Middle Eastern Lamb Koftas
Juicy Middle Eastern LAMB KOFTAS! The smell when these are cooking is outrageous. OUTRAGEOUS!
⚠️Warning: You're going to cop an good eyeful of my chubby little hands in this recipe ???? NO TROLLING!!! ????????????
EASY Flatbreads
Minted Cabbage Carrot Salad
Or just shredded lettuce, tomato and onion slices ????????
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Crispy Middle Eastern Chickpea Tomato Cucumber Salad
buat yang mau weekend di rumah dan mau coba menu masakan berbeda, coba resep saya lamb kofta with yoghurt sauce.
Kali ini saya memakai potongan lamb leg. Daging domba ini suka banyak rumor yang salah, padahal daging domba ini merupakan daging merah yang sama nutrisinya dengan daging sapi.
Apalagi daging domba Australia dipelihara di alam bebas dan secara alami diberi makan di padang rumput, jadi rendah lemak dan empuk.
Plus, Aussie Lamb bebas dari aditif buatan dan promotor pertumbuhan hormon.
Kebab / Kofta:
500g lamb leg, cincang halus
1 bawang bombay, cincang
2 siung bawang putih, cincang
1/4 cup peterseli, cincang
1/4 cup pistachio nuts ground
11/2 sdt garam
1 sdt merica hitam
1 sdm jinten bubuk
1 sdm paprika bubuk
1 sdt cabai bubuk
1 sdm minyak zaitun
Yoghurt sauce:
100ml plain greek yoghurt
1/2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1 sdm lemon juice
1/2 sdt garam
1/4 sdt merica putih
100g Couscous
1 sdm minyak zaitun
1/2 bawang bombay, cincang halus
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1/4 sdt ketumbar bubuk
1/4 sdt kunyit bubuk
1/4 sdt jinten bubuk
150ml kaldu ayam
1/4 sdt garam
1 Lemon, wedges
1/2 cup peterseli, cincang
1/2 cup cherry tomato, grilled
Cek juga inspirasi resep lainnya di Youtube Channel : True Aussie Indonesia Official dan IG nya
طبخ أسهل وأسرع وصفة كفتة كباب بطريقة تركية مبتكرة للغاية ???? Very Creative Turkish Kofta kebab recipe
طبخ وصفة كباب سهلة وسريعة! كفتة كباب بطريقة تركية مبتكرة للغاية!
Cooking an EASY and FAST Kofta Kebab recipe in a very creative Turkish way!
تتوفر ترجمات لهذا الفيديو. لا تتردد في تفعيله. إذا كنت قد استمتعت بهذا الفيديو ، فيرجى الاشتراك في القناة وتشغيل الإخطار ???? لمشاهدة أحدث مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا. أخبرنا برأيك في هذه الوصفة في قسم التعليقات. نحن نحب ملاحظاتك.
المكونات والتعليمات خطوة بخطوة لإعداد الوصفة
تحضير الكباب
أضف في وعاء الخلط:
لحم خروف مفروم أو لحم بقري (400 جرام).
ملعقة صغيرة ثوم
بصل مفروم ناعم (40 جرام).
ملح وملعقة صغيرة كل من البابريكا والفلفل الحار
امزج كل شيء
استخدم أعواد الكباب الخشبية
بلل يديك وشكل الكباب بالشكل الذي تريده
ضع الكباب في الثلاجة حتى يصبح أكثر تماسكًا ولا يتفتت عند شويه
طريقة تحضير الباذنجان
اصنع ثقوبًا في الباذنجان وضعها في صينية خبز
ضعهم في فرن مسخن مسبقًا
درجة حرارة الفرن: 400 درجة فهرنهايت ، 200 درجة مئوية
اشوي الباذنجان لمدة 12 دقيقة
انزع قشر الباذنجان
أضف ملعقة صغيرة من الثوم المبشور
قطعها جيدًا
في مقلاة صغيرة ، أضف القليل من زيت الزيتون
نضيف الباذنجان ونطبخه على نار متوسطة
أضف نصف ملعقة صغيرة من الملح
اقلب الباذنجان حتى يتبخر السائل
اخلط الباذنجان بثلاثة أرباع كوب من الزبادي
تصب في صينية تقديم
أضف ربع كوب من الزبادي على الوجه
بمجرد أن ينضج الباذنجان ، ابدأ في شوي كفتة الكباب
على درجة حرارة عالية
اطبخ الكباب من جميع الجهات
ضع الكباب فوق الزبادي والباذنجان في صينية التقديم
في مقلاة منفصلة ، سخن ثلاث ملاعق كبيرة من الزبدة على نار خفيفة
أضف نصف ملعقة كبيرة فلفل أحمر واخلطها مع الزبدة
نسكب الزبدة فوق الكباب والباذنجان
يُزين بالبقدونس ويقدم مع الخبز
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Ingredients and step by step instructions for making the recipe
Preparing the kebab
In a mixing bowl add:
Minced lamb or beef (400 grams)
One tsp of garlic
Finely chopped onion (40 grams)
Salt and one tsp each of paprika and hot pepper
Mix everything
Use wooden kebab sticks
Wet your hands and shape the kebab into the desired shape
Refrigerate the kebab so they become firmer and don't break when we grill them
How to prepare the eggplant
Make holes in the eggplant and place on a baking tray
Put them in a preheated oven
Oven temperature: 400°f, 200°c
Roast the eggplant for 12 minutes
Remove the eggplant skin
Add one tsp of grated garlic
Chop it up finely
In a small pan, add a little bit of olive oil
Add the eggplant and cook it over medium heat
Add a half a tsp of salt
Turn the eggplant around until all the liquid evaporates
Mix the eggplant with three fourths of a cup of yogurt
Pour into a serving tray
Add one fourth of a cup of yogurt on top
Once the eggplant is done, start grilling the kofta kebab
