Star-Shaped Danish
These star-shaped danishes are a traditional finnish christmas delicacy. So easy to make and such delicious thing to eat :)! All you need are some pastry sheets and prune marmalade.
Music: Melodius Christmas (Christmas/AudioJungle)
Puff Pastry 4 Ways
Here is what you'll need!
Cream Cheese Filling
1 8-ounce block cream cheese
¼ cup granulated sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
In a medium bowl, mix cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until smooth.
Strawberry Pastry Diamond
Makes 9 pastries
1 sheet thawed puff pastry
5 strawberries, halved with stems removed
9 tablespoons Cream Cheese Filling, recipe above
powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Cut the puff pastry into 9 equal squares.
Taking one of the squares, fold one of the edges to the opposite edge.
Leaving a ½ centimeter border, cut about ¾ of the way from the bottom of the triangle to the tip on both sides, making sure the cuts do not touch.
Unfold the square.
Taking the top flap, fold it towards the 2 cuts near the bottom.
Take the bottom flap and fold it towards the top edge.
Place about a tablespoon of the cream cheese filling in the middle, then place a strawberry half on top.
Repeat with the remaining pastry squares.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until pastry is golden brown and puffed.
Serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar!
Raspberry Pastry Flower
Makes 4 pastries
1 sheet thawed puff pastry
20 raspberries
4 tablespoons Cream Cheese Filling, recipe above
Powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Cut the puff pastry into 4 equal squares.
Leaving a ½ centimeter border, make 8 total cuts along the edges of the square, with each cut going about ⅓ of the way through the length of the edge. Make sure the cuts do not touch.
Place a tablespoon of the cream cheese filling in the middle of the square, then top with 4 raspberries.
Take one of the edge flaps and fold it towards the center, looping over the raspberry. Repeat with the other flaps. Place a raspberry in the center, on top of where all the flaps overlap.
Repeat with the remaining pastry squares.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until pastry is golden brown and puffed.
Serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar!
Blueberry Pastry Pinwheel
Makes 9 pastries
1 sheet thawed puff pastry
36 blueberries
9 tablespoons Cream Cheese Filling, recipe above
Powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Cut the puff pastry into 9 equal squares.
Make 4 cuts on each square, with each cut starting from the outside corners of the square and stopping just short of the center.
Take one of the flaps and fold it towards the center. Fold every other flap towards the center until you have created a pinwheel shape.
Place about a tablespoon of the cream cheese filling in the middle, then place 4 blueberries on top.
Repeat with the remaining pastry squares.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until pastry is golden brown and puffed.
Serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
Danish Braid Prune Filling recipe
Danish Braid Prune Filling
This is a super easy recipe and super delicious
This is from Julia Child’s book, “Baking with Julia”. ISBN 0-688-14657-0
It's Ninik Becker! Today's recipe is Prunes Pastry. You'll know how to make this puff buttery pastry with dried prunes. Stay tuned!
#Prunes #Baking #Pastry
More recipes @NinikBeckerEatLover
Pastry fill dried prunes
A handful of dried prunes, chopped.
7g (2½ tsp) active dry yeast
25g (2 tbsp) sugar
250ml (1 cup) warm milk
1 large egg
42g (3 tbsp) butter
375g (3 cups) all-purpose flour
5g (1 tsp) salt
1 egg yolk + 1 tbsp milk, to apply to the dough.
Butter to spread on the dough
Baking time: 25 - 30 minutes
Baking temp: 200°C
Pastry isi plum kering
Segenggam plum kering, cincang.
7g (2½ sdt) ragi kering aktif
25g (2 sdm) gula pasir
250ml (1 cangkir) susu hangat
1 telur besar
42g (3 sdm) mentega
375g (3 cangkir) tepung serbaguna
5g (1 sdt) garam
1 kuning telur + 1 sdm susu, untuk dioleskan ke adonan.
Mentega untuk dioleskan pada adonan
Waktu memanggang: 25 - 30 menit
Suhu pemanggangan: 200 ° C
Gebäck füllen getrocknete Pflaumen
Eine Handvoll getrocknete Pflaumen, gehackt.
7 g (2½ TL) aktive Trockenhefe
25 g (2 EL) Zucker
250 ml (1 Tasse) warme Milch
1 großes Ei
42 g (3 EL) Butter
375 g (3 Tassen) Allzweckmehl
5 g (1 TL) Salz
1 Eigelb + 1 EL Milch, auf den Teig auftragen.
Butter auf den Teig streichen
Backzeit: 25 - 30 Minuten
Backtemperatur: 200°C
Γεμίστε τα αποξηραμένα δαμάσκηνα ζαχαροπλαστικής
Μια χούφτα αποξηραμένα δαμάσκηνα, ψιλοκομμένα.
