طبخ الباذنجان مع الأرز بهذه الطريقة يجعله لذيذًا جدًا! Cooking eggplant with rice and meat
طبخ الباذنجان مع الأرز بهذه الطريقة يجعله لذيذًا جدًا، وصفة باذنجان فاقت توقعاتي! مقلوبة باذنجان????
ان هذه الوصفة لذيذة للغاية يمكنني تناولها كل يوم
تتوفر ترجمات لجميع اللغات لهذا الفيديو. لا تتردد في تفعيله. إذا كنت قد استمتعت بهذا الفيديو ، فيرجى الاشتراك في القناة وتشغيل الإخطار ???? لمشاهدة أحدث مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا. أخبرنا برأيك في هذه الوصفة في قسم التعليقات ، حتى باستخدام رمز تعبيري ????. نحن نحب ملاحظاتك.
فلفل اسود
زيت الزيتون
كوب ونصف من أرز الياسمين او ارز عايدي
زيت نباتي أو زيت الكانولا
بصل (250 جرام)
ملعقة كبيرة ثوم
فلفل حلو (120 جرام)
فلفل حار
ملعقتان كبيرتان من معجنات الطماطم
كوب واحد من الطماطم المعصورة
لحم مفروم (250 جرام)
ربع كوب بقدونس
ربع كوب كزبرة
ملعقة كبيرة من الكمون والكزبرة والفلفل الحلو وملعقة صغيرة من الفلفل الأسود
ورق زبدة
ثلاثة أكواب من الماء الساخن
ملعقة صغيرة من مرق الخضار
إرشادات خطوة بخطوة لإعداد الوصفة:
ابدأ أولاً بتقطيع 6 حبات باذنجان إلى شرائح نصف سميكة
توضع في صينية خبز وتتبل بالملح والفلفل الأسود وزيت الزيتون من جميع الجهات
ضعها في فرن محمى على درجة حرارة 350 درجة فهرنهايت ، 180 درجة مئوية وحمرها لمدة 10 دقائق
أخرج الباذنجان من الفرن وضعه جانبًا حتى تحضر باقي المكونات
اغسل كوب ونصف من أرز الياسمين وانقعه لمدة 30 دقيقة
أثناء نقع الأرز ، ابدأ في تحضير صلصة الطماطم والفلفل لتختلط مع الأرز لاحقًا
في قدر ، اسكب القليل من زيت الكانولا أو الذرة أو الزيت النباتي
أضف حوالي (250 جرام) من البصل المفروم واطهه حتى يتكرمل.
ثم أضف المكونات التالية
ملعقة كبيرة ثوم
فلفل حلو (120 جرام)
فلفل حار
ملعقتان كبيرتان من معجون الطماطم
شوح كل شيء معًا قليلاً
صفّي الماء من الأرز وأضف الصلصة إليه
أضف أيضًا المكونات التالية إلى نفس الخليط:
لحم مفروم (250 جرام)
ربع كوب بقدونس
ربع كوب كزبرة
ملعقة كبيرة من الكمون والكزبرة والفلفل الحلو وملعقة صغيرة من الفلفل الأسود
ملعقة ونصف ملح
امزج كل شيء جيدًا
في وعاء آمن للفرن ضع قطعة من ورق البرشمان في الأسفل
نحشى الباذنجان بمزيج الأرز ونقلبه على شكل لفات ونضعه في القدر
أضف ثلاثة أكواب من الماء الساخن ممزوجًا بملعقة صغيرة من مرقة الخضار وقم بتغطية الباذنجان به
ضع القدر في فرن محمّى على حرارة 180 درجة مئوية. استخدم الحرارة السفلية فقط واطهيه لمدة ساعة
Cooking the eggplant with the rice in this manner makes it so delicious
This is recipe so delicious I can really have everyday
Subtitles for all languages are available for this video. Feel free to activate it. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the channel and turn on the ???? notification to watch our latest videos. Tell us what you think about this recipe in the comments section, even with an emoji ????. We love your feedback.
