(케이크 기본) 폭신한 제누와즈 만들기, 케이크 시트, 스폰지 케이크 만들기, Vanilla Sponge Cake, Cake sheet [홈베이킹], 쿠킹씨 cooking see
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(케이크 기본) 폭신한 제누와즈 만들기, 케이크 시트를 만들어 보았어요.
초보자가 반드시 만들어 봐야할 케이크이고 조금 더 부드러우면서 폭신하게 만들어 볼수 있는 레시피 입니다, 베이킹 파우더는 넣지 않고 만들 수 있어요.
기본 스폰지 케이크 레시피이며 영상 처럼 따라 만드시면 폭신하고 부드러운 제누와즈 케이크 시트를 만들 수 있을꺼에요.
재료는 정말 간단하고 초보자가 만들더라도 실패없이 누구나 쉽게 만들도록 하였어요.
쉬운 레시피이고 어렵지 않은 베이킹이라 제가 하는 과정 그대로만 한다면 집에서도 간단히 제누와즈를 만들 수 있어요.
제누와즈 1호 사이즈로 재료도 간단한 기본 케이크 레시피라 추천 드립니다.
그럼 즐겁고 편안한 시청되세요.♡
▶틀 사이즈 : 원형 1호팬
노른자 3개
소금 1g
흰자 3개
설탕 90g
박력분 90g
식용유 30g
우유 30g
바닐라 익스트랙 2g (생략가능)
▶♡레시피 사용시 출처를 밝혀주세요.♡
3 egg yolks
Salt 1g
3 egg whites
Sugar 90g
Cake flour 90g
Vegetable oil 30g
Milk 30g
Vanilla Extract 2g
#제누와즈 #케이크시트 #케이크
시청해 주셔서 감사합니다^^
Thank you for watching^^
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Taiwanese Castella Cake Recipe | Emojoie
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The videos have English and Japanese subtitles. Turning on subtitles will show you the instructions and commentary. Please enjoy the video with subtitles ♪
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*Baking powder is not needed for this recipe.
Important for success is to make a firm meringue(But not too much) and don't to overmix the batter. These two things are important to make the cake puffy.
● 18cm 【square】 cake pan
100g cake flour or all purpose flour
100g unsalted butter
100g milk
6 egg yolks
Vanilla extract
6 egg whites
100g sugar
Baking in a hot water bath
150℃(302°F) 60min.
● 15 cm【square】or 18 cm【Round】cake pan
65g cake flour or all purpose flour
65g unsalted butter
65g milk
4 egg yolks
Vanilla extract
4 egg whites
65g sugar
Baked in hot water bath
150 ° C 50 to 55 min.
●18 cm *7.5cm*H8cm【Pound cake】 cake pan
35g cake flour or all purpose flour
35g unsalted butter
35g milk
2 egg yolks
Vanilla extract
2 egg whites
35g sugar
Baking in a hot water bath
150℃(302°F) 30-35min.
● 20cm 【square】 cake pan
115g cake flour or all purpose flour
115g unsalted butter
115g milk
7 egg yolks
Vanilla extract
7 egg whites
115g sugar
Baking in a hot water bath
150℃(302°F) 65-70min.
* Preheating is necessary. Even if the recipe was written without preheat oven ..., you must preheat the oven, and please start baking when the oven reaches a set temperature.
* The result of baking may be changed depending on each oven at home. The temperature and the baking time in this recipe is only a guide. Please check the degree of baking stuff before taking it out from the oven, and then take it out.
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#Castella #TaiwaneseCastella
Chocolate Walnut Biscotti Recipe|Ohyoo Cooking
▣ Details in cc subtitles
▣ Chocolate Walnut Biscotti|Ohyoo Cooking
▣ Subscribe ⇨
▣ Ingredients:
Walnuts 50g
Egg 80g
Brown sugar 40g
Vegetable oil 15g
Cake flour 110g
Cocoa powder 20g
Almond powder 30g
Baking powder 3g
Salt 1g
Chocolate drops 30g
▣ Baking:175℃/347℉ ⇨20min
160℃/320℉ ⇨25min
▣ Method:
1. Bake the walnuts at 180℃/356℉ for about ten minutes in advance and set aside to cool.
2. Mix the weighed whole egg, oil and sugar well.
3. Sift all the powders, add them to step 2 in turn and mix into a dough.
4. Add the walnuts and baking chocolate drops cut to the right size and knead into a dough.
5. Sprinkle some bread flour on the surface to prevent sticking, and organize into the right size according to your preference. Mine is 25×10cm.
6. Bake in the oven for twenty minutes, remove, cool, slice, and bake a second time.
7. After two baking, so that the cookie water baked dry, to achieve a crisp texture.
8. Cool, then pack in an airtight jar. Enjoy anytime!
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Dedos de señora | Bizcochos para Tiramisú
Los dedos de señora, lady fingers, soletillas o bizcochos son super versátiles ya que son deliciosos para acompañar un cafecito en la tarde, o con ellos se pueden crear postres como una carlota de frutas o el famoso tiramisú ????.
????????Notas importantes:
✔️Recuerden precalentar el horno a 350 F
✔️Todos nuestros movimientos deben ser envolventes tratando de no desinflar la mezcla
✔️La plantilla que utilice para guiarme a la hora de darle forma a los deditos de señora es de en el siguiente link pueden encontrarla:
✔️No se preocupen si los dedos de señora no les quedan iguales, es cuestión de práctica, ¡a mí aún no me salen del todo perfectos! (pero sigo practicando para mejorar ????)
6 huevos grandes
1 taza de azúcar blanca granulada
2 cucharaditas de vainilla
2 tazas de harina
2 pizcas de sal
Azúcar impalpable o glass para espolvorearlos antes de hornearlos
Si quieres compartir tus secretos al hacer este postre, déjalos en los comentarios. ¡Me encantaría aprender de vos! ????
Sígueme ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Email: maria@saborcolectivo.com
El bizcocho mas básico de la pastelería! El famoso bizcocho con 3 ingredientes que realmente se llama bizcocho genovés y no es nada nuevo... se utiliza desde hace siglos!
Se utiliza como base para hacer otras tartas, nunca para comer solo!
#bizcocho #bizcochofacil #3ingredientes
La formula es;
-Por cada huevo pequeño o mediano
-30 gramos de azúcar
-30 gramos de harina común todo uso
*Si utilizas huevos grandes añade de 33 a 35 gramos de harina y azúcar.
Se hornea a 170ºC por 45 minutos.
Hasta la próxima receta!
Mexican Wedding Cookies Recipe / Pan de Polvo / Hojarascas
Pan de Polvo or Mexican wedding cookies-
Recipe and options:
Get the recipe PDF: ( no email required)
2.2 lbs (1 Kg) All-purpose flour
1.5 cups granulated sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1.1 lb vegetable shortening about 1 lb
3 eggs
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 pinch Salt
1 tbsp Baking Powder
2-3 tbsp milk
Bake at 350 F for 16-17 minutes
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#mexicanweddingcookies #pandepolvo #behindthecake