Kalorienarme Lebkuchenherzen mit Füllung #sinob #weihnachtsbäckerei #lebkuchen
Zutaten Teig:
•75g Dinkelmehl
•30g Honest Whey Heiße Milch mit Honig
•2 Scoops Flasty Double Brownie
•10g Backkakao
•30g Erytrit
•8g Backpulver
•7g Lebkuchengewürz
•1 TL Zimt
•30g Magerquark
•70g Apfelmark
•60ml fettarme Milch
•150g Zero Aprikosenmarmelade
•100g zuckerfreie Zartbitter
•5g Kokosöl
Für den Teig alle Zutaten miteinander cremig rühren. Teig in 15 Silikonherzformen geben und bei 180°C für 12-15 min backen. Danach vollständig abkühlen lassen und aus der Form lösen. Die Marmelade in einen Spritzbeutel geben und die Herzchen damit füllen.
Schokolade mit Kokosöl schmelzen und über die Herzen geben. Schokolade aushärten lassen und genießen :-)
Ergibt 15 Stück
Nährwerte pro Stück:
74 Kalorien
8,7 g Kohlenhydrate
3,3 g Eiweiß
2,9 g Fett
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Lebkuchen backen mit Josef Hinkel | Magazin | Stadtwerke Düsseldorf
Die Weihnachtskampagne 2019 der Stadtwerke Düsseldorf zieren riesige Lebkuchen. Wir haben die Bäckerei Hinkel besucht und gefilmt, wie sie nachgebacken werden.
Neun glückliche Gewinner unserer Facebook-Verlosung durften dabei sein, als in der Backstube von Josef Hinkel die Motive der Weihnachtskampagne der Stadtwerke Düsseldorf als echte Printen gebacken wurden. Wir waren mit der Kamera dabei und blicken hinter die Kulissen der Düsseldorfer Traditionsbackstube.
An Düsseldorfer Bushaltestellen und Litfaßsäulen sind unsere Weihnachtsplakate ab dem 17.12.2019 zu sehen. Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die humorvoll verzierten Lebkuchen, sozusagen die Stars unserer Weihnachtskampagne in gebackener Form. Die vier Motive zum Anbeißen machen klar, dass ohne Strom und Wärme nicht nur der Backofen kalt bleibt. Die Stadtwerke Düsseldorf gehören eben zu Weihnachten unbedingt dazu.
Die Motive zum Anbeißen sind zwar am Computer entstanden, aber schon als die Idee geboren ist, war sofort klar: Diese Lebkuchen müssen auch wirklich gebacken werden. Und dafür haben sich die Stadtwerke Düsseldorf mit einem ihrer hierfür wohl kompetentesten Kunden zusammengetan: Josef Hinkel.
Seit 1891 besteht die Bäckerei Hinkel als Familienunternehmen in Düsseldorf. Josef Hinkel führt das Bäckerhandwerk mittlerweile in vierter Generation fort. Er setzt bewusst auf traditionelles Backen in reiner Handarbeit – und das schmeckt man.
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Cookies! On the Wood-Mizer LT35?
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I’ve had a few people ask me about cookies so I turned the mill into a giant cookie cutter!
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Anise Biscuits - بسكويت الينسون
Hocus Pocus Cookie Collection | Confection Couture
You'll be sure to cast a spell over your guests with this Hocus Pocus Cookie Collection from Confection Couture.
0:00 Introduction
0:16 Stencil Genie
0:19 Screen Genie
0:23 Airbrushing
0:35 Glad Press'n Seal
0:40 Gyro-Cut
0:53 Finished cookies
Here's what you'll need:
• Toil & Trouble Cookie Stencil -
• Hocus Pocus Cookie Stencil -
• Witch Accents Cookie Stencil -
• 4 Harlow Plaque Cutter -
• 3 Circle cookie cutter -
• AirGenie Airbrush System -
• Gyro-Cut Craft and Hobby Cutting Tool -
• Cookie Magnets -
• Plastic Bottle with Dropper Tip -
• Quadrant Masking Tool -
• Stencil Genie -
• Screen Genie -
• DecoPac Airbrush Food Coloring -
o Midnight Black
o Firestone
o Lime Green
o Stone Grey
• Glad Press'n Seal
• Paper Towels
Here are the instructions for this Halloween cookie stencils project.
To start, cut and bake however many cookies you'll need of each shape. Make approximately twice as many Harlow cookies as circle ones. Add royal icing to each and allow to cool.
Next, take half of your Harlow cookie shapes and carefully shake your bottle of DecoPac Firestone Airbrush Food Coloring. Load 4-5 drops into your AirGenie airbrush tool reservoir. Always test the spray first on a stack of white paper towels. Adjust the flow as needed by turning the knob on top of the unit.
Airbrush a faded border on the cookie, heavier at the edge and lighter as you move toward the center. Leave the middle white for the text that comes later. For best results spray one side at a time and rotate the cookie as opposed to moving the airbrush tool in a circular pattern around the cookie.
Place these cookies aside.
Take the other untouched Harlow cookies and the background Hocus Pocus stencil. Separate the two halves of the Stencil Genie and place the thicker portion down on your work surface, magnets facing up. Place the stencil on top and then add the Screen Genie. Lock everything in place using the top half of the Stencil Genie.
Place the assembly over the first cookie and airbrush through the stencil using small, circular motions while slowly moving up and down. Take care not to spray too much colorant on any one area as this will lead to droplets forming on the cookie!
To clean the stencil, simply dip it a couple of times in a bowl of clean water and then pat dry with paper towels or a lint-free towel.
When colorant begins to build up on the Screen Genie, take a chemical-free spray bottle with water and spray it through the bottom side of the mesh. Then, wipe thoroughly with paper towels. Make sure no water remains. If needed, use a blow dryer to complete the drying process.
To clean the airbrush tool between colors, rinse out the reservoir 2-3 times with water. Next, reattach the hose and run water through the tool until empty. Repeat once more with water and then a third time using an inexpensive 100-proof vodka.
Next, load some Stone Grey and airbrush the edges of the circle cookies like you did earlier with the orange, only more subtly.
Next, take the cookie with the orange shading and the Double, Double.. stencil. Switch to black and repeat the process used above with the striped background stencil.
Do the same with the Hocus Pocus stencil.
To isolate a portion of a stencil design, use Glad Press'n Seal. Cut a piece the size of the stencil and place it on top, flattening it to remove any bubbles or wrinkles.
Next, use the Gyro-Cut craft and hobby cutting tool to cut around the cauldron element. Then, turn the blade sideways and use to to lift a corner of the trimmed plastic. Grab the lifted corner and peel it away, revealing the cauldron.
Center the design over the Stencil Genie and use the Quadrant Masking Tool to mask off the edge of the stencil, protecting the outer areas of the cookie from overspray. Add the Screen Genie and airbrush the cauldron using the black colorant.
Switch to lime green and peel away the Glad Press'n Seal, rotate it 90°, and replace it onto the stencil, completely covering the cauldron design. Trim around the cauldron steam as you did earlier with the cauldron itself.
Airbrush the green steam and your Hocus Pocus cookies are complete!
Visit ConfectionCoutureStencils.com today and check out our amazing selection of paint your own cookie stencils including wedding cookie stencils, Halloween cookie stencils, and Christmas cookie stencils, just to name a few. And don't forget our custom cookie stencils!