Black pepper
Olive oil
One and a half cups of jasmine rice
Vegetable or canola oil
Onions (250 grams)
One tbsp of garlic
Bell pepper (120 grams)
Hot pepper
Two tbsps of tomato paste
One cup of tomato puree
Ground meat (250 grams)
One fourth of a cup of parsley
One fourth of a cup of coriander
One tbsp each of cumin, coriander, paprika, and one tsp of black pepper
Parchment paper
Three cups of hot water
One tsp of vegetable bouillon
Step by step instructions for making the recipe:
Start first by cutting 6 eggplants into semi thick slices
Place in a baking tray and seasoning with salt, Black pepper, and olive oil, from all sides
Place in a preheated oven at temperature of 350°f, 180°c and bake it for 10 minutes
Take the eggplant out from the oven and set it aside until you prepare the rest of the ingredients
Wash one and a half cups of jasmine rice and soak it for 30 minutes
While the rice is soaking, start preparing the tomatoes and peppers sauce to mix in with the rice later
In a pot pour a little bit of canola, corn, or vegetable oil
Add about (250 grams) of chopped onions and cook it until it caramelizes.
Then, Add the following ingredients
One tbsp of garlic
Bell pepper (120 grams)
Hot pepper
Two tbsps of tomato paste
One cup of tomato puree
Cook everything together for a little bit
Let it cool down
Drain the water from the rice and add the cooled down sauce to it
Also add the following ingredients to the same mixture:
Ground meat (250 grams)
One fourth of a cup of parsley
One fourth of a cup of coriander
One tbsp each of cumin, coriander, paprika, and one tsp of black pepper
One and a half tsp of salt
Mix everything thoroughly
In an oven safe pot place a piece of parchment paper on the bottom
Stuff the eggplant with the rice mixture and fold them into rolls and stack them in the pot
Add three cups of hot water mixed with one tsp of vegetable bouillon and cover the eggplant with it
Place the pot in a preheated oven at a temperature of 350°f, 180°c. Use the bottom heat only and cook it for one hour
Tasty Fusion of Indian Lemon Rice & Vegetable Fried Rice ???? Best Lemon Fried Rice ever! Vegan Recipe
White rice goes pairs just fine with a lot of foods, but sometimes you may want a little more flavor.
➡️ Fortunately, there is a zesty recipe from South India that is easy to make and packed full of flavor. In this video, I’ll be making a fusion of vegetable fried rice and Lemon rice!
The base is basmati rice, which is already fragrant (like jasmine) and nutty in flavor compared to plain white rice.
➡️ It’s combined with red peppers, onions, ginger, garlic, cumin, cilantro, lemon (of course), and more!
Join me in the kitchen to see how I combine all of the ingredients and spice up this delicious fusion side dish!
???? Have you tried this recipe at home after watching it? Let me know in the comments below!
▶️ RECIPE INGREDIENTS: (3 to 4 servings)
To cook rice:
1+1/2 cup / 300g WHITE BASMATI RICE
2 cups / 500ml Water
Cook the rice in a wider pan, this will prevent the rice from getting soggy.
3 tablespoon Cooking oil (I have used light olive oil)
1 teaspoon Mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds
15 to 20 Curry leaves - fresh/dry/frozen (OPTIONAL)
1 cup / 130g Onion
1 cup / 150g Carrot
1 cup / 150 Red bell pepper
2 cups / 170g Snow peas (or snap peas)
1 tablespoon / 9 grams Ginger - finely chopped
1 teaspoon Turmeric
1/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper or to taste (OPTIONAL)
Salt to taste (I have added total 1+1/4 teaspoon of pink Himalayan Salt)
2 to 3 Tablespoon Lemon juice (I have added 3 tablespoon - I like it slightly tangy)
3/4 cup / 30g Cilantro leaves - chopped
2 teaspoon Sesame oil
1/3 cup / 50g Roasted peanuts
Wash the basmati rice a few times until the water runs clear and soak for 30 minutes.
Once soaked strain the rice and transfer it to a wide pan and add water. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat and cook it for about 15 minutes or until the rice is cooked.
