How To make Bizcochos
1/4 c Sugar
2 tb Sweet sheery, such as
- Harvey's Bristol Cream 2 tb Fresh orange juice
1 Egg yolk
3/4 c Unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
1/4 ts Ground cloves
These are a traditional Mexican cookie and must be made with lard to have the right consistency. So, eat a lot of oat bran the next day...don't forgo one of the best cookies you will ever, ever eat. Position a rack in the upper and lower thirds of the oven and preheat the oven to 350F. In a mixer, whip the lard until it is light and creamy. Beat in the sugar, sherry, and orange juice. Beat in the egg yolk and then the flour. Roll the dough out between layers of waxed paper to a thickness of 1/2-inch. Cut out cookies in whatever shapes you wish, transferring them
to ungreased baking sheets. Bake them 12 to 15 minutes, exchanging the position of the sheets on the racks from top to bottom and from front to back at the halfway point, until the cookies are crisp and lightly colored. For the coating, mix the sugar, cinnamon, and cloves in a wide shallow dish (like a pie plate). Carefully dredge the cookies in the spiced sugar while they are warm. Cool completely on a rack. Store at room temperature in airtight tins.
How To make Bizcochos's Videos
(케이크 기본) 폭신한 제누와즈 만들기, 케이크 시트, 스폰지 케이크 만들기, Vanilla Sponge Cake, Cake sheet [홈베이킹], 쿠킹씨 cooking see
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(케이크 기본) 폭신한 제누와즈 만들기, 케이크 시트를 만들어 보았어요.
초보자가 반드시 만들어 봐야할 케이크이고 조금 더 부드러우면서 폭신하게 만들어 볼수 있는 레시피 입니다, 베이킹 파우더는 넣지 않고 만들 수 있어요.
기본 스폰지 케이크 레시피이며 영상 처럼 따라 만드시면 폭신하고 부드러운 제누와즈 케이크 시트를 만들 수 있을꺼에요.
재료는 정말 간단하고 초보자가 만들더라도 실패없이 누구나 쉽게 만들도록 하였어요.
쉬운 레시피이고 어렵지 않은 베이킹이라 제가 하는 과정 그대로만 한다면 집에서도 간단히 제누와즈를 만들 수 있어요.
제누와즈 1호 사이즈로 재료도 간단한 기본 케이크 레시피라 추천 드립니다.
그럼 즐겁고 편안한 시청되세요.♡
▶틀 사이즈 : 원형 1호팬
노른자 3개
소금 1g
흰자 3개
설탕 90g
박력분 90g
식용유 30g
우유 30g
바닐라 익스트랙 2g (생략가능)
▶♡레시피 사용시 출처를 밝혀주세요.♡
3 egg yolks
Salt 1g
3 egg whites
Sugar 90g
Cake flour 90g
Vegetable oil 30g
Milk 30g
Vanilla Extract 2g
#제누와즈 #케이크시트 #케이크
시청해 주셔서 감사합니다^^
Thank you for watching^^
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Mexican shortbread cookie recipe* Mexican polvorones recipe*panaderia style
I’m using a Bosch universal mixer. You can get one here
Follow me on Instagram Adriana.mezhua
New Mexican Bizcochitos! with Natividad Manzanares
Natividad Manzanares is known for making the best Bizcochitos in Northern New Mexico. The humble Bizcochito cookie has traditionally been made for Christmas, weddings, and special occasions for the past four hundred years! If you would like to support our work recording disappearing traditional culture, please donate at:
Dominican Cake Step-by-Step Recipe (Bizcocho Dominicano)
This video will show you my recipe for perfect Dominican cake.
1 pound of all-purpose flour mixed with 2 tablespoons of baking powder
1 pound of salted butter (room temperature)
1 pound of sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 1/4 cups of orange juice
12 eggs separated (12 yolks for batter, 5 egg whites for batter and reserve 7 egg whites for frosting)
Frosting aka Italian Meringue:
8 ounces of egg whites (approx. 7 egg whites)
2 cups of white sugar
1/2 cups of water
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon meringue powder
(flavoring of your choice, I used 1 teaspoon vanilla)
Cream butter for at least 15 minutes. Add Sugar, beat for 3-5 minutes. Add egg yolks, one by one. Add Flour and alternate with orange juice. Ending with flour. Beat Egg whites into stiff peaks separately. Fold into the batter slowly. I did it in 3 batches.
