Корнуэльский ⭐Шафрановый кекс????: на ЗАКВАСКЕ {Cornish Saffron Cake}
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Печем вкуснейший и нежнейший кекс-пирог на закваске. Это мой вариант Cornish Saffron Cake и, да простят меня англичане, я внесла свои коррективы.
????Шафрановое молоко:
150 гр. молока
0,5 чайной ложки шафрана
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125 гр. сливочного масла 82% жирности
25 граммов топлёного масла (или топлёного свиного жира)
100 гр. сахарной пудры
щепотка соли
¼ чайной ложки мускатного ореха
350 гр. сильной муки
+100 гр. дополнительной воды
250 гр. изюма
1 желток куриного яйца для смазывания
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Cornish Saffron Cake (Tezan Saffern) ◆ 1930s Recipe
★ About: “From time immemorial, Saffron-currant-cakes have been the boast of our Cornish house-wives” said the renowned Truro-born clergyman, poet and historian Richard Polwhele in his 1836 book ‘Reminiscences, in Prose and Verse (Etc.)’.
And in her 1890 book, Cornish Feasts and Folklore, Penzance poet and folklorist Margaret Ann Courtney explains that ‘in some parts of the county it is customary for each household to make a batch of currant cakes on Christmas Eve. These cakes are made in the ordinary manner, coloured with saffron, as is the custom in these parts. On this occasion the peculiarity of the cakes is, that a small portion of the dough in the centre of each top is pulled up and made into a form which resembles a very small cake on the top of the large one, and this centre piece is usually called “the Christmas”. Each person in a house has his or her especial cake, and every person ought to taste a small piece of ever other person’s cake. Similar cakes are also bestowed on the hangers-on of the establishment, such as laundresses, sempstresses, charwomen, &c.; and even some people who are in the receipt of weekly charity call as a matter of course, for the Christmas cakes. The cakes must not be cut until Christmas-day, it being probably “unlucky to eat them sooner.”’.
There is so much that has been written about Cornwall’s famous saffron cakes, yet before spotting this 1936 recipe written exactly a century after Mr Polwhele wrote of their heritage, we had yet to sample one ourselves. Saffron loaves and buns have been made in Cornwall since it was introduced to the county in the 14th century when it was traded for copper and tin. The colour of sunshine, this loaf is heavy with fruit and as soon as it comes out of the oven you can see that it’s something special.
We enjoyed a slice each fresh from the oven, one buttered and the other with a good spread of clotted cream and the 1930s rhubarb and ginger jam that we made not long ago. It was heavenly.
★ Ingredients:
14 oz / 400g Strong White Flour
¼ oz / 7g Fresh Yeast
213 ml Tepid Water
¼ tsp. Sugar
¼ tsp. Salt
¼ lb / 113g Caster Sugar
¼ lb / 113g Mixed Peel
¼ lb / 113g Butter
¼ lb / 113g Currants
¼ tsp Allspice
A pinch of Saffron
★ Full instructions: __________________________________________
★ Our Website: handeddown.co.uk ★ Instagram: @handeddown.uk __________________________________________
★ Book Details: Cookery Illustrated and Household Management (1936) By: Elizabeth Craig Publisher: Odhams Press Limited (Long Acre, London, W.C.2, England, U.K.) __________________________________________
♪ Music: Frozen In Love by Aakash Gandhi
Cornish Saffron Buns
Cornish Saffron buns have a wonderfully floral and earthy flavour. With a texture similar to Hot Cross Buns they are ideal with clotted cream, or toasted and with some butter.
0:00 Cornish Saffron Buns
2:09 Ingredients
4:52 Heat milk & infuse saffron
5:55 Add cream and butter
7:14 Make the dough and proof
11:42 Shape the buns
13:33 Rest buns and preheat the oven
14:02 Bake the buns
15:50 Taste Test
All the recipes on my blog:
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How to make cornish Saffron buns
500g plain flour
300ml warm milk
Large pinch of saffron
90g clottted cream
50g butter
1tsp salt
50g of caster sugar plus extra 50g for glazing.
7g yeast
100g chopped mixed peel orange, mine I'm using orange compote
200g raisins or dried currants.