How To make Ham with Noodles(Schinkennudeln)
3/4 lb Fresh egg noodles
1/2 lb Ham, diced
Salt 1 c Sour cream
3 tb Grated Swiss cheese
-(Emmentaler) 1 tb To 2 tb butter
2 tb Bread crumbs
This is one of the most popular German casseroles, especially south of the Main Line. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Cook the noodles in salted water and drain; they can also be left over from the day before. Fill a souffle pan with alternate layers of ham and noodles; salt lightly and put some of the sour cream and some grated cheese over each layer. The top layer should consist of noodles. Dot with little bits of butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. Variations: This version of the recipe comes from Swabia; feel free to increase the proportions of the costlier ingredients (ham, butter, sour cream) as your fancy dictates. In another version of this casserole, the ingredients are all mixed together in one bowl, along with 3 eggs, the souffle pan is well greased with butter (always recommended), and the contents of the bowl transferred to the pan, the proceed as described above. Makes 4 servings. From: THE CUISINES OF GERMANY by Horst Scharfenberg, Simon & Schuster/Poseidon Press, New York. 1989 Posted by: Karin Brewer, Cooking Echo, 8/92
How To make Ham with Noodles(Schinkennudeln)'s Videos
German Ham Noodle | Schinkennudeln
#germanfood #pennenoodle #hamnoodle
Schinkennudeln a.d.Pfanne/ Ham noodles from the Pan. Daily meals.
Nudeln mit Schinken Sahne Sauce || Pasta with Ham & Cream Sauce || [ENG SUBS]
Schnell & einfach leckere Nudeln mit Schinken Sahne Sauce Selber Machen. || How to cook simple & easy Pasta with Ham & Cream Sauce.
Für das Rezept benötigen Wir folgende Zutaten || For the recipe we need the following ingredients:
Zutaten für 4 Portionen: || Ingredients for 4 servings:
•500 Gramm Spirelli Nudeln || 500 grams pasta (for example fusilli or penne)
•200 Milliliter Gemüsefond || 200 milliliters vegetable stock
•200 Milliliter Sahne || 200 milliliters cream
•150 Gramm Kochschinken || 150 grams ham
•150 Gramm Erbsen (TK) || 150 grams frozen peas
•50 Gramm geriebenen Parmesan || 50 grams grated Parmesan cheese
•1 Zwiebel || 1 onion
•1 - 2 Knoblauchzehe(n) || 1 - 2 clove(s) garlic
•Öl zum Anbraten || Oil for frying
•Salz & Pfeffer || Salt & pepper
Küchenhelfer || Kitchen gadgets:
•Topf für die Nudeln || Large pot for pasta
•Kleiner Topf für die Sauce || Small pot or saucepan for sauce
•Nudelsieb || Colander
Das komplette Rezept zum Nachlesen findet ihr hier:
The complete recipe for future reference can be found here:
Viel Spass beim Nachkochen ;) || Enjoy cooking ;)
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Bushwick Tarentella Loop von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution ( lizenziert.
Schinkennudeln ???? / ham noodles ???? #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo
Recipe / Rezept
4 Portionen
250 g Nudeln (Penne oder Spirelli)
100 g gekochter Schinken
2 EL Butter
1 Zwiebel
4 Eier
100 ml Milch
100 g Käse, gerieben
Nudeln in Salzwasser kochen und abgießen. Schinken würfeln. Butter in einer Pfanne auslassen und Schinken darin anbraten. Zwiebel fein würfeln und dazugeben.
Nudeln in die Pfanne geben und mitschwenken.
Eier mit Milch und Gewürzen verquirlen. Den geriebenen Käse untermischen und alles zu den Nudeln geben.
Die Nudelpfanne unter Rühren stocken lassen.
Schnittlauch waschen, trocken schütteln und fein schneiden.
Nudelpfanne abschmecken und mit Schnittlauch servieren.
4 servings
250 g pasta (penne or spirelli)
100 grams of cooked ham
2 tbsp butter
1 onion
4 eggs
100ml milk
100 g cheese, grated
Cook the noodles in salted water and drain. dice ham. Melt the butter in a pan and fry the ham in it. Finely dice the onion and add it.
Put the noodles in the pan and toss.
Whisk eggs with milk and spices. Mix in the grated cheese and add everything to the pasta.
Let the noodle pan set while stirring.
Wash the chives, shake dry and finely chop.
Season to taste and serve with chives.
Funk Game Loop von Kevin MacLeod unterliegt der Lizenz Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung 4.0.
{ENG} Schinkennudeln spezial | Ham Noodles Recipe | Ein Klassiker der immer schmeckt
Heute werde ich die von mir so normalerweise einfachgehaltenen Schinkennudeln verfeinern. Es ist ein Klassiker in der originalen Version, doch wie wird mein Fazit aussehen nach dem neuen Rezept ?
Today I will make a classic German dish which ist in original a very simple food a special Edition. How will be the result ?
This Ham noodles recipe has a great taste. Creamy ham noodle that you will like.
Zutaten / Ingredients
3 Scheiben Kochschinken / cooked ham
3 Scheiben Bauchspeck / Bacon
5 Würstchen / sausages
4 Eier / eggs
1 Zwiebel / onion
3 Knoblauchzehen / garlic glove
150 g Cheddar
Pfeffer / pepper
Salz / Salt
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#schinkelnudeln #nudelpfanne #nudelgerichte #einfachekochgerichte #simplefood #easyrecipes
How to make creamy ham noodles #creamyhamnoodles #schinkennudeln #noodles
Hello everyone i welcome you to another episode of mama double N kitchen...
In this video I'm going to show you how i cooked this delicious German creamy ham noodles, it is very easy and simple to prepare you have to give it a trial trust me you're going to love it
All you need for this recipe????????????????????
Cream (schlagsahne)
Olive oil
Dried parsley
Black pepper
Chilli flakes
A lil bullion cube
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