Uncover and fluff the rice with a fork. Then set it aside for it to cool down.
Now heat a pan and add 3 tablespoons of cooking oil and let it heat thoroughly. Once the oil is heated, reduce the stove heat to low and then add the mustard seed. (Reducing the heat will prevent the seeds from burning). When the mustard seeds start to crackle, then add the cumin and curry leaves and give it a stir and fry it for a few seconds. (Please Note: If you add the mustard and cumin seeds together, the cumin will burn before even the mustard seed crackles do be careful there).
Now add the chopped onion, carrot, bell pepper, salt and turn the heat to medium. Fry until the onion starts to caramelized. Then add the finely chopped ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper and fry for another 1 to 2 minutes to get rid of the raw flavour of the turmeric.
In the mean time, break any lumps in the rice. Add the snow peas, rice, salt to the pan and mix everything thoroughly. Turn off the heat and then garnish with lemon juice, cilantro leaves and sesame oil. Mix well and add roasted peanuts. Cover and let it sit for 3 to 4 minutes before serving.
- Every stove is different, so adjust the heat of your stove accordingly. At any point, you notice the pan is getting overheated reduce the heat
- This recipe is for white basmati rice, if you are using a different kind of rice adjust the water accordingly
- Cook the basmati rice in a wider pan, this will prevent the rice from getting soggy
- You could use leftover cooked rice for this recipe
- Reducing the heat to low before adding the seeds will prevent the seeds from burning
Welcome to the Official YouTube Channel of Food Impromptu! Food Artist, Plant-Based and Vegan Recipes Creator ????
Here you will find easy and nourishing plant-based / vegan recipes for your everyday cooking. I draw my inspiration from both centuries-old classics, traditional recipes, and modern dishes from every continent and have spared no expense when it comes to having the best equipment to create a sensory experience that is as near to being in my own kitchen as possible.
➡️ You'll hear every grain of seasoning fall, the crunch of every leaf of fresh veggies, and see every chop, stir, simmering pot, and more in HD and 4k quality.
My hope is that in addition to the health benefits our recipes will have on your body, you will also experience the therapeutic and almost meditational quality of preparing delicious vegan meals for yourself or for friends and family.
So, subscribe to my channel to stay up to date on the latest vegan recipes! Hit the bell to never miss a video!????
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Revealing the Original Baba Ganoush and Mutabbal - 2 Delicious Eggplant Mezze
Baba Ganoush is often misnamed in the Western world and confused with Mutabbal, which is a similar dish made with roasted eggplants. They are however quite different and in this video we are making both of these amazing Levantine meze dishes.
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???? Turkish Kebab and Meat Knife 40 cm:
Baba Ganoush
• 2 large or 3 medium eggplants
• 2 green chilies
• 1 paprika pepper (or red bell pepper)
• 1 tomato
• 2 cloves of garlic
• ½ red onion
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• 2 tbsp pomegranate molasses
• 1 tbsp lemon juice
• 2 tsp chili flakes (optional for the heat)
• 1 tsp salt
• ½ tsp black pepper
• Chopped parsley to garnish
1. Poke the eggplants and roast on the stove top for 15 minutes until nicely charred, rotate every 5 mins
2. Roast the chilies and the tomato in the oven for 30 minutes at 200°C / 390°F
3. Transfer eggplants to a bowl, cover with a plastic wrap or lid, this will make the peeling easier
4. Peel the skins of the vegetables and roughly chop the eggplants to small chunks
5. Transfer the chopped eggplants to a bowl
6. De-seed the chilies and roughly chop the chilies, tomatoes and add into the bowl
7. Finely mince the garlics and finely chop the onion add into the bowl
8. Add 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp cumin, ½ tsp black pepper and optionally 2 tsp chili flakes (pul biber) for heat
9. Finally add 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice and mix to combine
10. Transfer to a bowl and gently layer the mixture
11. Serve and garnish with pomegranate molasses and chopped parsley
• 2 large or 3 medium eggplants
• 1 clove of garlic
• 3 tbsp tahini (substitute or add yogurt to taste for the Turkish version)
• 1 lemon (juice) (about ¼ cup)
