Afghani Baingan (eggplant) With Rice Recipe
For eggplant recipe:
cooking oil
2 eggplants
2 onions
2 bell peppers
8 tomatoes (or canned tomato paste)
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp salt (or according to taste)
yogurt (for serving)
For rice recipe:
cooking oil
2 cups rice
3 cup water
1 small onion
2 bay leaves
1 tsp black pepper powder
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp garam masala powder
1 tsp whole garam masala
1 tsp cumin seeds
3 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup water
2 tsp salt (or according to taste)
few drops of Kewra flavoring (optional)
Senza frittura! ???? Melanzane che fanno impazzire tutti, le più deliziose che abbia mai fatto! ????
Senza frittura! ???? Melanzane che fanno impazzire tutti, le più deliziose che abbia mai fatto! ????
2 melanzane
Olio d'oliva
Sale e pepe
paprika dolce
1 cipolla
olio d'oliva
2 peperoni
2 spicchi d'aglio
sale, pepe
Carne macinata 300g
Paprika dolce
Passata di pomodoro 250g
150ml acqua
Mozzarella 150g
Parmigiano 60g
Origano Secco
Olio d'oliva
1^ Cottura: Infornare a 180°C per 20 minuti circa
2^ Cottura: Rimettere inforno a 180°C per 15 minuti circa.
Buon appetito amici!
Non dimenticarti di lasciarci un ''mi piace'' sotto al video questo mi rende molto felice, grazie! ????
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#Gefüllte_Auberginen #Auberginen_Rezepte_ #schnelle_und_einfache #Rezepte
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طبخ الباذنجان مع الأرز بهذه الطريقة يجعله لذيذًا جدًا! Cooking eggplant with rice and meat
طبخ الباذنجان مع الأرز بهذه الطريقة يجعله لذيذًا جدًا، وصفة باذنجان فاقت توقعاتي! مقلوبة باذنجان????
ان هذه الوصفة لذيذة للغاية يمكنني تناولها كل يوم
تتوفر ترجمات لجميع اللغات لهذا الفيديو. لا تتردد في تفعيله. إذا كنت قد استمتعت بهذا الفيديو ، فيرجى الاشتراك في القناة وتشغيل الإخطار ???? لمشاهدة أحدث مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا. أخبرنا برأيك في هذه الوصفة في قسم التعليقات ، حتى باستخدام رمز تعبيري ????. نحن نحب ملاحظاتك.
فلفل اسود
زيت الزيتون
كوب ونصف من أرز الياسمين او ارز عايدي
زيت نباتي أو زيت الكانولا
بصل (250 جرام)
ملعقة كبيرة ثوم
فلفل حلو (120 جرام)
فلفل حار
ملعقتان كبيرتان من معجنات الطماطم
كوب واحد من الطماطم المعصورة
لحم مفروم (250 جرام)
ربع كوب بقدونس
ربع كوب كزبرة
ملعقة كبيرة من الكمون والكزبرة والفلفل الحلو وملعقة صغيرة من الفلفل الأسود
ورق زبدة
ثلاثة أكواب من الماء الساخن
ملعقة صغيرة من مرق الخضار
إرشادات خطوة بخطوة لإعداد الوصفة:
ابدأ أولاً بتقطيع 6 حبات باذنجان إلى شرائح نصف سميكة
توضع في صينية خبز وتتبل بالملح والفلفل الأسود وزيت الزيتون من جميع الجهات
ضعها في فرن محمى على درجة حرارة 350 درجة فهرنهايت ، 180 درجة مئوية وحمرها لمدة 10 دقائق
أخرج الباذنجان من الفرن وضعه جانبًا حتى تحضر باقي المكونات
اغسل كوب ونصف من أرز الياسمين وانقعه لمدة 30 دقيقة
أثناء نقع الأرز ، ابدأ في تحضير صلصة الطماطم والفلفل لتختلط مع الأرز لاحقًا
في قدر ، اسكب القليل من زيت الكانولا أو الذرة أو الزيت النباتي
أضف حوالي (250 جرام) من البصل المفروم واطهه حتى يتكرمل.
ثم أضف المكونات التالية
ملعقة كبيرة ثوم
فلفل حلو (120 جرام)
فلفل حار
ملعقتان كبيرتان من معجون الطماطم
شوح كل شيء معًا قليلاً
صفّي الماء من الأرز وأضف الصلصة إليه
أضف أيضًا المكونات التالية إلى نفس الخليط:
لحم مفروم (250 جرام)
ربع كوب بقدونس
ربع كوب كزبرة
ملعقة كبيرة من الكمون والكزبرة والفلفل الحلو وملعقة صغيرة من الفلفل الأسود
ملعقة ونصف ملح
امزج كل شيء جيدًا
في وعاء آمن للفرن ضع قطعة من ورق البرشمان في الأسفل
نحشى الباذنجان بمزيج الأرز ونقلبه على شكل لفات ونضعه في القدر
أضف ثلاثة أكواب من الماء الساخن ممزوجًا بملعقة صغيرة من مرقة الخضار وقم بتغطية الباذنجان به
ضع القدر في فرن محمّى على حرارة 180 درجة مئوية. استخدم الحرارة السفلية فقط واطهيه لمدة ساعة
Cooking the eggplant with the rice in this manner makes it so delicious
This is recipe so delicious I can really have everyday
Subtitles for all languages are available for this video. Feel free to activate it. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the channel and turn on the ???? notification to watch our latest videos. Tell us what you think about this recipe in the comments section, even with an emoji ????. We love your feedback.
