Unique Cheese Pizza on your Seafood Salad
Is this even possible? Check out West Coast Restaurant's unique pizza on a seafood salad - the Volcanic Pizza. A unique 12 cheese pizza on a seafood salad topped with crispy nachos. A 3 in 1 snack that will surely satisfy your hunger and taste buds.
Netty Cee
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Seafood Pizza Saus Padang | Fusion Food
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh Nama saya Qorina Nadiva dari S1 Pendidikan Tata Boga Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) Kali ini saya akan membuat Seafood Pizza Saus Padang. Cumi dan udang merupakan jenis seafood yang banyak dikonsumsi karena rasanya yang lezat dan kenyal. Mengolahnya dengan saus padang yang memiliki cita rasa seimbang antara sedikit asam, manis, dan pedas sangat tepat untuk dipadukan dengan pizza.
Berikut adalah resep dari Seafood Pizza Saus Padang:
????Pizza Dough:
250 gr Tepung Terigu Pro Tinggi
65 gr Air dingin
4 gr Ragi Instan
4 gr Garam
10 gr Susu Bubuk
50 gr Telur
38 gr Minyak
2,5 gr Bread Improver
????????????Seafood Saus Padang:
200 gr Cumi
100 gr Udang
3 lembar Daun jeruk
½ Bawang bombay
3 sdm Saus tiram
4 sdm Saus tomat
3 sdm Saus sambal
1 sdm Maizena
100 ml Air
2 batang Daun bawang
Bumbu halus:
2 cm Jahe
10 buah Cabe keriting
4 siung Bawang putih
6 siung Bawang merah
30 ml Minyak
Red cheddar
Cara Membuat:
????Pizza Dough:
•Campur semua bahan kering kecuali garam.
•Masukkan telur, aduk rata.
•Tambahkan air secara bertahap. •Masukkan garam dan minyak. •Uleni semua bahan sampai kalis.
•Biarkan adonan difermentasikan selama 45-60 menit (hingga mengembang 2x lipat).
????????????Seafood Saus Padang:
•Cuci bersih cumi dan udang. Potong cumi dengan ketebalan minimal 1 cm, belah memanjang punggung udang, buang kotorannya.
•Potong wedges bombay, potong daun bawang, buang bagian tangkai daun jeruk.
•Potong bahan bumbu halus dengan ukuran lebih kecil kemudian blender bumbu halus.
•Tumis bumbu halus dengan daun jeruk dan bombay hingga wangi.
•Masukkan cumi, kemudian setelah beberapa saat tambahkan udang. Aduk merata.
•Tuangkan saus tiram, saus cabe, dan saus tomat. Aduk, kemudian tambahkan maizena yang dilarutkan dengan 100 ml air.
•Setelah mengental, matikan api, masukkan daun bawang. Aduk merata dan sisihkan
•Gilas adonan (untuk membuang gasnya) dengan bentuk bundar.
•Isi bagian pinggiran dengan keju, berikan topping oregano, seafood saus padang, mozarella, red cheddar, dan paprika. Kemudian fermentasikan kembali dalam suhu ruang selama 30 menit atau hingga double size.
•Panggang di oven yang sudah dipanaskan di suhu 180℃ selama 20 menit. (Sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing)
English Subtitle
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh. My name is Qorina Nadiva from Indonesia, currently studying Culinary Education at the State University of Malang (UM) This time I will make Seafood Pizza Sauce Padang. Squid and shrimp is a type of seafood that is widely consumed cause its delicious and chewy taste. Seafood with Saus Padang has a balance taste between little sour, sweet, and spicy is perfect for combine with pizza
Here is a recipe from Seafood Pizza Saus Padang:
????Pizza Dough:
250 gr High Protein Flour / Bread flour
65 g Cold water
4 g Instant Yeast
4 g Salt
10 g Milk Powder
50 g Egg
38 g Oil
2.5 g Bread Improver
????????????Seafood Saus Padang:
200 g Squid
100 g Shrimp
3 slices Lime leaves
½ Onion
3 tablespoons Oyster sauce
4 tablespoons Tomato sauce
3 tablespoons Chili sauce
1 tablespoon Cornstarch
100 ml Water
2 stalks Leeks
Ground spices:
2 cm Ginger
10 pieces of curly chilies
4 cloves Garlic
6 cloves shallots
30 ml Oil
Red cheddar
How to Make:
????Pizza Dough:
•Mix all dry ingredients (yeast, milk powder, bread improver, bread flour) except salt.
•Enter the eggs, mix well.
•Add water gradually. Add salt and oil. Knead all ingredients until smooth.
•Let the dough ferment for 45-60 minutes (until it expands into double size).
????????????Seafood Saus Padang:
•Wash the squid and shrimp. Cut the squid with a thickness of at least 1 cm, for shrimp; split lengthwise from the back of the shrimp, remove the dirt.
•Cut wedges the onion, chop the leeks, remove the lime stalks.
•Cut the ground spices into smaller sizes then blend the ground spices.
•Saute ground spices with lime leaves and onions until fragrant.
•Add the squid, then after a while add the shrimp. Stir well.
•Pour the oyster sauce, chili sauce, and tomato sauce. Stir, then add the cornstarch diluted with 100 ml of water.
•After thickening, turn off the heat, add the leeks. Stir well and set aside.
•Roll out the dough (to get rid of the gas) in a round shape.
•Fill the edges with cheese, top with oregano, seafood sauce Padang, mozzarella, red cheddar, and paprika. Then ferment it again at room temperature for 30 minutes or until it is double size.
•Bake in preheated oven at 180℃ for 20 minutes. (Adjust to each oven)
• Serve.
????BGM: Ukulele and Piano / Happy Music for Video by MaxKoMusic
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