1 QUICHE CRUST 300 grams smoked haddock 1 1/2 cups cream 1 chopped onion 150 grams grated Swiss cheese 1 tablespoon flour 4 eggs 2 tablespoons butter -- (2 to 3) 3 tablespoons finely sliced green onions 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms salt and pepper nutmeg 1. Bake pie crust with weight inside for 15 minutes in a 350 F pre-heated oven. 2. Remove weight and bake another 10 minutes. 3. Cook onion in butter until transparent. 4. Add mushrooms and cook until dry. 5. Add flaked haddock to mixture and turn off heat. 6. Place filling on pie crust. 7. Beat eggs with cream and season with spices. 8. Stir flour into cheese and place on top of filling. 9. Pour seasoned egg mixture with green onions on top. 10.Bake for 30 to 45 minutes in 300 F oven.
How To make Haddock Quiche's Videos
Fisherman's Pie - Cod & Spinach Casserole topped with Potato Crust
Learn how to make a Fisherman's Pie Recipe! Go to for the ingredient amounts, more information, and many, many more video recipes! I hope you enjoy this easy Creamy Fish Baked with Spinach topped with Potato Crust recipe!
Haddock Fish Pie | Afternoon Express | 3 Aug 2016
We make a delectable Haddock Fish Pie using Sea Harvest with guest chef Claire Allen from 'Cooking with Claire'.
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Grand Frais | Quiche au haddock et aux poireaux
Découvrez notre délicieuse recette de quiche au haddock et aux poireaux ! Pour retrouver la recette en intégralité, rendez-vous ici :
Le meilleur marché, c’est chez Grand Frais ! Facile, rapide et gourmande, découvrez notre délicieuse recette de bar rôti au citron et aux amandes !
Ingrédients pour 4 personnes : - 25 cl de crème liquide - 170 g haddock fumé - 3 poireaux - 1 filet d’huile d’olive - Un petit bouquet de ciboulette - 4 œufs - 1 pâte brisée - Sel et poivre du moulin
Retrouvez tous les ingrédients dans votre Grand Frais le plus proche :
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Le meilleur marché c’est chez Grand Frais ! Grand Frais, c’est l’amour des bons produits au meilleur prix et le plaisir de faire ses courses dans un magasin à taille humaine. Nos magasins Grand Frais s’inspirent de l’ambiance et de la configuration des halles traditionnelles et des marchés couverts. Vous y serez accueillis et conseillés par de vrais professionnels : un primeur, un épicier, un fromager, un boucher-charcutier-traiteur et un poissonnier.
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Smoked Fish Quiche by Odlums
Smoked haddock and leek gratin
Delicious homemade smoked haddock gratin
Michelin star chef Paul Ainsworth creates a smoked haddock quiche Lorraine recipe
Watch Paul Ainsworth create Smoked haddock quiche Lorraine, using British Lion Stamped Eggs. When buying eggs, always look for the red British Lion mark on the shell and on the pack to ensure they have been produced to the highest standards of food safety. They are also the only eggs the Food Standards Agency has said are safe for vulnerable groups including pregnant women, babies, young children and the elderly to enjoy runny. For more information go to
The Code of Practice for the Production of Lion Quality Egg Products is the only recognised egg processing Code of Practice in the world and adds further, stringent food safety and hygiene reassurance to ensure that the egg products you receive are produced to the highest standards of food safety.
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