Unglaublich leckere Zucchini! Kein Fleisch!????2 schnelle und einfache Zucchini Rezepte # 196
Unglaublich leckere Zucchini! Kein Fleisch! 2 schnelle und einfache Zucchini-Rezepte. Diese 2 Typen, Zucchini zu kochen, sind so schnell und lecker, dass Sie sie mindestens jeden Tag kochen können. Günstig und schnell, ohne Fleisch, naja, sehr leckere Zucchini!
Rezept Nr. 1
500 g Zucchini
2 Esslöffel Olivenöl
2 Knoblauchzehen
1 Esslöffel Paprika
1 Esslöffel Balsamico-Essig
1 Esslöffel brauner Zucker
1 Esslöffel Sesam
Rezept Nr. 2
Ich mache diese Zucchini jedes Wochenende. Einfaches Rezept für ein Abendessen in 10 Minuten.
Mittelgroße Zucchini
Auf einer großen Reibe reiben
Gut salzen
1 teelöffel Zucker
Die Tomate in Würfel schneiden
Drücken Sie den Saft gut
2 Eier
1 teelöffel Paprika
1 Tasse Mehl
Öl zum Braten
Fry für 5 Minuten auf jeder Seite
Guten Appetit!????????
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Food Sovereignty with Kanina Terry - May 27, 4–5:30pm
As we move through the month of May and the new moon, we are reminded that this is the time for planting. Food is on our minds, when should we plant, what should we plant, what can we harvest, how can we best honour the gifts that Creator has given us? This month we welcome a special guest who has focused their ways of life on food sovereignty, living from the land and what it provides. Join us as they lead us through a cook-a-long followed by a presentation on their journey of reclaiming traditional food practices.
Kanina Terry
Kanina Terry is Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) from Obishikokaang (Lac Seul First Nation) and lives in the traditional territory of Obishikokaang, in Sioux Lookout, Ontario. She is passionate about her son and family, food, hide tanning, and creating things with her hands. Kanina is determined to reclaim knowledge and skills denied her as a result of assimilation, colonialism, and residential schools. A trained chef, former caterer, and culinary arts instructor, Kanina has been working with food, specifically Indigenous foods, recipe development, education, resources and systems since 2013.
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Celebrating the Jewish food of Italy - New Day NW
Italian cooking is as varied as the regions in Italy. There's also a centuries-long but little-known tradition of Jewish cooking in Italy.
In her new book, Cooking alla Giudia, Benedetta Jasmine Guetta pays tribute to the culinary heritage of Jews in Italy.
She joined the show to share a few recipes from the book!
Concia di zucchini / Fried Zucchini in a Garlic-Herb Marinade
Starting in the spring and then all the way to the end of summer, fried zucchini is a staple recipe on every Roman Jewish family’s Shabbat menu. Any type of zucchini will work, but in Rome, concia is made with the special Italian zucchini called zucchine romanesche; they are small and light green with thin, pale stripes and have beautiful flowers. If you can’t find them, try Persian zucchini or Mexican squash.
This marinated fried zucchini dish is generally made ahead, to ensure that the flavors blend well, and is served as a starter or a side, but it also makes the best snack on top of crusty pizza bianca, or sandwiched between two slices of crunchy bread such as ossi.
Serves 4 to 6 as a starter or side dish
-2¼ pounds (1 kg) zucchini
-Sunflower or peanut oil for deep-frying
-3 garlic cloves, finely minced
-A handful of parsley or basil leaves, or both, finely chopped (see Variations)
-¼ teaspoon kosher salt
-Freshly ground black pepper
-½ cup (120 ml) white wine vinegar
-3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1. Slice the zucchini lengthwise into ¼-inch-thick (6 mm) strips. People debate the best way to slice the zucchini for this dish; some like to cut the slices at an angle to obtain wide ovals instead of strips. Any shape will do as long as your slices are even in thickness.
