How To make Lemon Meringue Angel Food Cake
Cake: 1 1/2 cups large egg whites
(11 to 12)
1 tablespoon cold water
1 cup sifted cake flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zest
filling: 2 large eggs
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
6 tablespoons strained lemon juice :
(2 lemons)
1 tablespoon finely grated lemon zest
3 ounces unsalted butter (6 tablespoons)
chilled and cut into 6 pieces Meringue Frosting: 1/4 cup water
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup large egg whites :
(about 3)
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Place fresh, cold egg whites and cold water in the bowl of a heavyduty mixer. Set aside until they are 60 degrees, or slightly below room temperature. Pour flour, 1/2 cup granulated sugar and salt into a triple sifter or sieve. Sift onto a sheet of waxed paper; set aside. Adjust rack in lower third of oven; preheat oven to 325 degrees. Set nearby a dry, ungreased 10inch tube pan. Such a pan allows the batter to cling to the sides and rise to its full height. Place a longnecked bottle or large metal funnel nearby for inverting the baked cake. Whip egg whites, preferably with a whisk attachment until frothy. Add cream of tartar and whip on medium speed until soft peaks form. Continue whipping and gradually add the 1 cup granulated sugar until whites have thickened and form soft droopy white peaks. Add the vanilla and lemon zest in the final moments of whipping. Sprinkle onequarter of the flour mixture over the whites, and with a rubber spatula, fold into the whites. Repeat this process with the remaining flour mixture, folding in only onequarter of the flour mixture at a time. Gently pour the batter into an ungreased tube pan. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until the top is light golden, the cake feels spongy and springs back when touched, and a wooden toothpick inserted in the middle comes out free of cake. Invert cake onto the neck of a bottle or funnel. Cool completely before removing from pan. To remove cake from the pan, slip just the tip of a small metal spatula between the cake and pan. Slowly trace the perimeter to release any cake sticking to the pan. Tilt the cake pan on its side, and gently tap the bottom against the counter to loosen the cake. Rotate the cake pan, tapping as you turn it a few more times, until it appears free. Cover the cake with a rack or cardboard round, and atthe same time that you invert the cake onto the work surface, tap it round cake For the filling: In a 1 1/2 quart heavybottomed saucepan, whisk briefly to combine the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Add the pieces of butter, and place the saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly over the entire bottom. Cook the mixture without boiling until it begins to developbody and thicken. Remove from heat and pour through a stainless steel sieve into a bowl. Cover the surface with plastic wrap, poke a few small slits in the plastic with the tip of a paring blade allowing steam to escape while cooling. Refrigerate (curd will thicken). For the frosting: In a 3cup saucepan, combine the water and 2/3 cup sugar. Place over low heat to dissolve the sugar, then increase the heat to medium high and boil, without stirring, until a candy thermometer reads 235 degrees. (Wash down any sugar crystals slinging to the sides of the pan with a brush dipped in cold water.) Near the end of the boiling time, whip the egg whites with the cream of tartaruntil soft peaks form. Add the 2 tablespoons sugar, and continue to whip until the whites are stiff butnot dry. With the mixer running, pour the syrup onto the whipped whites. Continue to whip onmedium speed, about 3 minutes more. Mixture will thicken, cool and form glossy, stiff peaks. Addthe vanilla. Cool to room temperature, about 8 to 10 minutes, then frost cake right away. Assembling the dessert: Cut cake into three layers. Spread the lemon filling equally between the two layers; top with remaining layer. Frost top and sides of cake with Italian Meringue Frosting.
How To make Lemon Meringue Angel Food Cake's Videos
Angel Food Cake With Lemon Cream & Berries : Angel Food Treats
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Angel food cake with lemon cream and berries uses raspberries and strawberries for maximum deliciousness. Make angel food cake with lemon cream and berries with help from a chef and the owner of At Your Service New York Catering in this free video clip.
Expert: Ula Robertson Neumann
Filmmaker: Anthony Geathers
Series Description: If you're looking for a delicious dessert that is sure to please the whole family, look no farther than one of the many variations you can put on delicious angel food cake. Get tips on angel food treats with help from a chef and the owner of At Your Service New York Catering in this free video series.
Angel Food Cake dengan Meringue Lemon
Asam manisnya meringue lemon dengan Angel Food Cake yang lembut untuk kelezatan surgawi.