Black pepper
Olive oil
One and a half cups of jasmine rice
Vegetable or canola oil
Onions (250 grams)
One tbsp of garlic
Bell pepper (120 grams)
Hot pepper
Two tbsps of tomato paste
One cup of tomato puree
Ground meat (250 grams)
One fourth of a cup of parsley
One fourth of a cup of coriander
One tbsp each of cumin, coriander, paprika, and one tsp of black pepper
Parchment paper
Three cups of hot water
One tsp of vegetable bouillon
Step by step instructions for making the recipe:
Start first by cutting 6 eggplants into semi thick slices
Place in a baking tray and seasoning with salt, Black pepper, and olive oil, from all sides
Place in a preheated oven at temperature of 350°f, 180°c and bake it for 10 minutes
Take the eggplant out from the oven and set it aside until you prepare the rest of the ingredients
Wash one and a half cups of jasmine rice and soak it for 30 minutes
While the rice is soaking, start preparing the tomatoes and peppers sauce to mix in with the rice later
In a pot pour a little bit of canola, corn, or vegetable oil
Add about (250 grams) of chopped onions and cook it until it caramelizes.
Then, Add the following ingredients
One tbsp of garlic
Bell pepper (120 grams)
Hot pepper
Two tbsps of tomato paste
One cup of tomato puree
Cook everything together for a little bit
Let it cool down
Drain the water from the rice and add the cooled down sauce to it
Also add the following ingredients to the same mixture:
Ground meat (250 grams)
One fourth of a cup of parsley
One fourth of a cup of coriander
One tbsp each of cumin, coriander, paprika, and one tsp of black pepper
One and a half tsp of salt
Mix everything thoroughly
In an oven safe pot place a piece of parchment paper on the bottom
Stuff the eggplant with the rice mixture and fold them into rolls and stack them in the pot
Add three cups of hot water mixed with one tsp of vegetable bouillon and cover the eggplant with it
Place the pot in a preheated oven at a temperature of 350°f, 180°c. Use the bottom heat only and cook it for one hour
QUINOA and LENTILS Recipe | HIGH PROTEIN Vegetarian and Vegan Meal Ideas
???? Quinoa and Lentils Recipe | High Protein Vegetarian and Vegan Meal Ideas
???? Let me know if you enjoyed my vegan quinoa and lentil recipe
▶️ RECIPE INGREDIENTS: (3 to 4 servings)
???? To cook the green lentils:
1/2 Cup / 100g GREEN Lentils (Washed/Soaked for 8 to 10 hours or overnight)
1 Teaspoon Salt (I have added pink Himalayan salt)
2 Cups / 475ml Water
???? To Marinate the cooked green lentils:
1+1/2 Tablespoon Lemon juice OR TO TASTE
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil (I have added organic cold pressed olive oil)
???? To cook Quinoa:
1 Cup / 190g Quinoa (Washed/Soaked for 30 minutes)
2 to 3 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Cup / 135g Onion
1+1/2 Cup / 200g Carrots (2 medium size carrots)
1 Tablespoon Garlic - finely chopped
3 Tablespoon Tomato paste OR TO TASTE
1+1/2 Teaspoon Paprika (NOT SMOKED)
1+1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cumin
1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper (optional)
Salt to taste (I added total 1+1/4 Teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt)
1+1/2 Cup / 350ml Vegetable Broth (LOW SODIUM)
???? To Garnish:
1/2 Cup / 65g Red Onion - chopped
1/2 Cup / 25g Parsley - chopped
1/4 Cup / 5g Mint OR TO TASTE - chopped
1/2 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper or to taste
Wash & soak 1/2 cup of green lentils for 8 to 10 hours or overnight. Once the lentils are soaked, drain the water and rinse it. Transfer the lentils to a pot. Add salt and water. Cook over medium-high heat and bring to a vigorous boil. Once it starts to boil, reduce heat to medium-low and cook for about 4 minutes or until lentils are cooked but still holds its shape. WE DO NOT WANT MUSHY LENTILS. Right away strain the cooked lentils. Let it sit in the strainer to get rid of any excess water and allow it to cool down. Once lentils have cooled, add lemon juice, olive oil and mix well. Allow the lentils to marinate while we continue with the rest of the cooking.
✅ ????Cooking time of the lentils depends on it's quality. One batch of lentils maybe drier than the others and may require longer cooking time. SO ADJUST THE COOKING TIME ACCORDINGLY.
Thoroughly wash 1 cup of quinoa until the water runs clear and then soak in water for 30 minutes. ✅ ????After 30 minutes drain the water from quinoa and let it sit in the strainer to get rid of any excess water.
