Veganism | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:52 1 Origins
00:03:01 1.1 iVegetarian/i etymology
00:03:51 1.2 History
00:07:19 1.3 Vegetarian Society
00:10:23 1.4 iVegan/i etymology (1944)
00:14:04 2 Increasing interest
00:14:13 2.1 Alternative food movements
00:16:39 2.2 Into the mainstream (2010s)
00:21:26 3 Veganism by country
00:26:59 4 Animal products
00:27:09 4.1 Avoidance
00:30:50 4.2 Eggs and dairy products
00:31:48 4.3 Honey and silk
00:32:21 4.4 Pet food
00:33:24 5 Vegan diet
00:33:46 5.1 Soy
00:34:56 5.2 Plant milk, cheese, mayonnaise
00:36:36 5.3 Egg replacements
00:37:20 5.4 Raw veganism
00:37:56 5.5 Nutrients
00:38:04 5.5.1 Protein
00:40:16 5.5.2 Vitamin Bsub12/sub
00:44:03 5.5.3 Calcium
00:45:37 5.5.4 Vitamin D
00:48:29 5.5.5 Iron
00:50:28 5.5.6 Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine
00:51:25 5.6 Health research
00:52:57 5.7 Professional and government associations
00:54:12 5.8 Pregnancy, infants and children
00:57:01 6 Personal items
01:00:34 7 Philosophy
01:00:44 7.1 Ethical veganism
01:08:15 7.2 Environmental veganism
01:13:43 7.3 Feminist veganism
01:13:53 7.3.1 Pioneers
01:15:52 7.3.2 Animal and human abuse parallels
01:18:19 7.3.3 Capitalism and feminist veganism
01:19:04 8 Symbols
01:19:41 9 See also
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Speaking Rate: 0.88446841341306
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals. A follower of the diet or the philosophy is known as a vegan ( VEE-gən). Distinctions may be made between several categories of veganism. Dietary vegans (or strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances. The term ethical vegan is often applied to those who not only follow a vegan diet but extend the philosophy into other areas of their lives, and oppose the use of animals for any purpose. Another term is environmental veganism, which refers to the avoidance of animal products on the premise that the industrial farming of animals is environmentally damaging and unsustainable.Vegan diets are regarded as appropriate for all stages of life including during infancy and pregnancy by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the British Dietetic Association. The German Society for Nutrition does not recommend vegan diets for children or adolescents, or during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Vegan diets tend to be higher in dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and phytochemicals; and lower in dietary energy, saturated fat, cholesterol, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12. Unbalanced vegan diets may lead to nutritional deficiencies that nullify any beneficial effects and may cause serious health issues. Some of these deficiencies can only be prevented through the choice of fortified foods or the regular intake of dietary supplements. Vitamin B12 supplementation is especially important because its deficiency causes blood disorders and potentially irreversible neurological damage.Donald Watson coined the term vegan in 1944 when he co-founded the Vegan Society in England. At first he used it to mean non-dairy vegetarian, but from 1951 the Society defined it as the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals. Interest in veganism increased in the 2010s, especially in the latter half. More vegan stores opened and vegan options became increasingly available in supermarkets and restaurants in many countries.
Dr. Joel Furhman- Fast Food Genocide
Streamed live at the National Health Conference 2018
Cleveland, Ohio.
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Join us for the NEXT CONFERENCE!
For the 2019 NHA Conference we're expecting another sold-out crowd, 300 participants! If you'd like to register for the 2019 NHA Conference, June 28–30 in Cleveland, Ohio (at the Cleveland Airport Marriott), the early-bird cost is just $495 (but will go up to $550 at a later date), and includes all of the education presentations and health-promoting, plant-based meals for the entire weekend (hotel room not included).
VEGAN Hash Browns Recipe | WEIGHT LOSS WEDNESDAY - Episode: 94
5 DELICIOUS DINNER RECIPES to support your weight loss:
In this episode Chef AJ shows you how to make hot delicious, crispy crunchy hash browns using a panini press and JP answers many viewer questions about exercise.
Questions about reaching a weight loss plateau, how to respond to rude people and how to tell if you are really hungry are also answered.
Bad Food Choices: The Boyfriend Effect
I should also mention that where he was living was an hour away from any stores… there was one Mexican restaurant in that town.
I have been doing less from scratch when I cook at his place (for example, the multigrain pancake mix I bought from Trader Joes. I still cook pancakes/waffles from scratch at home). His living chaos has been driving him nuts too. He wants to get back to his normal which is now achievable since he is living near civilization and on his own property (-;
Gotta break the bad habits!
I am also looking VERY forward to a structured schedule. I think it is going to make a world of difference!
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Audio feature: how to eat sustainably
Half a century on from ‘Diet for a Small Planet’, what have we learnt about eco-friendly food? Read our special report on Sustainable Food and Agriculture:
iEat Green with Bhavani Jaroff ECU #640
iEat Green - Enviro Close-Up # 640
Bhavani Jaroff, a natural foods chef and educator, established iEat Green to “motivate individuals to work together to create lifestyles that support the wellness of one’s body, mind, spirit, community and planet.” Her work ranges from farm-to-school food programs to teaching at her own school, Cooking From the Heart, to mentoring interns on growing, cooking and eating healthy food. Her food activism includes fighting for the labeling of GMO foods. She says that by “raising the awareness of the inter-connectedness of the foods we eat and their impact on our families, our communities, our economy and our planet, iEat Green is fostering a greener way of life.”