Incredibly delicious lentil bread recipe! Gluten Free, No Yeast, No Flour! Easy lentil recipe!
Incredibly delicious lentil bread recipe! Gluten-Free, No Yeast, No Flour! Easy lentil recipe! This gluten free bread is so delicious and easy to make. No yeast and no flour needed to make the delicious lentils recipe! Learn the new way how to make vegan bread at home! It’s so easy! Happy cooking and wishing you a wonderful day! ???? ????
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???? Bread ingredients:
200g | 1 cup red split lentils
50ml | 4tbsp water
1tbsp oil
20g | 4tbsp psyllium husk
salt to taste
1/2tsp baking soda
1tbsp apple vinegar
???? Mushroom pate ingredients:
300g | 10oz mushrooms
1 chopped onion
100g | 1 cup walnuts
15g | 2/3 cup fresh parsley
1 or 2 garlic cloves
120ml | 1/2 cup mushrooms stock
salt and black pepper to taste
ℹ️ With the ingredients listed in the recipe you get about 6 bread rolls.
????????Cooking tips:
❗Feel free to add your best-loved herbs and spices to the recipe to get your favourite flavour.
❗Soak lentils for 3-8 hours [soaking helps it’s digestion and reduces cooking time]
❗For the bread rolls to hold together place rolls mixture to the fridge for 15-60 minutes. It works miracles and works like a binder ????
❗If you don't have any psyllium husk powder or prefer to replace it, you can substitute it for chia seeds or flax seeds. Replace it with a equal amount of ground chia seeds or ground flax seeds
???? Method:
Rinse 200g | 1 cup red split lentils with water.
Soak lentils in room temperature water for 3 hours.
ℹ️ You can soak lentils overnight.
To make vegan mushroom pate boil 300g | 10oz mushrooms in a lightly salted water for about 15 minutes.
Keep mushroom stock for later use.
Heat a little oil in a skillet.
Cook 1 chopped onion stirring constantly until translucent.
Set cooked mushrooms aside and let them cool down.
Add cooked onion, 100g | 1 cup walnuts, 15g | 2/3 cup fresh parsley, 1 or 2 garlic cloves, 120ml | 1/2 cup mushrooms stock, salt and black pepper to taste to a food processor.
Blend until smooth.
Add finely chopped mushrooms and combine with the mixture.
Garnish with pomegranate seeds and chopped parsley, set aside.
Now we are back to making delicious lentil bread.
Place soaked and drained lentils in to a bowl.
Add 50ml | 4tbsp water and 1tbsp oil.
Mash with a hand blender.
Add 20g | 4tbsp psyllium husk, salt to taste, 1/2tsp baking soda, 1tbsp apple vinegar.
ℹ️You can substitute psyllium husk for ground chia seeds or ground flax seeds.
Mix well and set aside for 5 minutes.
Shape bread rolls.
ℹ️ With the ingredients listed in the recipe you get about 6 lentil bread rolls.
Transfer to a parchment lined baking sheet.
Spray with oil and garnish with sesame seeds.
Bake in the preheated oven at360F | 180C for 25 minutes.
Serve lentil bread with delicious mushroom pate and enjoy! ???? ????
✅ℹ️On my vegan recipes channel you will find many more easy budget recipes! You will learn how to cook delicious plant based dishes with little time and on a budget with ingredients anyone can afford.
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#recipe #vegan #wecookvegan
Dank diesem Brot ohne Mehl aus roten Linsen habe ich abgenommen. Nützlich und sehr lecker
Dank diesem Brot ohne Mehl aus roten Linsen habe ich abgenommen. Nützlich und sehr lecker
Viel Spaß bei der Vorstellung!
Rezept und Zutaten:
200g Linsen.
Mit Wasser aufgießen und mindestens 2 Stunden stehen lassen.
Das Wasser muss jetzt abgelassen werden.
30 ml Olivenöl.
80 ml Wasser.
ein wenig Zitronensaft.
1/2 Teelöffel Salz.
1 Teelöffel Kurkuma.
5g Backtriebmittel.
Woher kommst du?
schreibe in die Kommentare.
Ich mag Grüße aus verschiedenen Ländern sehr.
zerkleinere sie mit einem Mixer.
2 Esslöffel Reismehl.
2 Esslöffel Psyllium.
Gut mischen.
15 Minuten quellen lassen.
Ich füge getrockneten Knoblauch hinzu.
1 Teelöffel getrockneten Dill.
Gut mischen.
Den Teig ausbreiten und in eine Brotform bringen.
mache die Einschnitte.
mit Kreuzkümmel bestreuen.