Kue Angel Food lemon
12 putih telur, kuning telur dipisahkan untuk selai
400 gr gula pasir
2 sdm kulit lemon
2 sdm sari lemon segar
1 sdt esens vanili
1/4 sdt garam
125 gr tepung terigu
Selai lemon:
14 kuning telur
Sari dari 3 lemon
350 gr gula
354 ml sari lemon segar
5 sdm mentega tawar, dinginkan
3 putih telur, kuning telur dipisahkan untuk selai
1/4 sdt. Cream of tartar
6 sdm. gula
1 sdt. vanili
Untuk hiasan:
Irisan lemon
Bunga yang bisa dimakan
1. Kue Angel Food:
2. Panaskan oven sampai 170 ℃.
3. Saring tepung ke dalam mangkuk besar. Sisihkan.
4. Letakkan putih telur dan gula dalam mangkuk standing mixer yang dilengkapi pengocok. Kocok dengan kecepatan rendah untuk mengaduk rata, lalu kocok lagi dengan kecepatan sedang-rendah selama sekitar 4 menit.
5. Dengan mixer yang sedang berjalan, tambahkan sari lemon, jus, vanili dan garam. Naikkan kecepatan ke medium, dan secara bertahap ke kecepatan menengah-tinggi selama satu atau dua menit, sampai meringue mengilap namun tidak kaku.
6. Taburi tepung di atasnya dan lipat dengan lembut dengan spatula silikon. Letakkan campuran kue ke panci kue Angel Food berukuran 10 inci, dan panggang selama 40-45 menit.
7. Setelah kue matang, keluarkan dari oven dan balikkan loyang. Dinginkan kue sepenuhnya, sekitar 2 jam, lalu dengan lembut, keluarkan dari loyang dengan menjalankan pisau di sekitar tepinya.
8. Selai:
9. Kocok kuning telur, kulit lemon, gula dan sari lemon dalam panci sedang.
10. Lalu, masak di atas api sedang, dan aduk terus sampai mengental, sekitar 7 sampai 8 menit.
11. Angkat dari api dan masukkan mentega satu sendok makan. Aduk setelah setiap penambahan.
12. Tuangkan ke dalam wadah tahan panas dan tutup dengan bungkus plastik yang ditekan langsung ke permukaan selai untuk mencegah terbentuknya lapisan di atasnya.
13. Masukkan ke kulkas untuk mendingin. Jika didinginkan, selai akan bertahan hingga 2 minggu.
14. Meringue:
15. Panaskan oven sampai 180 ℃.
16. Dalam mangkuk standing mixer berdiri dilengkapi dengan pengocok, kocok putih telur dan krim tartar. Kocok sampai meringue mulai membentuk, lalu masukkan gula dan vanili.
17. Letakkan meringue di atas kue dengan spatula, dan panggang sampai kecoklatan, sekitar 7-10 menit.
18. Penyajian:
19. Letakkan selai lemon di atas kue, dan dengan hiasan yang diinginkan.
20. Iris dan sajikan, tambahkan selai lagi jika mau.
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Achieve the airiness of an angel food cake and the bold lemon flavor of a lemon meringue pie with our quick and easy recipe of this moist and delicious lemon cake made with only two ingredients!
???? Check the full recipe on how to make a 2-Ingredient Lemon Angel Food Cake:
1 box (16 oz) angel food cake mix
22 oz lemon curd at room temperature
To serve:
¼ cup powdered sugar
⬇️ How to make a 2 Ingredient Lemon Angel Food Cake ⬇️
0:09 Preheat oven to 350°F and grease a cake pan with cooking spray.
0:15 In a large bowl, combine cake mix and pie filling or lemon curd until smooth.
0:39 Pour into a greased cake pan. Spread evenly.
0:53 Bake for 30 to 40 minutes.
0:57 Allow to cool down completely.
0:59 Dust with powdered sugar and serve.
???? For more recipes:
???? For more cake recipes:
Mary Berry's Angel Food Cake with Lemon Curd | #GBBO S04E01 | Cakes Week
Mary Berry's Angel Food Cake with Lemon Curd was the first technical challenge in The Great British Bake Off (GBBO) Season 4. This American cake is incredibly light as it’s made with whisked egg whites and no fat. Mary Berry decorates her version with homemade lemon curd and passion fruit seeds.
Equipment and Preparation: You will need a 25cm/10in angel food cake pan.
Original Recipe :
I was so inspired by GBBO that I wanted to try all the technical challenge recipes.
GBBO S04E01 - Cakes week - Mary Berry's Angel Food Cake with Lemon Curd
GBBO Brief:
[Mel] Bakers, it's time for your first technical challenge. Let's have a quick communal shoulder roll.. De-stress..