7 g (2½ κουταλάκι του γλυκού) δραστική ξηρή μαγιά
25 γραμμάρια (2 κουταλιές της σούπας) ζάχαρη
250 ml (1 φλιτζάνι) ζεστό γάλα
1 μεγάλο αυγό
42 γραμμάρια (3 κουταλιές της σούπας) βούτυρο
375 g (3 φλιτζάνια) αλεύρι για όλες τις χρήσεις
5 g (1 κουταλάκι του γλυκού) αλάτι
1 κρόκο αυγού + 1 κ.γ γάλα, για να το εφαρμόσετε στη ζύμη.
Βούτυρο για να αλείψετε τη ζύμη
Χρόνος ψησίματος: 25 - 30 λεπτά
Θερμοκρασία ψησίματος: 200°C
ملء المعجنات برقوق مجفّف
حفنة من البرقوق المجفف المفروم.
7 جم (2½ ملعقة صغيرة) خميرة جافة نشطة
25 جم (2 ملعقة كبيرة) سكر
250 مل (1 كوب) حليب دافئ
1 بيضة كبيرة
42 جم (3 ملاعق كبيرة) زبدة
375 غ (3 أكواب) دقيق لجميع الأغراض
5 جم (1 ملعقة صغيرة) ملح
1 صفار بيضة + 1 ملعقة كبيرة لبن ، لتطبق على العجينة.
يُدهن الزبدة على العجينة
وقت الخبز: 25 - 30 دقيقة
درجة حرارة الخبز: 200 درجة مئوية
Relleno de masa de ciruelas pasas secas
Un puñado de ciruelas secas picadas.
7 g (2½ cucharaditas) de levadura seca activa
25 g (2 cucharadas) de azúcar
250 ml (1 taza) de leche tibia
1 huevo grande
42 g (3 cucharadas) de mantequilla
375 g (3 tazas) de harina para todo uso
5 g (1 cucharadita) de sal
1 yema de huevo + 1 cucharada de leche, para aplicar a la masa.
Mantequilla para untar sobre la masa
Tiempo de horneado: 25 - 30 minutos
Temperatura de horneado: 200°C
Ameixas secas de recheio de pastelaria
Um punhado de ameixas secas picadas.
7g (2½ colheres de chá) de fermento biológico seco
25g (2 colheres de sopa) de açúcar
250ml (1 xícara) de leite morno
1 ovo grande
42g (3 colheres de sopa) de manteiga
375g (3 xícaras) de farinha de trigo
5g (1 colher de chá) de sal
1 gema de ovo + 1 colher de sopa de leite, para aplicar na massa.
Manteiga para passar na massa
Tempo de forno: 25 - 30 minutos
Temperatura de cozimento: 200°C
Начинка для теста сушеным черносливом
Горсть сушеного чернослива, нарезанного.
7 г (2½ чайной ложки) активных сухих дрожжей
25 г (2 ст. л.) сахара
250 мл (1 стакан) теплого молока
1 большое яйцо
42 г (3 ст. л.) сливочного масла
375 г (3 стакана) универсальной муки
5 г (1 чайная ложка) соли
1 яичный желток + 1 ст л молока, чтобы нанести на тесто.
Сливочное масло, чтобы намазать тесто
Время выпечки: 25 - 30 минут
Температура выпечки: 200°C
Pasta dolgulu kuru erik
Bir avuç kuru erik, doğranmış.
7g (2½ çay kaşığı) aktif kuru maya
25 gr (2 yemek kaşığı) şeker
250ml (1 su bardağı) ılık süt
1 büyük yumurta
42 gr (3 yemek kaşığı) tereyağı
375 gr (3 su bardağı) çok amaçlı un
5 gr (1 tatlı kaşığı) tuz
1 yumurta sarısı + 1 yemek kaşığı süt, hamura sürmek için.
Hamurun üzerine sürmek için tereyağı
Pişirme süresi: 25 - 30 dakika
Pişirme sıcaklığı: 200°C
Pâtisserie aux pruneaux séchés
Une poignée de pruneaux séchés, hachés.
7 g (2½ c. à thé) de levure sèche active
25 g (2 cuillères à soupe) de sucre
250 ml (1 tasse) de lait chaud
1 œuf large
42 g (3 cuillères à soupe) de beurre
375 g (3 tasses) de farine tout usage
5 g (1 cuillère à café) de sel
1 jaune d'œuf + 1 cuillère à soupe de lait, à appliquer sur la pâte.
Beurre à étaler sur la pâte
Temps de cuisson : 25 - 30 minutes
Température de cuisson : 200°C
Ripieno di pasta frolla alle prugne secche
Una manciata di prugne secche, tritate.
7 g (2½ cucchiaini) di lievito secco attivo
25 g (2 cucchiai) di zucchero
250 ml (1 tazza) di latte caldo
1 uovo grande
42 g (3 cucchiai) di burro
375 g (3 tazze) di farina per tutti gli usi
5 g (1 cucchiaino) di sale
1 tuorlo d'uovo + 1 cucchiaio di latte, da applicare all'impasto.
Burro da spalmare sull'impasto
Tempo di cottura: 25 - 30 minuti
Temperatura di cottura: 200°C
Making Danish pastries filled with spiced prune jam. #bakingvideo