Im Backofen 50-60 Minuten bei 200°C backen.
Das Brot ist fertig!
Schau, wie schön es ist!
Diätbrot für diejenigen
die kein Weizenbrot essen.
gesund und lecker!
es ist Zeit, es zu probieren!
Guten Appetit!
Ich werde die Soße machen.
schwarzer Pfeffer.
rösten für 5 bis 7 Minuten.
50 g Hüttenkäse.
2 Esslöffel saure Sahne oder Oigurt.
mit einem Mixer zerkleinern.
die Sauce ist fertig!
Sie wird perfekt zum Brot passen.
Ich würde es gerne probieren.
Guten Appetit!
Danke fürs Zuschauen, Kommentieren und Liken!
Auf meinem Kanal siehst du viele gesunde Süßigkeiten, keinen Zucker, kein Gluten, kein Mehl, kein Backen, keine Eier. Viele Süßigkeiten zum Tee, Kekse, Kuchen, Muffins, Kuchen, Süßigkeiten, gesundes Brot, Rezepte für gesundes Brot, gemütliches Frühstück, Hüttenkäse-Kleinigkeiten. Einfache und schnelle Rezepte, die jeder in 5 Minuten kochen kann.
Do you have green lentils and pasta at home? Easy Recipes
???????? Subtitles!!! The video has subtitles in different languages. Don't forget to turn on subtitles!!
Do you have green lentils and pasta at home? Easy Recipes
#easy #pasta #food
2 cups of pasta
1 cup green lentils
2 cloves of garlic
1 onion
1 red capia pepper
1 teaspoon of tomato sauce
1 tablespoon of butter
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
Black pepper
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طبخة عدس مع الباذنجان طعمها فاق توقعاتي ???? Cooking a delicious lentil and eggplant recipe
طبخة عدس مع الباذنجان طعمها فاق توقعاتي ????
Cooking a lentil and eggplant recipe that tasted beyond my expectations ????
كوب واحد (200 جرام) من العدس الأحمر
حبتان باذنجان (600 جرام).
حبتان من البطاطس (500 جرام)
زيت الزيتون
فلفل اسود
مسحوق شطة
مسحوق الثوم
زيت نباتي
بصلة واحدة (250 جرام) مفرومة
خمس فصوص ثوم مبشورة
ملعقة كبيرة كمون
ملعقة كبيرة كزبرة
ملعقة كبيرة من مسحوق الفلفل الحار أو الفلفل الحلو
ملعقة صغيرة فلفل أسود
ملعقة صغيرة كركم
ماء ساخن
ملعقتان كبيرتان معجون طماطم (40 جرام).
ثلاث حبات طماطم (350 جرام).
فلفل حار (اختياري)
كزبرة مفرومة
ملعقتان كبيرتان زبدة (30 جرام).
ملعقة صغيرة من مسحوق الفلفل الحار أو الفلفل الحلو
تقدم مع الخبز أو الارز
اغسل كوبًا واحدًا (200 جرام) من العدس الأحمر وانقعه لمدة 30 دقيقة.
قطّع حبتين من الباذنجان (600 جرام) وبطاطس (500 جرام) إلى مكعبات.
ضع مكعبات الباذنجان والبطاطس على صينية للخبز مع ورق الزبدة.
يرش زيت الزيتون ويتبل بالملح والفلفل الأسود ومسحوق الفلفل الحار ومسحوق الثوم.
نشوي الباذنجان والبطاطس في درجة حرارة 400 فهرنهايت (200 درجة مئوية) لمدة 30 دقيقة.
في قدر أو مقلاة ، اقلي 250 جرام من البصل المفروم وخمسة فصوص من الثوم المبشور.
يتبل بالكمون والكزبرة ومسحوق الفلفل الحار والفلفل الأسود والكركم.
أضف الماء الساخن ومعجون الطماطم (40 جرام) وثلاث طماطم (350 جرام) والفلفل الحار اختياري.
يضاف العدس المنقوع ويغطى بأربعة أكواب من الماء الساخن.
يُطهى على نار متوسطة لمدة 30 دقيقة.
أضف الباذنجان المخبوز والبطاطس وكوبًا آخر من الماء الساخن.
يُطهى لمدة 10 دقائق ، ثم يُضاف الكزبرة المفرومة.
في مقلاة صغيرة ، ذوب ملعقتين كبيرتين من الزبدة (30 جرام) مع ملعقة صغيرة من مسحوق الفلفل الحار أو الفلفل الحلو.
يُسكب مزيج الزبدة فوق العدس ويُزين بالكزبرة.