To a heated WIDE PAN, add olive oil, chopped onion, carrots, 1/4 tsp salt and fry on medium to medium-high heat until it's slightly browned (about 5 to 6 minutes). ADDING SALT TO ONION/CARROTS RELEASES IT'S MOISTURE AND HELPS IT COOK FASTER, SO PLEASE DON'T SKIP IT. Add the garlic and fry on medium heat for 30 seconds or until fragrant.
Add the tomato paste, paprika, ground cumin, cayenne pepper and fry on low heat for only 1 to 2 minutes (no longer than that), just to cook out the raw flavour of the tomato paste. Add the quinoa, salt, vegetable broth. Turn up the heat and bring to a VIGOROUS BOIL. Then reduce the heat to low and cook for about 15 to 20 minutes or until quinoa is cooked.
✅ ????DO NOT LET THE QUINOA GET MUSHY. ADJUST THE COOKING TIME OF QUINOA ACCORDING TO THE HEAT OF YOUR STOVE. DO CHECK IN 15 MINUTES, if still not cooked then cook for longer. It took me 20 minutes on my stove.
Once the quinoa is cooked, uncover the lid and turn off stove. Add the cooked lentils, ground black pepper, red onions, parsley, mint & mix well. Cover the lid and allow it to rest for 3 to 4 minutes for the flavours to blend.
Serve hot with a side of green salad. Perfect for meal prep / meal planning as it stores well in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days
???? Thoroughly wash the quinoa a few times until the water runs clear, this will get rid of any impurities/gunk/bitterness and will give quinoa a clean taste
???? Cooking time of lentils depends on it's quality. One batch of lentils maybe drier than the other and may require longer cooking time, SO ADJUST ACCORDINGLY
Welcome to Food Impromptu! Food Artist, Plant-Based and Vegan Recipes Creator????
Easy and nourishing vegan recipes for your everyday cooking using everyday ingredients, for an easy transition to a Plant Based diet. I draw my inspiration from classic, traditional, & modern cuisines around the world. I take pride in creating recipes and videos for your best viewing experience. Subscribe for my latest vegan recipes!
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#quinoa #quinoarecipes #vegetarian #vegetarianrecipes #vegan #veganrecipes #VeganFood #HealthyRecipes #PlantBased #plantbaseddiet #FoodImpromptu #lentils #lentilsrecipe #quinoasalad
I was taught by an Arab grandmother! ????????This chickpea recipe will conquer everyone!
500 g peas (chickpeas)
2 pcs red bell pepper
20 ml vegetable oil(+:-)
1 pc red onion
Green onion
15 ml vegetable oil (olive oil)
1.5 tablespoons lemon juice
Try Rice the Turkish Way - BUTTERY Turkish Rice Pilaf with Orzo
Pilaf (pilav) is a staple of Turkish cuisine and has hundreds of different varieties in all regions made with rice, bulgur and other grains. Rice pilaf with orzo is probably the most common and is served almost in every home and restaurant in Turkey. This humble and simple dish is one of the most versatile meals that can pair with just anything.
This version is with orzo, takes the already delicious rice pilaf to another level with it's nutty and roasted flavors. Try this once and you will not want to go back again to plain rice anymore!
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• 2 cups of rice (baldo or arborio), 450 g
• ½ cup of orzo, 100 g
• 50 g butter + 1 tbsp oil (olive, sunflower or canola) or 60 g clarified butter
• 3 cups of beef stock (boiling), 650 ml
• 3 tsp salt
1. Soak the rice in water with 1 tsp salt, stir and let it wait for 10 - 15 minutes, to get rid of the starch
2. Wash and rinse the rice thoroughly 3 – 4 times until the water comes out clear.
3. Drain in a strainer until the rice is almost dry
4. Bring the stock to boil and let it simmer to keep it hot
5. Using a rather wide pan with a tight lid, melt 60 g clarified butter at medium heat or alternatively 50 g butter + 1 tbsp oil.
Oil will prevent the butter from burning. Clarified butter does not burn easily as it does not contain milk particles unlike butter.
6. Once the butter is melted, add 1/2 cup of orzo and stir until it’s evenly golden brown and the butter is bubbly
7. Once the orzo is golden brown, add the rice and gently stir
8. Add 2 tsp salt (adjust depending on the saltiness of the stock)
9. Fry the rice for 5 mins until the rice is almost transparent and pearlescent. Constantly stir gently to fry evenly and do not to break the rice grains.
10. Now add the hot stock into the pot, give it a quick stir
11. Once it’s boiling, bring to lowest heat
12. Close the lid and let it cook for about 10 mins until no liquid remains in the bottom.
13. Open the lid and very gently stir with a spatula or large spoon to fluff and mix the bottom with the top part. This will help to an evenly cooked and fluffy pilaf.
14. Place a clean cloth or paper towel on top and close the lid. This will absorb excess moisture from the condensation and will keep the rice fluffy.
15. Let it rest for about 10 - 15 minutes lid closed, before serving it.
16. Serve with meat dishes such as beef kavurma and side dishes like yogurt or Turkish cacik.
Laid Back Guitars by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.
#pilafrecipe #turkishcuisine #orzorecipe