How To make Blueberry Jam
2 lb Blaeberries
1/2 lb Rhubarb
2 lb Preserving sugar
(Blaeberries: AKAs bilberries, whortleberries) Wash, trim and roughly chop the rhubarb, put it into a pan and cook gently until it starts to soften. Stir in the sugar and when it has dissolved add the blaeberries and bring the jam to the boil. Boil it rapidly for up to 20 minutes to setting point. Cool slightly then pour into clean warm jars, cover, label and store. (Test for setting point: test the jam by placing a spoonful on a plate, letting it cool and then pushing the surface with your finger: if it wrinkles the jam is ready) From: Janet Warren, A feast of Scotland, Lomond Books, 1990, ISBN 1-85051-112-8
How To make Blueberry Jam's Videos
Canning Blueberry Jam - How to Make Delicious Preserves from Fresh Blueberries
It's blueberry time in the GLP kitchen! Today we're making a pot of amazing blueberry jam from several pounds of fresh Michigan blueberries.
This recipe is simple and easy to can, with just a few ingredients including just a hint of cinnamon. So let's jam!
Materials used in this video:
2Lb Bag of Fruit Pectin Powder
Hot Water Bath Canner (7 quart jars or 9 pint jars)
Canning Tools Set (6-piece tool kit)
Here's the basic recipe:
This batch yields between 5 and 6 pints (or between 10 and 12 half-pints)
4 lbs fresh blueberries
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon cinnamon
5 cups sugar
8 tablespoons pectin (powder)
Put blueberries in pot with lemon juice and water. Start heating for a couple minutes on high heat to let the berries begin to soften. Then mash thoroughly with a potato masher. Add sugar and cinnamon. Heat a couple more minutes and then stir in pectin. Keep heating, and bring to full rolling boil for 1-2 minutes. Turn off heat. If there is an excess of foam on top, skim most of it off and discard. Then can it right away. 1/2 headspace for pints, 1/4 headspace for half-pints. Process for 10 minutes (for pints and half pints).
???? Homemade BLUEBERRY JAM | EASY Step by Step Recipe with PECTIN
In this video we show you how you can make EASY BLUEBERRY JAM with Pectin. Really easy to give it a try. You will love it!
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How to Make Homemade Blueberry Jam
It's so easy and fun to make your own jam. Blueberry jam is one of my favorites!
This recipe makes 5 ½ x half pint jars – 5 to store or give as gifts and ½ for you to eat right away.
4 cups blueberries, crushed* (about 6 cups whole berries)
3 tbsp lemon juice
4 ½ tbsp classic pectin
3 cups sugar
* to crush blueberries, place in a single layer in the bottom of your pan and crush with a potato masher.
8 qt. pan for jam
Smaller pan for extra hot water
Large pan/stockpot for canning – I use a 21 qt. canner that has a jar rack as well.
6 half pint mason jars
Jar-lifting tongs
Magnetic lid lifter or tongs
Buy equipment you need here:
Waterbath Canner Starter Set -
Half Pint (8oz) Jars -
Ball Classic Pectin -
Ladle -
- wash jars and lids with hot and soapy water and rinse well.
- to sterilize jars, place jars in canner with just simmering water. Leave the jars in there until ready to use.
- warm lids (do not boil) in smaller pan.
- in 8 qt. pan, mix blueberries and lemon juice. Gradually stir in pectin.
- bring mixture to a boil on high heat, stirring constantly.
- add sugar all at once and stir to dissolve. Bring to a hard boil (that can't be stirred down) and then boil for 1 minute.
- remove from heat and ladle into hot jars. Fill to about ¼ inch from the top.
- make sure there's no jam on the rim of the jars that could affect the seal. Clean with a damp cloth.
- place lids on top of jars and screw on bands until finger tight.
- place jars in canner and lower into water. Make sure there's at least 2 inches of water over the top of the jars. Bring water to a boil and process jars for 10 min. Use the following chart to adjust water canning times for different altitudes:
Altitude (feet) Increase processing time
1001 - 3000 5 minutes
3001 - 6000 10 minutes
6001 - 8000 15 minutes
8001 - 10000 20 minutes
- turn off heat, remove lid and allow jars to sit for 5 min.
- remove jars from water and place on a towel for at least 12 hrs. During this time you'll hear each of the lids pop as they seal.
- check the jars have sealed properly – they shouldn't move up and down when you press in the middle of the lid. If a jar hasn't sealed, you can refrigerate it and eat it or you can process the jar again using a new lid.
- keep processed jars in a cool, dry and dark place. They will last for about 1 year.
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Blueberry Jam No pectin. And Husband finally makes cameo lol!????
This was a fun video to make. I much rather make jam without pectin now. The jam sets faster in my opinion. Side note, I think its cool my husband finally made a real appearance lol. @thecitysteadkitchen
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Ball Canning book -
Amish Canning Book -
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Related videos-
How to Pressure can -
Canning 101 -
Amish canning 101 -
3-Ingredient Blueberry Jam Recipe
This blueberry jam requires just 3 ingredients and 30 minutes of time. No pectin is needed here — just a bit of patience and a hankering for fresh, homemade blueberry jam.
#Blueberry #Jam #easyrecipe
Read Full Recipe:
How to Make Decadent, Delicious, Homemade Blueberry Jam - Super, Simple Summertime Recipe
How to make homemade blueberry jam - #HomemadeJam and Jelly is much easier than you might think - with most recipes taking just a handful of ingredients. This recipe for fresh, homemade #BlueberryJam is one of the simplest - with only five ingredients and half an hour required. The results are out of this world though, fresh homemade blueberry jam- simple, fresh and delicious! Your family will love it! Check out this quick video- even #BeginnerCooks will have great results!
For the recipe, visit:
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you want to save money and #BuyinBulk - great! But dealing iwth those large packages can be a little daunting at first. No worries - a #WholePorkLoin is far cheaper when bought, and it really is very simple to cut and package yourself. Check out this video to see this simple, easy recipe - even #BeginnerCooks will have great results!
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