تقدم مع الخبز أو الأرز. يتمتع!
Subtitles for all languages are available for this video. Feel free to activate it. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the channel and turn on the ???? notification to watch our latest videos. Tell us what you think about this recipe in the comments section, even with an emoji ????. We love your feedback.
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One cup (200 grams) red lentils
Two eggplants (600 grams)
Two potatoes (500 grams)
Olive oil
Black pepper
Chili powder
Garlic powder
Vegetable oil
One onion (250 grams), chopped
Five cloves of garlic, grated
One tbsp cumin
One tbsp coriander
One tbsp chili powder or paprika
One tsp black pepper
One tsp turmeric
Hot water
Two tbsp tomato paste (40 grams)
Three tomatoes (350 grams)
Hot pepper (optional)
Chopped coriander
Two tbsp butter (30 grams)
One tsp chili powder or paprika
Serve with bread or rice.
Wash one cup (200 grams) of red lentils and soak for 30 minutes.
Cut two eggplants (600 grams) and two potatoes (500 grams) into cubes.
Place the eggplant and potato cubes on a baking pan with parchment paper.
Drizzle olive oil and season with salt, black pepper, chili powder, and garlic powder.
Bake at 400°F (200°C) for 30 minutes.
In a pot or wok, sauté 250 grams of chopped onion and five cloves of grated garlic.
Season with cumin, coriander, chili powder, black pepper, and turmeric.
Add hot water, tomato paste (40 grams), three tomatoes (350 grams), and optional hot pepper.
Add the soaked lentils and cover with four cups of hot water.
Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes.
Add the baked eggplant and potatoes, and one more cup of hot water.
Cook for 10 minutes, then add chopped coriander.
In a small pan, melt two tbsps of butter (30 grams) with one tsp of chili powder or paprika.
Pour the butter mixture over the lentils and garnish with coriander.
Serve with bread or rice. Enjoy!
Incredible! This lentil recipe is better than meat! Protein rich delicious lentils recipe [Vegan]
The tastiest lentils recipe I have ever tried! Perfect for the whole family! Best way to eat lentils! Eggless and dairy-free! This easy vegan recipe / vegetarian recipe is so delicious and great for everyone! So few people know this high protein recipe and cooking lentils like that. It’s delicious, easy and simple recipe! Learn the new way how to cook lentils! Happy cooking and wishing you a wonderful day! ???? ????
???? Let me know in the comments if you enjoy my vegan recipes.
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ℹ️ This dish serves 4
???? Ingredients:
120g | 1/2 cup green lentils
100g | 1/2 cup raw chickpeas
1 onion
1 garlic clove
1 carrot
black pepper and salt to taste
1tbsp psyllium husk
1tsp ground cumin
1/2tsp Korean chilli flakes (gochugaru)
Fresh parsley
???? Sauce ingredients:
1 chopped bell pepper
1 garlic clove
14oz | 400g | 2 cups tomato passata
1tbsp liquid sweetener of your choice
1tsp paprika
salt to taste
????????Cooking tips:
❗Feel free to add your favourite herbs and spices to the recipe to get your favourite flavour.
❗ If you do not have Korean chilli flakes (gochugaru) you can substitute it for crushed red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper.
❗ As a liquid sweetener you can use any of these: agave nectar, honey, maple syrup, coconut syrup, pancake syrup, date nectar, barley malt syrup, tapioca syrup, cane syrup, simple syrup, molasses.
????????Cooking tips:
❗Feel free to add your favourite herbs and spices to the recipe to get your favourite flavour.
❗ If you do not have Korean chilli flakes (gochugaru) you can substitute it for crushed red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper.
❗ As a liquid sweetener you can use any of these: agave nectar, honey, maple syrup, coconut syrup, pancake syrup, date nectar, barley malt syrup, tapioca syrup, cane syrup, simple syrup, molasses.
❗Psyllium husk alternatives include chia seeds or flax seeds.
???? Method:
Soak 120g | 1/2 cup green lentils and 100g | 1/2 cup uncooked chickpeas for 8 hours (overnight).
Rinse soaked green lentils with water.
Place to a food processor.
Rinse uncooked and soaked chickpeas with water.
Place to a food processor.
Blend until mostly smooth.
Chop 1 onion and 1 garlic clove.
Grate 1 carrot.
Cook chopped onion, garlic and grated carrot in a pan on medium heat for 5 minutes.
Place green lentils and chickpeas mixture to a mixing bowl.
Season with black pepper and salt to taste.
