How To make Cantalope Cream Pie
1 3/4 cups vanilla wafer crumbs
about 40
1/2 cup butter or margarine :
1 pkg vanilla pudding - cook n serve -- (5 oz)
2 1/2 cups milk
1 small cantalope
1 cup heavy cream
Preheat oven to 375 deg. In a 10" pie plate, combune vanilla-wafer crumbs & melted butter. Press mixture into pie plate & make a slight edge. Bake crust 8-10 min.until lightly browned; cool on rack. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, prepare pudding mix as lablel directs but use only 2 1/2 C. milk; set aside. Drain cantaloupe pieces well on paper towels; stir chunks into pudding mixture. Cover surface of pudding mixture with plastic wrap & refrigerate about 30 min. or until set. Whip cream & fold into pudding mixture, spoon intocrust. refrigerate until set. 6-8 servings.
How To make Cantalope Cream Pie's Videos
Cantaloupe Pie
Visit for more information. This site is designed for modern and rustic survival such as canning, dehydrating, wild game cleaning, cooking and fun foods.
In today's crumbling economy people must adapt the same as nature has.
Watermelon Lemonade Cream Pie Shooters
These individual size pie shooters are yummy, sweet and oh-so-creamy!
????Watermelon Pie????
Watermelon Pie
1-1/4 cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
1/4 cup Sugar
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon ground Ginger
1/3 cup melted Butter
Place the above ingredients into a mixing bowl and whisk together. Press into a 9 inch pie pan. Bake for 7 to 8 minutes at 350 degrees F. Let cool completely.
3-ounce package Watermelon Gelatin (I used Jello)
2/3 cup Boiling Water
Mix the Jello and water together and let cool until an egg white consistency and room temp. Then add:
1-1/4 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
Juice of half a Lime
4 to 6 drops of Red Food Coloring (depending on how pink you would like)
With the whisk attachment of your electric mixer, mix on medium high until light and fluffy. Pour into the pie crust and refrigerate until set.
Mix the following to make a whipped cream topping.
1-1/2 cups Heavy Whipping Cream
1/4 cup Powdered Sugar
Spoon the topping onto the pie allowing the edges of the pink to show. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve and as always, ENJOY!
Consider other flavor options like Peach, Raspberry or Strawberry.
#watermelon #pie #summer #easy
Cantaloupe Pie - Steph’s Stove
Cantaloupe Pie
Cantaloupe, eggs, sugar, vanilla, butter, four, pie crust
1 cantaloupe
2 eggs
1 cup sugar (splenda will work as well)
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
½ stick of butter
3 tablespoons of all-purpose flour
2 deep dish pie crust
Preheat the oven to 350°. Cut cantaloupe into chunks, add all remaining ingredients in a large mixing bowl, and blend well using an immersion blender. Pour mixture into 2 pie crust. Place eah pie on a cookie sheet and bake in the center of the oven. Bake for 45 minutes - 55 minutes. Center of the pie should be set when baking is complete. Cool and Enjoy!
*Cooking time will vary depending on your oven. Begin checking at 45 minutes, add additional time (in 10 minute increments) if needed until set.
**According to my daughter, this pie reminds her of strawberry pop tarts. ????
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Cantaloupe Ice Cream
This recipe uses a classic French technique for making Cantaloupe ice cream. Also, know as making an anglaise.
4 ingredients are all that is need to make our recipe.
We cover how to temper the eggs, which makes sure the eggs remain smooth and do not end up scrambled. The technique is easy to follow and only takes a short few minutes.
Here is our link back to the website to get the recipe card with faqs, alternations, and substitute ingredients.
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The Accidental Chef - Watermelon Pie
I've never been much of a cook because I don't like all the chopping and measuring so if I do cook something following a recipe, it's usually an accident if it turns out right. I love this recipe because its really easy with no measuring at all and its always fun seeing people's confused expressions when you tell them you made a watermelon pie. One thing you should keep in mind though is that watermelons are full of water, thus the name. If you serve a portion of the pie and stick it back into the refrigerator and find a puddle of water where the slice was, its no big deal. The water just found an escape route.
Products Used In This Video Available On Amazon
Sunbeam Hand Mixer (updated model) -
Strawberry Jello (3oz) -
Keebler Ready Crust Shortbread -
This video was shot using a Sony NX-100 HD Camera:
Audio was recorded with the Azden SGM-1000:
Music: Rural Stride by Josh Kirsch, Media Right Productions