Kuhari : Dijana Lemon - Zlevanka
Dragi posjetitelju,
Projekt Kuhari produkt je rada jednog kulinarskog entuzijasta - mene. Recepti nastaju u suradnji s različitim kuharima amaterima ali i profesionalcima. Njihova je dobra volja nastupiti ispred kamere i podijeliti malo svog znanja ili kućne kulinarske kreativnosti s ostatkom svijeta. Ja sam pak taj koji je zadužen da to ovjekovječi snimanjem, montiranjem, uploadanjem na net te uređivanjem. Ovo je hobi koji radim u slobodno vrijeme. Cilj mi je omogućiti kuharima amaterima/profesionalcima :
- da podijele s posjetiteljima znanje o pripremi slasnih jela ili,
- da inspiriraju posjetitelje u pripremi novih kulinarskih divota.
Nadam se da ćete, imajući u vidu sve gore navedeno kao i činjenicu da se ukusi razlikuju, biti blagi s komentarima. Ako Vam se sviđa ideja iza ovog projekta, pretplatite se na ovaj kanal i dijetite ga s drugima. Puno Vam hvala na posjeti.
Želim Vam ugodan dan i ugodno kuhanje,
Marko Lušić
Dear visitor,
Project Kuhari is a product of one of the culinary enthusiasts - me. Recipes are created in collaboration with various amateur and professional chefs. It is their good will to appear in front of the camera and share a bit of their knowledge or home culinary creativity with the rest of the world. On the other end, I am the one responsible for recording, editing, uploading and writing down that recipes. This is a hobby that I do in my spare time. My goal is to enable amateur/professional chefs to :
- share with visitors their knowledge about preparing delicious meals,
- to inspire visitors to create new culinary delights.
I hope that you will, keeping in mind everything written above as well as the fact that tastes differ, be gentle with the comments. If you like the idea behind this project, subscribe to this channel and share it with others. Thank you very much for your visit.
I wish you a pleasant day and pleasant cooking,
Marko Lušić
MY CHRISTMAS IS CURSED | Alan’s Universe ????
Watch the latest episode of ALAN'S UNIVERSE ➡️
Hey Heroes, this is Alan Chikin Chow! Welcome to my new drama series, ALAN'S UNIVERSE. Alan's Universe is a drama series with powerful moral messages about love, friendships, and standing up for what's right.
EMAIL: alan@alanchikinchow.com
???? CAST:
Alan - Alan Chikin Chow
Kate -
Chelsea -
Kolya -
Nevada -
Veronica -
???? WHO AM I
Hi Heroes, I'm Alan Chikin Chow!
My mission is to inspire a universal audience to unite through story.
tc - 12/18 @ 8p, 12/19 @ 8p
title - 12/21 @ 6pm
How to Make Traditional Abruzzese Kebabs: ARROSTICINI!
Good morning how are you? Watch this simple tutorial and you'll know how to prepare our traditional ABRUZZESE Kebabs, commonly called ARROSTICINI.
I will also suggest which meat best suits the purpose, and as usual match a good wine to the dish.
Let me know if you have any questions and I'll see you soon!
Schweizer Spezialitäten, die du probiert haben solltest - Folge 2
Im zweiten Teil der Videoreihe über Spezialitäten der Schweiz, die man unbedingt probiert haben sollte, sind wir hauptsächlich in der Westschweiz und im Tessin unterwegs. Es gibt wieder jede Menge leckere Gerichte und Rezepte. Folge mir auf eine kleine kulinarische Tour durch die Schweiz. Für jeden Kanton stelle ich euch eine Spezialität vor, die ihr meiner Meinung nach unbedingt einmal gegessen haben solltet. Die Rezepte dazu findet ihr in der Videobeschreibung etwas weiter unten.
⏵Folge 1 von Schweizer Spezialitäten, die du probiert haben solltest:
00:00 Einleitung
00:48 Freiburg
01:17 St. Gallen
01:52 Graubünden
02:15 Aargau
02:49 Thurgau
03:14 Tessin
03:44 Waadt
04:20 Wallis
05:00 Neuenburg
05:26 Genf
06:01 Jura
Das Video erhebt weder einen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit oder eine Wertung. In erster Linie ist das Video zur Unterhaltung gedacht. Wenn du noch weitere Produkte kennst, die für dich typisch Schweiz sind würde ich mich über einen Hinweis in den Kommentaren freuen. Dieser Input fliesst in ein eventuelles Folgevideo mit ein.
#Schweiz #Lecker #Gerichte
Soupe du Chalet
Rheintaler Ribel
Aargauer Rüeblitorte
Thurgauer Apfelkuchen
Papet Vaudois
Jacquerie neuchâteloise
Gratin de Cardon genevois
Toétché Jurassien
⏵Noch mehr Rezepte aus der Schweizer Küche:
Creek Whistle - Steve Adams
YouTube Audio-Mediathek
An meine treuen Zuschauer! Vielen Dank für eure zahlreichen Kommentare, wertvollen Vorschlägen und Ideen für weitere Themen.
Für die super Unterstützung, Bereitstellung und freundliche Genehmigung von Bild und Videomaterial in hoher Qualität geht mein Dank an La Gruyère Tourisme, Marlene's sweet things, gutekueche.ch und Jura Tourisme.
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Das Portal für Auswanderer in der Schweiz
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Professionelle Webseiten zum Fixpreis mit viel Leidenschaft entwickelt:
Hello, Thank you for watching my channel.
My boyfriend cooked dinner for 3 days!!
Taste is mother’s cooking, shrimp dumplings and sushi! I enjoyed his cook!
And we received the package from my mom in Japan!!
MOONSTRUCK (1987) Martini with Minestrone
Today, in honor of Valentine's Day, we are making and pairing a Martini with Minestrone from Moonstruck! The same meal Loretta's mother Rose (Olympia Dukakis) orders when she has dinner with a lethario college professor.
This episode was requested by my wonderful Aunt Jeanne so shout out and big thank you to her! And please keep those suggestions coming in the comments below!
Consuming Cinema is a show about making and pairing food and drinks from popular movies and tv shows. Join us next week when we make a pairing from The Simpsons!
Grandma Gina Minestrone:
1 28 Oz Can Peeled Tomatoes
1 Yellow Onion
3 Stalks Celery
3 Carrots
Italian Parsley
3-6 Cloves Garlic
2 C Green Beans
1 Russet Potato
8 oz Cannelini Beans
3 oz Gin
1 oz Dry Vermouth
Dash Fruit Bitters
00:00 - Start
00:14 - Movie & Pairing Summary
02:09 - How to Make Minestrone
05:53 - How to Make Martini
06:37 - Plating
07:10 - Taste Test & Review
08:27 - End Credits & Next Week Preview
Full recipes: puritanpictures.com/consumingcinema