• 1 tsp cumin
• 1 tsp salt
• Pinch of freshly ground black pepper
• 1 - 2 tbsp olive oil to garnish
• pomegranate seeds and sumac to garnish
1. Chop the peeled and roasted eggplants in small chunks and add into the bowl
2. Mince and grind the garlic together with 1 tsp salt and add into a small bowl
3. Squeeze 1 lemon (1/4 cup lemon juice) and add into the garlic together with 1 tsp ground cumin
4. Mix and let the mixture sit for 5 - 10 mins for the garlic flavor to infuse
5. Strain through a sieve (optional to filter garlic bits and mellow down the flavor) and add into pot.
6. Season with a pinch of freshly ground black pepper
7. Finally add ¼ cup tahini and mix with a fork or whisk to smash and combine
8. In Turkey and Syria, along with tahini, equal amount of yogurt can also be added
9. Garnish with olive oil and pomegranate seeds and optionally with fresh mint and sumac
0:00 Preparing the Eggplants
2:03 Baba Ganoush
4:53 Mutabbal
*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.
STOP EATING Plain Chicken & Rice! Try this High Protein Halal Cart Chicken Instead! #recipe #foodie
High Protein Delicious Chicken & Rice Halal Cart-Style for Meal Prep!
There’s no reason to be eating plain chicken and rice when you can make this incredibly easy and delicious chicken recipe! Packed with flavor, so filling while being low calorie! Perfect for meal prep too????????????
Macros per serving (total 4)
430 Calories | 41g Protein | 42g Carbs | 11g Fat
Ingredients (for 4 servings)
- 700g Raw Cubed Chicken Breast
- 1 tbps Oregano
- 1 tbsp Cumin
- 1 tbsp Paprika
- 1 tsp Chilli Powder
- 1 tbsp Garlic Powder
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1 tsp Olive Oil
- 1/2 Lemon Juice
Cook on high heat for 3-4 mins each side till golden brown
- Shredded Lettuce
- Chopped Tomatoes
- Garnish Coriander (optional)
Garlic Sauce
- 150g Fat Free Greek Yogurt (any yogurt works)
- 50g Light Mayo
- 2 Minced Garlic Cloves
- Chopped Coriander/Cilantro
- 1/2 tsp Cumin, Salt, Pepper
- 1/2 Lemon Juice
You can store this sauce for multiple days in a bottle or container, perfect to prep in batches
Golden Rice
- Basmati Rice (207g uncooked gives about 560g cooked weight | 140g Cooked Rice per serving)
- season with Turmeric, Cumin, Paprika, Garlic, Salt
- Add water then bring to a boil then simmer on low heat for 8-10 mins till fully cooked
Distribute into 4 equal servings and enjoy!
Find more Easy & Delicious Recipes like this in my Digital Cookbook!????????????❤️
Important notes
- When reheating the meal prep, i would put the sauce and lettuce seperately then heat the rice and chicken in a microwave
- You can store the sauces in little containers in the meal prep box
Hope you all have a great weekend and let me know if you try this recipes!
طبخ الأرز والدجاج بهذه الطريقة يجعلها لذيذة للغاية! can't stop making this chicken and rice recipe
طبخ الأرز والدجاج بهذه الطريقة يجعلها لذيذة للغاية
إن طبخ الدجاج مع الأرز بهذه الطريقة يجعله لذيذًا جدًا
لا أستطيع التوقف عن صنع وصفة الدجاج والأرز هذه.
تتوفر ترجمات لجميع اللغات لهذا الفيديو. لا تتردد في تفعيله. إذا كنت قد استمتعت بهذا الفيديو ، فيرجى الاشتراك في القناة وتشغيل الإخطار ???? لمشاهدة أحدث مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بنا. أخبرنا برأيك في هذه الوصفة في قسم التعليقات ، حتى باستخدام رمز تعبيري ????. نحن نحب ملاحظاتك.