2. If you are not pressed for time, let the zucchini slices dry on a baking sheet lined with paper towels for a couple of hours, so they lose some of their moisture. If you are in a hurry, go straight to frying.
3. Pour about 2 inches (5 cm) of sunflower or peanut oil into a large saucepan and heat over medium heat until a deep-fry thermometer reads 350°F (180°C). (You could use a deep skillet for frying if you prefer, but I find that a saucepan helps contain the oil if it bubbles up too much.) You can test the oil by dropping a small piece of zucchini into it: if it sizzles nicely but doesn’t bubble up too wildly, the oil is ready.
4. Working in batches to avoid crowding, gently place some zucchini slices into the pan, making sure that they all lie flat and do not overlap. Fry, turning once, for about 5 minutes, until deeply golden, almost brown. Transfer the slices to a tray lined with paper towels to drain and continue frying the zucchini in batches.
5. Place one-third of the fried zucchini in one layer in a deep rectangular dish. Sprinkle with some of the minced garlic, herbs, and salt and season with pepper to taste. Repeat with two more layers, finishing with one last sprinkle of minced garlic, herbs, salt, and pepper.
6. Cover the zucchini with the vinegar, top with the olive oil, and refrigerate for at least 5 hours, and up to 24 hours. Bring to room temperature to serve.
7. Leftovers keep well in the fridge, covered with plastic wrap or in an airtight container, for a couple of days.
You can swap eggplant for the zucchini to make concia di melanzane.
Some concia recipes feature parsley, some basil, some both parsley and basil, and some mint. Find your favorite combination!
Excerpted from Cooking alla Giudia by Benedetta Jasmine Guetta (Artisan Books). Copyright © 2022.
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Conserva di Peperoni sott'olio
6 peperoni (rossi, gialli e verdi)
500 ml di aceto di vino bianco
500 ml di acqua
350 ml di vino bianco
2 cucchiaini di sale fino
circa 850 ml di olio evo
200 gr di capperi senza sale
20-25 olive nere
una manciata di origano
un aglio per vasetto
N.B.: consiglio di sterilizzare i vasetti prima dell'uso.
Le olive si possono usare anche quelle denocciolate, io ho usato quelle di Gaeta con nocciolo
Gnocchis maison au thermomix, très facile !
pour 2 personnes :
- 125 g de farine
- 225 g ricotta
- 3 pincées de sel
- 1 pincée noix de muscade
- 40 g de fromage (parmesan, gruyère...)
- Eau bouillante salé
Bon appétit !
ZUCCHINELLA | scrocchiarella di zucchine facilissima ???? | Life&Chiara
ZUCCHINELLA ???? ecco la mia schiacciatine super croccante e buonissima! Ormai me la preparo tutte le settimane, è buonissima e per farla ci vogliono solo 5 minuti!
Vi lascio qui i miei trucchetti:
⁃A piacere possiamo aggiungere le spezie che più ci piacciono
⁃Possiamo realizzarla con la farina che abbiamo in casa come anche farina 0, di farro, d’avena
• 2 zucchine
•1 cipolla rossa
•pepe e sale a piacere
•50g di farina di riso
•50g di farina di mais
•100ml di acqua
•olio d’oliva
•farina di mais
•formaggio grattugiato
Per prima cosa tagliamo a fettine sottili le zucchine e la cipolla rossa con l’aiuto di una mandolina. Aggiungiamo anche la farina di mais e la farina di riso, sale, pepe a piacere e mescoliamo bene. Uniamo a questo punto l’acqua e continuiamo a mescolare bene. Trasferiamo il nostro impasto su una teglia 25x30 con carta forno ben oliata. Livelliamola bene e guarniamola con farina di mais e formaggio grattugiato. Cuociamo in forno ventilato a 180 gradi per circa 20-25 minuti, fino a quando sarà ben dorata.
#zucchinella #zucchine #ricettafacile #recipe #new #schiacciatina #croccante #zucchini