1 c Oleo (softened, NOT melted) 6 Eggs, well beaten 1 1/2 c Sugar 4 c All-purpose flour 4 t Baking powder 4 t Anisette (NOT extract) 1 c Chopped nuts (I use filberts or pecans) Cream butter; add eggs. Add sugar, and beat well. Sift flour and baking powder together; add to bowl gradually, beating at med/low speed. Add nuts and Anisette; mix well. Using two (2) cookie sheets, spoon dough out into four (4) straight lines (loaf-style). Bake at 375 for 25 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, then slice into 1" slices (I keep the ends for munching). Turn slices onto one side, return to oven, and brown 5-10 minutes (depends on how brown you want them). Turn over and repeat browning on other side. Cool completely, and store in plastic bags or air-tight container. Keeps well for up to 6 weeks, or can be frozen. I use my KitchenAid to do this dough - makes it a snap!
How To make Benigno Family Biscotti's Videos
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