Bake in 350 degree (Fahrenheit) oven for 30 minutes. Test with toothpick for doneness.
In a saucepan mix sugar with water. Bring to temperature of 200 degrees, then start whipping the egg whites. Egg whites should be cold. Add one teaspoon of cream of tartar to the whites to help stiffen. Once sugar syrup is 240 degrees add to the egg whites (slowly in a steady stream). Mix until mixing bowl is cool to the touch. Add flavoring of your choice to the frosting. I crumb coat the cake with the frosting. Then add 1 tablespoon meringue powder before piping my decorations.
Any questions or comments please leave them below. I will do my best to answer and help you make the best cake (in my opinion).
********* Receta en Español *********
1 libra de harina para todo uso mezclada con 2 cucharadas de polvo de hornear
1 libra de mantequilla salada (temperatura ambiente)
1 libra de azúcar
1 cucharada de vainilla
1 1/4 tazas de jugo de naranja
12 huevos separados (12 yemas para la masa, 5 claras para batir y reserva en la nevera 7 claras (8 onzas) para el merengue italiano (o suspiro)
Glaseado también conocido como merengue italiano/ suspiro:
8 onzas de claras de huevo frias (aproximadamente 7 claras de huevo)
2 tazas de azúcar blanca
1/2 taza de agua
1 cucharadita de crémor tártaro
1 cucharada de merengue en polvo
(saborizante de su elección, usé 1 cucharadita de vainilla, puedes usar extracto de almendra o otro sabor)
Batir la mantequilla durante al menos 15 minutos. Agregue el azúcar, bata durante 3-5 minutos. Agrega las yemas de huevo, una a una. Agrega la Harina y alterna con jugo de naranja. Terminando con harina. En otro recipiente limpio y seco, batir las claras de huevo en picos rígidos. Incorpore las claras batidas lentamente a la masa.
Hornee en horno a 350 grados (Fahrenheit) pre-calentado durante 30 minutos. Pruebe con un palillo de dientes para ver si está cocido. No abra el horno antes de los 30 minutos!!
Merengue Italiano o Suspiro:
En una cacerola mezcle el azúcar con el agua. Lleve a una temperatura de 200 grados, luego comience a batir las claras de huevo. Las claras de huevo deben estar frías. Agrega una cucharadita de crémor tártaro a las claras para ayudar a endurecer. Una vez que el jarabe de azúcar esté a 240 grados, agréguese a las claras de huevo (lentamente en un flujo constante). Mezcle hasta que el tazón esté frío al tacto. Agregue el sabor que desee al glaseado. Cubro el pastel con el glaseado. Luego agregue 1 cucharada de merengue en polvo al glaseado restante antes de poner mis decoraciones. Esto ayuda a que estén firmes.
*****Please subscribe to my channel, it helps me a lot and it doesn't cost anything. Por favor suscribase a mi canal, me ayuda mucho y no les cuesta nada :-) Good Luck in the Kitchen! Suerte en la cocina!
Links to Products I use:
Kitchen Aid Mixer:
Wilton Cake Pans:
Favorite Cooking Pan:
Favorite Cutting Boards:
Wooden Spoons:
Sazon Goya (Seasoning that adds color):
Maggi Chicken Flavor Cube:
Dominican Seasoning:
Music Credits:
Dawn is Here by Yakobo
ChaCha Fontanez by Jimmy Fontanez, Media Right Productions from YouTube Audio Library ·
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content.
Bizcochos (Mexican Holiday Cookies) Recipe
Bizcochos (Mexican Holiday Cookies) Recipe
Biscochitos a New Mexico Staple
Our State Cookie called the Biscochito a sugar anise cookie. please be sure to subscribe to my channel