup with Wild Mushrooms
ГОЛУБЦІ з українським колоритом ???? Голубці з куркою та пшоном | Євген Клопотенко
Голубці з курки з пшоном
Курячі гомілки, пшоно та капуста – це я зараз не пишу список продуктів, які маю купити в супермаркеті, а перераховую вам основні інгредієнти для неймовірно смачних та оригінальних голубців. Знаю, що багато хто з вас думає, що готувати цю страву – та ще морока. Але не поспішайте залишати затію на свята, мій рецепт доволі простий. Берете капустяний лист, додаєте в нього наше українське пшоно, зверху на нього обсмажену гомілку ТМ «Наша Ряба», загортаєте, викладаєте в форму для запікання, заливаєте соусом і… тренуєте силу волі. І я щойно дещо збагнув, можливо, це не голубці з курки, а правильніше сказати гомілці? Як вам така назва?
Інгредієнти для приготування голубців з пшоном:
1 білокачанна капуста (7 листочків)
200 г пшона
7 гомілок ТМ «Наша Ряба» (1 паковання)
2 ст. л. сметани
2 ст. л. томатної пасти
500 мл води
1 ст. л. солі
Покроковий рецепт приготування дивіться на сайті
???? Стати спонсором проекту:
#ЄвгенКлопотенко #Клопотенко #Голубці #РецептКлопотенко #ПростийРецепт #Голубцізкурки #вечеря #cooking #ukraine
⏱ Time Code:
0:00 - Анонс
0:30 - Яку страву готуємо
1:27 - Як зняти листя капусти на голубці
2:20 - Як полюбити пшоно
3:15 - Чи потрібно промивати пшоно
3:34 - Обсмажуємо курячі гомілки
4:50 - Формуємо голубці
5:22 - Готуємо заливку для голубців
5:55 - Запікаємо голубці з куркою та пшоном
6:40 - Презентація готової страви
7:30 - Куштування голубців
???????? Рекомендую подивитися інші мої рецепти:
✔ Українські страви:
✔ Лайфхаки:
✔ Страви за 30 хвилин:
Я та моя команда працюємо, щоб допомагати Україні.
???????? Підтримай Україну! -
Поширюйте і рекомендуйте відео. Це величезний вклад в розвиток українського контенту!
???? Якщо ти хочеш написати мені щось цікаве, або можливо ти хочеш зі мною співпрацювати, тоді напиши мені на пошту info@klopotenko.com
A real Ukrainian recipe for cabbage soup KAPUSTNYAK! Very tasty sauerkraut soup! #food #ukraine #19
Kapusnyak is the first traditional Ukrainian cuisine. It is prepared mainly with fresh white cabbage. Cabbage for kapustnyaka rubbed on a shredder. It has a bright orange-black color, since the addition of tomato paste, and has a nice lightly sour and salty taste in the fresh cabbage
Meat (for the broth) - about 600 grams (we cooked broth with beef on a bone and pork loin)
Potatoes - 600 gr.
Carrots - 2 pieces
Onions - 2 pieces
Sour cabbage - 400 grams
Millet - 0,5 cup
Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons
Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
Salt -
Pepper (mixed pepper)
Fresh herbs - to taste
Bay leaf - to taste
Water - 3 l
1. First cook the broth (meat, carrots, onion, bay leaf, allspice)
2. Rinse the millet well and let it stand in cold water for about 60 minutes.
3. Cut the potatoes into 2 pieces and send them to the broth until soft.
4. Finely chop the sauerkraut
5. Heat some olive oil and put the kale in a pan, stir-fry for about 10 minutes, add half a glass of bouillon and three tablespoons of tomato. Salt and pepper it, add paprika and stew for another 10 minutes. Then put it on a plate.
6. Chop onion and carrot and fry it all in a pan.
7. Take the boiled potatoes out of the broth and mash them.
8. Boil some millet in broth.
9. Finely chop the fresh cabbage.
10. Add mashed potatoes, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage to the broth. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Cook about 5-7 minutes.
Let to infuse soup for 15 minutes and serve with sour cream and fresh bread.
It is very, very, very tasty!!!!
Make it for sure.
Sign up and keep an eye out for new recipes, we have lots of ideas)))))
Bon appetit!
#food #soup #video #4k #cooking #19
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