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How To make Bakoy Highwaymen Style Soup


1 Pound chopped beef(1/2kg)
20 oz Chopped chicken(50-60dkg)
S&p to taste 1 Onion
2 Carrots
1 Celery heart
1 Or 2 grn.peppers
1 Or 2 tomatoes
5 oz Mushroom(15dkg)
1 Egg
4 oz Flour(12 dkg)
BETJARENSUPPE AUF BAKONYER ART put 1/2kg of chopped beef into cold water and bring to a boil,than skim the scum off the top.After 20-25 minutes add 50-60dkg of chopped chicken.Season with S&P and onion.When half cooked,add
some carrots and parsnips cut into slivers,a celery heart,1 or 2 grn.peppers and tomatoes and 15 dkg of chopped mushrooms.Out of this make a broth.Than make ribbon noodles from 1 egg and 12 dkg of flour.Put them in the soup to cook.Serve with sour cream or sour milk. Check the math!!!!!!!!!!

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