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Fastnacht Day 2018: Making the Fat Tuesday doughnuts
Fastnacht Day is also known as Fat Tuesday. The fastnacht production line at St. Cecilia Church in Lebanon, Pa., is making about nine thousand dozen Shrove Tuesday doughnuts. Traditionally, fastnachts were made by Pennsylvania Dutch housewives on Fat Tuesday to use up all the fat in the house before Lent. Fastnacht is a German word meaning night before the fast. The heavy yeast-raised doughnuts are as much a part of the central Pennsylvania food landscape as chicken and waffles and whoopie pies. (Video by Dan Gleiter/PennLive)
Celebrating Fastnacht Day
Every year, the people of Adams County, Pa., celebrate Fastnacht Day - a tradition that comes from the heavy Pennsylvania Dutch influence on the area. Fastnachts are fluffy, doughy and just slightly sweet doughnuts that are consumed the day before Ash Wednesday.
Recipe from Hickory Bridge Farm's cookbook:
1 large potato (1 cup mashed)
2 cups water
2 tablespoons butter
1 package yeast
1/2 cup potato water
2 tablespoons sugar
2/3 cup shortening
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
6-7 cups flour
Peel and cut up potato, place in 2 cups of water in a small pan and cook until tender. Drain, reserve 1/2 cup of the potato water - cool to 105-115 degrees. Mash potato; measure one cup and add 2 tablespoons butter, set aside. Combine potato water, yeast and 2 tablespoons sugar. Stir until dissolved and set aside until yeast foams. In large bowl, cream shortening, 1/2 cup sugar and salt. Blend in eggs, mashed potato and vanilla; add yeast mixture plus one cup lukewarm water and 2 cups flour, and stir well. Add 3 cups of flour slowly; mixture should be soft but not sticky. Knead on floured board, add more flour if dough is sticky. Knead until smooth, 6-8 minutes. Let rise covered in greased bowl for 1-1 1/2 hours. Punch down, roll out and cut doughnuts, let rise on greased sheets until double. Deep fry in 400 degrees oil until golden brown.
Frittelle Dolci Ripiene di Crema Pasticcera - Dolci di Carnevale - Stuffed Pancakes #shorts
Ciao a tutti e benvenuti nel mio canale: La Cucina Di Maria ???? se sei atterrato qui per caso, ti consiglio di iscriverti e di attivare la campanellina ???? per non perderti i prossimi video! ???? qui troverete ricette semplici ed alla portata di tutti!
La Cucina Di Maria offre vari spunti culinari, partendo dai dolci e passando per primi piatti, secondi piatti, ricette light e dietetiche per mangiare cibo sano e leggero, ricette senza glutine, di natale, estive ed invernali, ricette per il vostro pranzo e la vostra cena, contorni e molto altro.
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Karneval Brezen backen | Die Frau am Grill
Jetzt wird’s lustig, süß und lecker. Es gibt Karneval Brezen. Die aber auch so durchs Jahr hindurch, besonders bei der Kindergeburtstags-Party, nicht fehlen dürfen.
4 Zutaten Rezept, das so gelingt:
4 Aufback Brezen (tiefgekühlt)
1 Pck. Zuckerguss (fertig zum Gebrauch)
1 Handvoll Mini Smarties
4 EL Himbeer Soße (gibt’s im Supermarkt beim Speiseeis)
1. Brezen aufbacken bei Umluft (aber eher hell und nicht so dunkel, natürlich ohne Salz)
2. Brezen auskühlen lassen und dann mit Zuckerguss bepinseln.
3. Die Smarties in der Zuckerguss setzen.
4. Die Himbeer Soße drüber träufeln.
Auf geht'S zum Karneval Brezen backen | Die Frau am Grill
Hellau und Alaaf und sonstwas!
Damische Grüße, Anja
Die Frau am Grill wird unterstützt von:
????Gasflaschen : @scharr.de
????️ Fleischthermometer: @meatermade
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CASTAGNOLE di CARNEVALE ???? Ricetta FACILE senza burro di A modo MIO
Le Castagnole sono un dolce tipico di Carnevale. Golose frittelle, fragranti esternamente e morbide all'interno, realizzate con un impasto molto semplice, che si prepara in pochi minuti. Dal profumo invitante, sono buone come quelle comprate in pasticceria!
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A modo MIO di Sonia
#castagnole #frittelle #carnevale
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