Göttliche Thunfischsoße ???? | #shorts
Ihr steht auf Thunfisch? Dann zeigt das gefälligst und packt euch diese geniale Thunfischsoße als Dressing an euren Thunfischsalat, als Soße auf eure Pizza Tonno oder als Thunfischsoße auf euer Vitello Tonnato.
Nehmt dieses Rezept:
1 Eigelb
130 g Thunfisch aus der Dose
1 Tl Senf
1 Tl Zitronensaft
100 ml neutrales Speiseöl (Rapsöl oder Sonnenblumenöl)
1-2 Tl Salz
1/2 Tl Zucker
2 El Kapern mit Kapernwasser
Frisch gemahlener Pfeffer & Knoblauchöl
Vermengt euer Eigelb, den Zitronensaft und den Senf zu einer Masse. Verrührt das Ganze nun mit der Hand oder dem Mixer, während ihr langsam euer Öl hinzugebt. Sobald die Mayonnaise steht, sprich zäh und einigermaßen fest ist, würzt ihr sie mit Salz, Zucker, Pfeffer und Knoblauchöl.
Gebt nun außerdem den Thunfisch sowie die Kapern mit Kapernwasser hinzu und püriert das ganze noch einmal kurz und schnell zu eurer fertigen Thunfischsoße.
Schmeckt die Soße final ab. Ihr könnt sie nun direkt an Salat, auf eure Sandwiches oder als Soße auf euere Pizza oder Vitello geben.
#Tuna #sauce
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Tonnato Sauce Recipe - Cold Tuna Anchovy Sauce, Dip and Spread
Learn how to make a Tonnato Sauce Recipe! Go to for the ingredient amounts, extra information, and many, many more video recipes! I hope you enjoy this easy Tonnato Sauce Recipe!
Michelin-star Vitello Tonnato recipe ⭐️
Marbling of Vitello Tonnato ???? A terrine of tuna skins and sliced veal tongue (using Activa). Find the recipe of Michelin-star chef Fernando Arellano exclusively on the Gronda app:
Michelin star VITELLO TONNATO at home | Famous Italian Starter
In today's video, I will teach you my version of a classic Italian starter, Vitello tonnato with veal chop, tuna mayo, pickled shallot rings, marinated tuna, and cappers. Very easy and refreshing recipe, perfect for these hot days. Have fun
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#vealrecipe #tuna #finedining
Vitello tonnato / Ricette secondi piatti
Un secondo piatto veramente goloso: il vitello tonnato è un piatto da pochi ingredienti e di facile preparazione...Provateci anche voi e fateci sapere! ;)
Guarda la fotoricetta e crea il tuo Ricettario Personale con Cookaround
Ingredienti - Vitello tonnato
TONNO SOTT'OLIO fino a 60 g - 50 gr
Per il brodo
SEDANO 2 coste
SALE q.b.
Per la maionese
SENAPE 1 cucchiaio da tè
SUCCO DI LIMONE o pari quantità di aceto bianco - 3 cucchiai da tè
SALE 2 pizzichi
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Cold veal with tuna sauce ( vitello tonnato ) Italian recipe
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Let's cook with Sonia the cold veal with tuna sauce, a classic fresh Italian recipe, that you can serve as an appetizer or main dish.
Find this and many more recipes on the Giallozafferano App in English
Hi all of you friends, welcome to the GialloZafferano kitchen, today we'll be making together a tasty and very fresh meat-based appetizer: the cold veal with tuna sauce, an original Italian recipe which is now consumed also as a main course, served in more generous portions.
But let's see together what ingredients we'll need:
• 1,3 lbs (600 g) of veal (the eye-round or the thigh muscle)
• 1 onion / 4 bay leaves
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 4 cloves
• some pepper grains
• 6 fillets of anchovy in oil • Rosemary / salt / some drops of balsamic vinegar
• 3 eggs / 4 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
• 2 cups (½ l) of dry white wine
• 3,5 oz (100 g) of drained tuna in oil
• 1 ½ tbsp (20 g) of capers in vinegar
• 1 stalk of celery
• 1 carrot
Well, let's prepare the cold veal with tuna sauce:
Put your piece of meat into a tall and narrow pot... and add the peeled onion, the celery, the carrot, the bay leaves, the garlic, the rosemary, the pepper, the cloves and the salt. Once you've put all these spices and ingredients inside, add the wine... and enough water or broth to cover everything. Then bring it to a boil, and let it simmer on a very low flame for about 1 hour and a half.
90 min. -- low heat
Once the meat is ready, let it cool down with its cooking sauce, after that you can keep it aside and strain the sauce through a very fine strainer.
Now we'll prepare the sauce to spoon onto the veal slices, so pour into a bowl the tuna, the 3 eggs, which you've previously hard boiled and minced, half of the capers and the minced anchovies, then whizz up everything with an immersion blender alternating with the cooking sauce and some oil, until you get a creamy and quite thick sauce.
As you can see our smooth and creamy sauce is ready. All we have to do now is cut the meat into thin slices, about one tenth of an inch wide, then we'll garnish our slices of meat with the sauce... and some capers. Now our cold veal with tuna sauce is ready! From Sonia and Giallozafferano, bye bye and see you next videorecipe.