المكونات والتعليمات خطوة بخطوة
دجاجة كاملة مقطعة ومنزوعة الجلد
نتبل الدجاج بالمكونات التالية:
ملعقة كبيرة عصير ليمون
ملعقة كبيرة خل
ثلاث ملاعق كبيرة زيت زيتون
ملح حسب الرغبة ، وملعقة كبيرة من الكمون ، والفلفل الحلو ، ونصف ملعقة صغيرة من كل من الفلفل الأسود والكركم
في قدر آمن للفرن ، أضف المكونات التالية
بصل 200 جرام
فلفل حلو (150 جرام)
الطماطم (250 جرام)
جزر (150 جرام)
ملعقة كبيرة ثوم
ربع كوب بقدونس
هيل وقرنفل
عيدان القرفة
نضيف الدجاج فوق الخضار
أضف كوبين من الماء
غطي المقلاة بورق زبدة وورق ألمنيوم
ضعها في فرن مسخن
نطبخها في الفرن لمدة 40 دقيقة في درجة حرارة 200 درجة مئوية.
بعد 40 دقيقة ، نخرج الصينية من الفرن ونخرجي الدجاج منها
أضف المكونات التالية إلى المقلاة
ثلاثة أكواب من أرز بسمتي مغسول ومنقوع
فلفل حار
ملعقة صغيرة من الملح ومرق الخضار والكمون والفلفل الأسود والفلفل الأسود
نصف كوب بازلاء حلوة
غطيها بالماء
لكل كوب أرز ، أضف كوب ونصف من الماء
ضع الدجاج في المقلاة مرة أخرى
ضع المقلاة في الفرن مرة أخرى بنفس درجة الحرارة
تُحمر في فرن بدرجة حرارة 400 درجة فهرنهايت ، 200 درجة مئوية لمدة 30 دقيقة.
يُزين بالبقدونس
Cooking the rice and chicken in the method makes it very flavorful
Cooking the chicken with the rice in this way makes it very delicious
Can't stop making this chicken and rice recipe.
Subtitles for all languages are available for this video. Feel free to activate it. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the channel and turn on the ???? notification to watch our latest videos. Tell us what you think about this recipe in the comments section, even with an emoji ????. We love your feedback.
Ingredients and step by step instructions
One whole chicken cut up and the skin removed
Marinate the chicken with the following ingredients:
One tbsp of lemon juice
One tbsp of vinegar
Three tbsps of olive oil
Salt to taste, and one tbsp each of cumin, paprika, and a half a tsp each of black pepper and turmeric
In an oven safe pan, add the following ingredients
Onions (200 grams)
Bell peppers (150 grams)
Tomatoes (250 grams)
Carrots (150 grams)
One tbsp of garlic
One fourth of a cup of parsley
Cardamom and cloves
Cinnamon sticks
Add the chicken on top of the vegetables
Add two cups of water
Cover the pan with parchment paper and aluminum foil
Place in a preheated oven
Bake for 40 minutes at an oven temperature of 400°f, 200°C.
After 40 minutes, remove the pan from the oven and take out the chicken
Add the following ingredients to the pan
Three cups of washed and soaked basmati rice
Hot peppers
One tsp each of salt, vegetable bouillon, cumin, paprika, and black pepper
Half a cup of sweet peas
Cover with water
For every cup of rice, add one and a half cups of water
Put the chicken back in the pan
Put the pan back in the oven using the same temperature
Bake at an oven temperature of 400°f, 200°c for 30 minutes.
Garnish with parsley
If I could only cook one dish for a vegan skeptic…
Full recipe:
???? Our brand new weekly meal plan service, Meal Plans by Rainbow Plant Life, is OFFICIALLY LIVE!! Sign up here for a 7-day free trial:
Want more details on how the plans work? Watch this video!
Key Moments:
0:00 Introduction
0:25 Why you should try red lentil curry
1:15 Prepping ingredients
3:30 Cooking red lentil curry
5:43 Adding finishing touches
5:53 Serving suggestions for red lentil curry
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