The ultimate Lemon Scaloppine Recipe - AUTHENTIC ITALIAN RECIPE!
If you're in a hurry for some great Italian food, then this Lemon Scaloppine recipe is exactly what you are looking for!
Go to the butcher's today to get some beef schnitzel, even better if you can find veal scaloppine (even more tender!), then step out in the garden and get a lemon off your tree: in 10 minutes you are going to be eating a fantastic meal.
This Lemon Scaloppine recipe REALLY is that easy: have a look at this videorecipe and let me know what you think!
If you liked this recipe (I mean… the best Lemon Scaloppine recipe!), remember to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel and HIT the bell, to always be up to date with the tastiest and most authentic Italian food! Let the ‘likes’, the 'comments', the ‘follow’ and the ‘share post’ rain please!
Enjoy the video recipe!
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Lemon Scaloppine - RECIPE
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Complexity: Easy
Ingredients (4 people):
- 4 beef scaloppine
- 50 gr flour
- 1 lemon
- parsley
- 80 gr butter
- salt and pepper
1. Heat up a pan and let the butter melt in it;
2. In the meanwhile, toss your beef/veal scaloppine in some flour from both sides;
3. when the butter is melted, lay the scaloppine in the pan. Let them cook for a couple of minutes each side;
4. Cut a few thin lemon slices and lay them on top of the meat;
5. Turn the scaloppine a couple of times, sprinkle salt and pepper;
6. In the last minute of cooking, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and serve immediately with a sprinkle of finely chopped parsley on top;
ITALIAN FOOD BOSS SPECIAL TIP: Make sure you use some real fresh lemons. If you don't have a lemon tree in your garden, either plant one or buy organic lemons!!!
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???? #ItalianFoodBoss is a YouTube channel run by an average #Italian guy with a serious appetite! We'll show you how to cook authentic, delicious Italian food like the #Nonnas used to do. The Italian Food Boss is a genuine Italian bloke, not just another Italian who only saw Italy on postcards!
Let's all have a laugh while we conquer the #kitchen!
That's how it's done in #Italia!
#italianfood #italianrecipes #lemonscaloppine
???? Re-Watch the Lemon Scaloppine Recipe:
Recipe: Lemon Escalopes - Ricetta: Scaloppine al Limone - L'arte di arrangiarsi.
Tutto quel che serve e' il il burro, con due limoni e in po' di farina.
You just need butter, two lemons and some flour.
Background Music: Poor Mans Groove by Mr. Smith
Scaloppine Al Limone
Kitchinet, Scaloppine Al Limone,
Meat Scallops with Lemon Sauce Recipe | Scaloppine al Limone, the best lemon juice sauce for meat
This Meat Scallops with Lemon Sauce Recipe is for you, in Italy they call it Scaloppine al Limone. i will also show you how to make the best lemon juice sauce for meat the Bob Pepper way its tasty and unique.
If you would like to know how to cook meat with lemon juice and making a nice lemon sauce for meat, You must try the Veal Scallops in my Lemon Sauce Recipe Scaloppine al limone, in this video i will show you how to cook Veal Scallops with lemon juice,
( Gluten-free )
Simply replace the flour with one suitable for Coeliac, such as Rice or Cornflour.
(Potato starch is not suitable for this recipe).
If you would like to prepare the meat scallops without flouring the meat, prepare the scallops according to this recipe
Note that, the flour that characterizes the scallops will be lost and the flavor will change.
What meat should you choose?
The Veal scallops are usually cooked with a tender piece of veal, such as fesa or girello beef, it can also be made with chicken breast or pork loin, a good idea is to try them all.
The Veal scallops can be kept in the fridge for a couple of days if they are closed in a container or covered with plastic wrap.
When ready to cook, place the meat in a non-stick pan or in a pan to be heated in the oven for just a few minutes
so the meat doesn't dry out.
thanks for watching
???? SCALOPPINE al LIMONE con purè di PATATE???????? #Shorts
Correte a comprare gli ingredienti, queste scaloppine al limone non potete perdervele!???? Come contorno????? L'immancabile purè di patate, non ci sono dubbi ????????
Fettine di vitello
Farina q.b.
Paprika e aromi a piacere
Per la salsa al limone:
Il succo di due limoni
3 fette di limone
Per il purè di patate:
3 patate bollite (farinose)
100 ml di latte tiepido
3 cucchiai di parmigiano
1 cucchiaio di burro morbido
1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo (facoltativo)
Sale e pepe q.b.
Mescolate la farina con la paprika, gli aromi a piacere, sale e pepe. Infarinate le fettine di vitello e cuocete in padella con del burro per circa tre minuti per lato. Quando saranno ben rosolate, aggiungete il succo di limone e continuate la cottura per qualche altro minuto. Una volta pronte, mettete da parte le scaloppine e lasciate la salsa a riposare aggiungendo delle fette di limone. Per il purè, lessate e schiacciate le patate, aggiungete il latte, il parmigiano, il burro e il prezzemolo. Salate a piacere e mescolate fino ad ottenere una consistenza liscia e cremosa. Servite le vostre scaloppine su uno strato di purè e completate con la salsina al limone.
#giallozafferano #ricettegz #scaloppine #limone #secondi #secondipiatti #maincourse #vitello #yum #delicious #homemade #foodlover #lovefood #foodblog #creator #yummy #yummfood #delicious #deliciousfood #foodie #foodiegram
Zitronenschnitzel, Scaloppine al limone
Hallo zusammen, hier sind die Mengenangaben für , Gutes Gelingen und Guten Appetit!! Vielleicht gefällt euch auch dieses Rezept: Vichi Karotten:
Hoffmann Pfannen:
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Neues Corporate Design:
Zutaten für 2 Personen:
300 g Kalbsfleisch
2 Stk. Bio Zitronen
2 El Mehl
30 ml Rinder
2 El Kapern
80 g Butter
100 ml Weisswein
0,5 Bd. Petersilie
Salz, Pfeffer, Olivenöl
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