[Sue] So, your first technical challenge is devilishly difficult. Beelzebub's last stand - it's an angel food cake, this is a delicate light sponge, topped with whipped cream and drizzled with a lemon and passion fruit curd.
[Mel] I can tell you that it is one of Mary Berry's very own recipes.
[Sue] You've got two and a half hours to make the angels sing.
[Sue, Mel] On your marks. Get set. Bake!
Ingredients: For the cake
1. Plain flour - 125 grams/4½ oz
2. Caster sugar - 300 grams/10½ oz
3. Egg whites - 10
4. Lemon Zest of 2 lemons
5. Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
6. Cream of tartar - 1 teaspoon
7. Salt - ½ teaspoon
For the Lemon Curd
1. Egg yolks - 5
2. Caster sugar - 200 grams/7 oz
3. Lemons juice - 2 lemons
4. Lemon Zest of 1 lemon
5. Unsalted butter - 3 oz, cubed
6. Passion fruit - 1
For the topping
1. Whipping cream - 300 ml/10 fl oz
2. Vanilla extract - ½ teaspoon
Ayo lihat Lemon Meringue Angel Cake. Mudah Sekali Dibuat● Resep Masakan
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Resep masakan untuk anak hingga untuk Anda yang sedang hobby mencari resep masakan terbaru.
Angel Food Cake dengan Meringue Lemon
Asam manisnya meringue lemon dengan Angel Food Cake yang lembut untuk kelezatan surgawi.
Kue Angel Food lemon
12 putih telur, kuning telur dipisahkan untuk selai
400 gr gula pasir
2 sdm kulit lemon
2 sdm sari lemon segar
1 sdt esens vanili
1/4 sdt garam
125 gr tepung terigu
Selai lemon:
14 kuning telur
Sari dari 3 lemon
350 gr gula
354 ml sari lemon segar
5 sdm mentega tawar, dinginkan
3 putih telur, kuning telur dipisahkan untuk selai
1/4 sdt. Cream of tartar
6 sdm. gula
1 sdt. vanili
Untuk hiasan:
Irisan lemon
Bunga yang bisa dimakan
Kue Angel Food:
1.Panaskan oven sampai 170 ?.
2.Saring tepung ke dalam mangkuk besar. Sisihkan.
3.Letakkan putih telur dan gula dalam mangkuk standing mixer yang dilengkapi pengocok. Kocok dengan kecepatan rendah untuk mengaduk rata, lalu kocok lagi dengan kecepatan sedang-rendah selama sekitar 4 menit.
4.Dengan mixer yang sedang berjalan, tambahkan sari lemon, jus, vanili dan garam. Naikkan kecepatan ke medium, dan secara bertahap ke kecepatan menengah-tinggi selama satu atau dua menit, sampai meringue mengilap namun tidak kaku.
5.Taburi tepung di atasnya dan lipat dengan lembut dengan spatula silikon. Letakkan campuran kue ke panci kue Angel Food berukuran 10 inci, dan panggang selama 40-45 menit.
6.Setelah kue matang, keluarkan dari oven dan balikkan loyang. Dinginkan kue sepenuhnya, sekitar 2 jam, lalu dengan lembut, keluarkan dari loyang dengan menjalankan pisau di sekitar tepinya.
1.Kocok kuning telur, kulit lemon, gula dan sari lemon dalam panci sedang.
2.Lalu, masak di atas api sedang, dan aduk terus sampai mengental, sekitar 7 sampai 8 menit.
3.Angkat dari api dan masukkan mentega satu sendok makan. Aduk setelah setiap penambahan.
4.Tuangkan ke dalam wadah tahan panas dan tutup dengan bungkus plastik yang ditekan langsung ke permukaan selai untuk mencegah terbentuknya lapisan di atasnya.
5.Masukkan ke kulkas untuk mendingin. Jika didinginkan, selai akan bertahan hingga 2 minggu.
1.Panaskan oven sampai 180 ?.
2.Dalam mangkuk standing mixer berdiri dilengkapi dengan pengocok, kocok putih telur dan krim tartar. Kocok sampai meringue mulai membentuk, lalu masukkan gula dan vanili.
3.Letakkan meringue di atas kue dengan spatula, dan panggang sampai kecoklatan, sekitar 7-10 menit.
1.Letakkan selai lemon di atas kue, dan dengan hiasan yang diinginkan.
2.Iris dan sajikan, tambahkan selai lagi jika mau.
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