Over high heat
Cook the kebab from all sides
Place the kebab on top of the yogurt and eggplant in the serving tray
In a separate pan heat up, on low heat, three tbsp of butter
Add a half a tbsp of red pepper and mix it with the butter
Pour the butter over the kebab and eggplant
Garnish with parsley and serve with bread
Grilled Lamb Kofta with Herb-Yoghurt Dip Recipe
Lamb Kofta is bursting with warm aromatic spices and Middle Eastern flavours. Juicy and delicious, these mini-sized kofta make for a fantastic appetizer that is easily prepared in advance. And best yet, you don’t need to search long and hard for ground lamb to make this recipe!
For the kofta:
600 g lamb rump , diced 1-2cm
1 large egg
1 small yellow onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
pinch of cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon sea salt
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
1/2 bunch mint, finely chopped (2-3 tablespoons)
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
oil, for the grill
For the yoghurt dip:
150 g Greek yogurt
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon flat-leaf parsley, chopped
1 tablespoon mint leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice, or more to taste
Sumac, to garnish (optional)
To serve:
Warm pita
Here's the full recipe:
ELAG LeMax tabletop grill: *
Happy cooking!!
More recipes found under:
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* Amazon Affiliate Partnerlink
Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
My easy lamb kofta recipe
Tired of cooking? Let me do it for you. Well not the cooking part but I’ll show you a super easy recipe.
Schueys BBQ brings the Mediterranean to your backyard with this easy lamb kofta recipe made over charcoal and served with a tangy Tzatziki dip.
I get it. You're sick of all the complicated recipes out there, and you just want something easy to make that tastes good. So I'm going to teach you how to cook lamb koftas in 30 minutes or less, with nothing but a grill and some charcoal. It's so sneaky simple your guests will think you slaved away over a stove for hours!
Koftas are typically found in Mediterranean cuisine, but don't let that scare you off because this recipe is made easy by cooking them on a grill without any sauces or marinades. And if you're not into lamb then substitute beef instead - even turkey works well too!
500 grams (1.1lbs) of lamb mince.
½ a grated large brown onion
¼ cup of panko bread crumbs
3 cloves of crushed garlic
2 tablespoons of chopped coriander(substitute with parsley if you don’t like coriander /cilantro)
2 teaspoons of hot paprika
1 teaspoon of cumin
½ a teaspoon of nutmeg
¼ teaspoon of cinnamon
½ teaspoon of ground cardamom
½ teaspoon of chilli flakes (add more if you like it really spicy)
1 teaspoon of salt
½ a teaspoon of black pepper
Tzatziki Dip Ingredients:
1 cups of plain Greek yogurt
1 cups of shredded cucumber
¼ a cup of fresh dill
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
2 cloves of crushed garlic
¼ teaspoon of salt
⅛ teaspoon of black pepper
1 x beer
Whether it be grilling, smoking, low n slow, how to videos or just your basics of BBQ, my aim is to help you along your BBQ journey. So make sure you have hit the subscribe and bell buttons, that way you can be reminded every time I upload new videos.
With 30 years of experience cooking on Weber grills, you are getting my knowledge compacted into small weekly videos. These techniques work and I know this, as it is how I have been cooking on these BBQ’s for three decades.
There is so much wrong information out there and my aim with all of my videos is to help you Master Your Grill by sharing my knowledge and experience and passing on actual practices that are tried and tested, not just copied.
If you are interested in working with me or getting some social media videos or photography done, don't hesitate in contacting me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Schueys BBQ partners:
Slow Burn Smoking Wood Supplies
Fixation Brewery
TB2 Smokers / Kettle Kone
Gippsland Premium Meats
Z Grills Australia
Greg Kitchen / Music
By all means, if you look them up, tell them Schuey sent you.
Indian Lamb Meatballs in Yogurt Sauce Recipe Recipes of India [ASMR]
Indian Lamb Meatballs in Yogurt Sauce Recipe Recipes of India
[ASMR] Ear to Taste Cooking Trigger Braingasm effects!
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