How To make Liver Cakes
1 lb Liver, ground
1 x Bacon, sliced
1 ea Sm Onion, finely chopped
1 T Flour
1 ea Egg, well beaten
1 x Salt & pepper
To the ground liver add the egg, flour, onion, and salt & pepper. Mix well. Shape into round cakes and around each cake wrap a slice of bacon, fastening each with a toothpick. Put on hot skillet and fry until well done. Source: Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book - Fine Old Recipes, Culinary Arts Press, 1936.
How To make Liver Cakes's Videos
How To Make A Delicious Liver Cake - DIY Food & Drinks Tutorial - Guidecentral
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About this DIY project:
- Title: Make a Delicious Liver Cake
- Maker: Anna Vedenjapina -
- View the full step-by-step tutorial on Guidecentral:
- Liver
- Egg
- Salt
- Pepper
- Spices
- Flour
- Onion
- Carrot
- Garlic
- Cheese
- Tomato
- Sour cream or mayonnaise
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Bestes Leberrezept !!! Dieses Rezept hat Millionen von Herzen gewonnen!
Bestes Leberrezept !!! Dieses Rezept hat Millionen von Herzen gewonnen! Sie ist so lecker!
Die berühmte Rinderleber, die über eine Million Herzen erobert hat! Dieses Leberrezept wurde von Millionen Zuschauern auf YouTube gemocht. Die leckerste Rinderleber, die ich je gekocht habe! Kochen Sie nach diesem Rezept, ich denke, Sie werden auch dieses Leberrezept mögen. Kochen Sie mit Liebe! Kochen Sie für die ganze Familie!
Kochrezept und Zutaten:
1 kg Rinderleber.
Reinigen Sie den Film von der Leber.
4 flache Scheiben schneiden.
Schwarzer Pfeffer.
Schwarzer Pfeffer.
Den Rest der Leber fein hacken.
Mit einem Messer fein hacken.
1 kleine Zwiebel reiben.
1 mittelgroße Kartoffel reiben.
Schwarzer Pfeffer.
Gut mischen.
2 Eier hinzufügen.
80 g Mehl.
3-4 Esslöffel Pflanzenöl erhitzen.
Auf beiden Seiten bei mittlerer Hitze 2-3 Minuten braten.
Jetzt werden wir die Leberscheiben braten.
2 Tomaten.
Auf beiden Seiten bei mittlerer Hitze 2-3 Minuten braten.
Unser leckeres Abendessen für die ganze Familie ist fertig.
Die Hälfte einer kleinen Zwiebel hacken.
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Liver Cake Recipe
Victoria's Pet Country Kitchen. Victoria James, Animal Behaviourist & Trainer demonstrates how to bake Liver Cake as the perfect treat for your pet dog or cat.
Doggy Diet Recipes: Liver Cake | This Morning
Henrietta Morrison, author of Dinner for Dogs, shows us a healthy and affordable way to feed your dog by making her special pet-friendly liver cakes.
For the full recipe, visit;
This Morning - every weekday on ITV from 10:30am
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Simple Liver Cake | Homemade Dog Cake
Hey guys, this is how we make our liver cake. It's super easy and quick to make, healthy and all natural. As always be aware that cooking gets rid of some of the health benefits of liver, however this doesn't mean liver cake isn't healthy! You can give it as a quick snack or cut it in little bits and use as training treats. Our dogs absolutely love their liver cake even though Tahoe absolutely hates raw liver.
What goes in it:
1 cup of rice flour (gluten free)
1 egg (we use eggs from local farmers)
250g of liver of your or your dogs choice
A splash of goats milk (which we get from local farmers too)
Give it a try and let us know if your dogs liked it!
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Please check your dogs dietary requirements before feeding them any new types of treats or food. If in doubt always contact your vet.
liver cake
600g cow liver
3 raw eggs
2 boiled eggs
2 medium carrot (grated)
2 medium onion
3 tbsp flour
100g milk
2 tbsp oil
5 cloves fresh garlic
4 tbsp mayonnaise
fresh herbs ( parsley or dill)
salt and pepper for taste
paprika (optional)
follow video instructions
Pechonochniy tort (Liver cake)
This is a classic Russian savory dish recipe typically served for special occasions or just for brunch. If you like liver then you would definitely love this recipe. You can use pig liver as well and some people make it with chicken liver but I find cow liver the best for making this recipe because you won't need much flour and still get the full flavor of the liver.
Music: Snowman
Musician: Beltone