How to make Authentic German Rouladen
In this video, I am showing a classic recipe for German Rouladen. Easy to make they are the perfect comfort food for the fall and winter season.
0:00 Intro
2:01 What cut of meat to use
3:06 Cooking methods & vessels
3:38 Useful tools & equipment
6:07 Recipe
10:57 How to serve German Rouladen
11:26 Outro
***** Find the FULL RECIPE here:
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German Mustard
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#Rouladen #GermanRouladen #EasyDinner
My Authentic Beef Rouladen || Austrian Beef Rouladen Recipe
My Authentic Beef Rouladen are coming to you from my native country AUSTRIA.???????? However beef rouladen started in french cuisine???????? and then they made it over into Italian cuisine????????, yet the Germans always think it has been their authentic beef rouladen dish????????. Austrian Beef Rouladen Recipe. Either way it is a great dish for celebration and company coming.❤️
#rouladen #BeefRouladen #MonikaCzerveniak
Serve Spatzle with it :
It is all about the basics of cooking. First, learn simple chef techniques to apply in your kitchen.
Then, rid yourself of being a prisoner of recipes, become a fearless cook and design your own creations.
Authentic German Rouladen Recipe
This authentic German Rouladen is a classic but casual comfort food your family or guests will love. The beef rolls are filled with toppings you might expect on a hot dog, including German mustard and diced onions, along with bacon and salty pickles. The dish can be served with traditional boiled potatoes and red cabbage or starchy sides such as dumplings or spätzle.
#recipes #germanfood #beef
Read Full Recipe:
German Beef Rouladen like my Grandmother made! Over 3 Generation-Old recipe.
You can’t go wrong with beef, bacon and rich gravy! This recipe is without pickles. Feel free to add a few slices if you like! Thin slices of steak with just the right ingredients, rolled up and braised to perfection. #germanfood, #oktoberfest, #food, #yummy
6 Thin Sliced Beef Steaks
1 Large Onion Finely Chopped
2 Cups Parsley Finely Chopped
1/2 Cup Dijon Mustard
12-15 Slices of Quality Thin Sliced Bacon
2 Cups Rich Beef Broth/ Stock
1/2 Cup Red Wine
2 Cups Mushrooms (optional)
12 Toothpicks
2-3 Tbs. Flour
2 Tbs. Olive Oil
1 Pad Butter
Salt and Pepper to taste
Filing and Rolling the Rouladen:
Start by laying down a big sheet of foil on your work surface.
Place steaks separately on the foil.
Brush steaks with light even layer of mustard.
Season lightly with salt and pepper.
Layer on the bacon (I like to cover entire surface, but one piece is sufficient).
Sprinkle on chopped onions (thin layer)
Add thin layer of chopped parsley.
Roll up steaks as tightly as you can, securing with toothpicks. (2 toothpicks per roulade).
Repeat these steps for remaining steaks.
Browning and Braising the Rouladen:
Heat a heavy high sided pan. Add the 2 Tbs, olive oil and butter pad to hot pan.
Place roulades in pan SEAM SIDE DOWN for the first browning. This will help keep them together.
As they brown, gently turn to get all sides.
Once browned, lower heat and remove from pan and place on plate off to the side.
Add remaining chopped onions to the hot pan, along with optional mushrooms.
Saute until brown and soft, when liquid forms.
Add your 2-1 Tbs, flour and stir to form a roux.
Add 2 Cups beef broth to the roux and stir.
Add 1 tsp each salt/pepper.
Simmer vigorously until sauce thickens.
Add 1/2 Cup red wine and stir.
Add browned roulades back to the pan, turning them to coat in the sauce.
Bring heat down to a simmer and cover with lid.
Simmer 90 mins, turning roulade from time to time during cooking process.
With 30 mins left to cook, check sauce. If you would like thicker sauce, make a flour and water slurry and add 2- 3 Tbs to sauce and stir well. The sauce will thicken to a gravy.
After 90 mins, Serve hot with your favorite accompaniment.
** The mushroom addition is something I started to add a few years ago and really like! If you prefer the more traditional method than omit the mushrooms !????**
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Rouladen Selber Machen (Rezept) || German Beef Roulades (Recipe)
Klassische Rinderrouladen Selber Machen, gefüllt mit Speck, Zwiebeln & Gewürzgurken. || Homemade German Beef Roulades, stuffed with bacon, onions & gherkins.
Für das Rezept benötigen Wir folgende Zutaten || For the recipe we need the following ingredients:
Zutaten für 4 Portionen: || Ingredients for 4 servings:
...für die Rouladen: || ...for the roulades:
•4 Rouladen vom Rind (je 200 - 250 Gramm) || 4 beef roulades (each 200 - 250 grams)
•8 Scheiben Frühstücksspeck || 8 slices bacon
•2 große Gewürzgurken || 2 large gherkins
•1 Zwiebel || 1 onion
•Senf || Mustard
•Salz & Pfeffer || Salt & pepper
...weitere Zutaten: || ...more ingredients:
•1 Bund Suppengrün || 1 bunch mirepoix
•500 Milliliter Rinderfond || 500 milliliters beef stock
•250 Milliliter Rotwein || 250 milliliters red wine
•2 - 3 Zwiebeln || 2 - 3 onions
•1 - 2 Knoblauchzehen || 1 - 2 clove(s) garlic
•1 gehäufter Esslöffel Tomatenmark || 1 heaping tablespoon tomato paste
•Je 4 - 5 Nelken, Pimentkörner & Wacholderbeeren || 4 - 5 cloves, allspice seeds & juniper berries
•Je 1 - 2 Zweige Rosmarin & Thymian || 1 - 2 branches rosemary & thyme
•2 Lorbeerblätter || 2 bay leaves
•Salz & Pfeffer || Salt & pepper
•Öl oder Butterschmalz zum Anbraten || Oil or clarified butter for frying
•1 gehäufter Teelöffel Speisestärke + 2 - 3 Esslöffel Wasser zum Abbinden der Sauce || 1 heaping teaspoon cornstarch + 2 - 3 tablespoons water to thicken the sauce
Küchenhelfer || Kitchen gadgets:
•Frischhaltefolie || Cling film
•Plattiereisen || Meat tenderizer
•Zahnstocher zum Fixieren der Rouladen || Toothpicks to fix the roulades
•Topf oder große Pfanne mit Deckel || Pot or large pan with lid
•Feines Sieb || fine sieve
•Tasse zum Anrühren der Speisestärke || Cup to stir together cornstarch & water
•Alufolie || Aluminum foil
Das komplette Rezept zum Nachlesen findet ihr hier:
The complete recipe for future reference can be found here:
Viel Spass beim Nachmachen ;) || Enjoy cooking ;)
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how to make beef rouladen | beef roulade and german apple potatoes.
in this video I go over a way to make beef rouladen which is just roulade. I also make German mashed potatoes with apples in them.