Add 1tbsp psyllium husk, 1tsp ground cumin, 1/2tsp Korean chilli flakes (gochugaru).
ℹ️If you do not have Korean chilli flakes (gochugaru) you can substitute it for crushed red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper.
Chop some parsley or scilantro and add to the lentils mixture.
Mix well and refrigerate for 15-30 minutes.
ℹ️ Refrigerating the mixture work as as a binder and helps to hold lentil balls together.
Drizzle or spray baking dish with oil.
Gently roll the mixture into balls. Each ball weight should be about 25-30g | 1oz.
Drizzle or spray with oil and bake in the preheated oven at 425F | 220C for 15 minutes.
Add a little oil to a skillet.
Add 1 chopped bell pepper.
Chop 1 garlic clove and add to the skillet.
Cook on medium heat for about 3 minutes.
Add 14oz | 400g | 2 cups tomato passata and 1tbsp liquid sweetener.
ℹ️ As a liquid sweetener you can use any of these: agave nectar, honey, maple syrup, coconut syrup, pancake syrup, date nectar, barley malt syrup, tapioca syrup, cane syrup, simple syrup, molasses.
Season with 1tsp paprika and salt to taste.
Mix well and simmer for about 10 minutes.
Transfer baked lentil balls in to sauce and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Enjoy this delicious lentils recipe! ???? ????
✅ℹ️On my vegan recipes channel you will find many more easy budget recipes! You will learn how to cook delicious plant based dishes with little time and on a budget with ingredients anyone can afford.
❤️My friends if you like this video you can help to grow and develop the channel:
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WRITE A COMMENT, ask me a question and share your cooking ideas! I will be more than happy to answer all comments.
Thank you so much for watching my video and see you again soon! ???? ???? ????
#recipe #vegan #lentilrecipe
وصفة شوربة عدس تركية فاجأتني بطعمها! سهلة ولذيذة وصحية! Healthy and Easy Turkish Lentil Soup
وصفة شوربة عدس تركية فاجأتني بطعمها! سهلة ولذيذة وصحية!
Turkish lentil soup recipe that surprised me with its taste! Easy, Delicious and Healthy!
تتوفر ترجمات لهذا الفيديو. لا تتردد في تفعيله. إذا كنت قد استمتعت بهذا الفيديو ، فيرجى الاشتراك في القناة وتشغيل الإخطار ???? لمشاهدة أحدث مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا. أخبرنا برأيك في هذه الوصفة في قسم التعليقات ، حتى باستخدام رمز تعبيري ????. نحن نحب ملاحظاتك.
اشترك في قناتي ليتم تحديثها بأحدث وصفاتي
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المكونات وطريقة عمل شوربة العدس التركي
اغسل كوبين من العدس الأحمر وانقعه في
ماء لمدة 20 دقيقة
أضف القليل من زيت الزيتون في وعاء
ويطهى البصل (150 جرام) حتى يتكرمل
ثم أضف المكونات التالية:
جزر (170 جرام)
بطاطس (200 جرام)
ثلاث فصوص ثوم (15 جرام).
الطماطم (220 جرام)
أضف العدس
ملح حسب الرغبة وملعقة صغيرة من البابريكا ، نصف ملعقة صغيرة من الفلفل الأسود والكركم
أوراق الغار
غطها بالماء الساخن
اطبخ الحساء على نار متوسطة لمدة 30 دقيقة
ثم قم بإزالة أوراق الغار
اخلط الحساء للحصول على قوام سلس
في مقلاة منفصلة نذوب الزبدة (45 جرام) مع ملعقة صغيرة من البابريكا لمدة دقيقتين
اسكبه فوق الحساء عند تقديمه.
Subtitles are available for this video. Feel free to activate it. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the channel and turn on the ???? notification to watch our latest videos. Tell us what you think about this recipe in the comments section, even with an emoji ????. We love your feedback.
Ingredients and how to make the Turkish lentil soup
Wash two cups of red lentils and soak it in cold water for 20 minutes
In a pot add a little bit of olive oil
and cook the onions (150 grams) until they caramelize
Then, add the following ingredients:
Carrots (170 grams)
Potatoes (200 grams)
Three cloves of garlic (15 grams)
Tomatoes (220 grams)
Add the lentil
Salt to taste and one tsp of paprika, nad half a tsp each of black pepper and turmeric
Bay leaves
Cover with hot water
Cook the soup over medium heat for 30 minutes
Then remove the bay leaves
Blend the soup to a smooth consistency
In a separate pan melt the butter (45 grams) with one tsp of paprika for 2 minutes
Pour it over the soup when you serve it.