How To make Truffles Royale


3/4 c Whipping cream
1/4 c Butter
1/4 c Orange liqueur
7 Squares Semi sweet chocolate
Dipping: 8 Squares unsweetened
-chocolate Combine cream and butter. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat; add ligueur and chocolate. Stir until chocolate is entirely melted. chill mexture until firm enough to handle, about 3-4 hours. Using a teaspoon, form and roll mixture into small balls. Chill for another hour. Partially melt chocolate. Then place chocolate over saucepan of lukewarm water (approx 88F) Place chilled truffle on a fork. Dip into chocolate; gently scrape away excess chocolate from under tines of fork. Place on waxed paper lined trays. Chill until chocolate is set. Origin: Canadian Living, December 1988. Bakers Chocolate Ad. Shared by: Sharon Stevens

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