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- How To make Three Meat Stew with Vegetables (Pichelsteiner)
How To make Three Meat Stew with Vegetables (Pichelsteiner)
1 tb Lard
1 1/4 lb Pork and beef as well as
-lamb or mutton (mutton -gives An excellent flavor), cut -into 3/4 inch cubes 2 md To 3 md onions, diced
Salt Freshly ground black pepper Crushed marjoram 3 md Potatoes, peeled and finely
-diced 1 sm Celery root, peeled and
-diced, OR 4 celery Stalks, diagonally sliced 1/2 lb Carrots, peeled and
-diagonally sliced 1 lg Leek (white part only),
-washed and sliced 2 c Beef stock
Chopped fresh parsley Heat the lard in a heavy bottomed pot (or ovenproof Pyrex casserole or the like). Lightly sear and mix together the meat cubes and the onions; season with salt, an ample amount of pepper, and a very little bit of crushed marjoram. Remove two thirds of the meat and onions from the pot and set aside. Mix the potatoes and vegetables together; spread a third of these over the bottom layer of meat cubes in the pot or casserole. Sprinkle with salt and a little pepper. Alternate 2 more layers of meat with 2 more layers of vegetables. Each layer should be separately seasoned with salt and pepper; the top layer MUST consist of vegetables and potatoes. Pour in the beef stock. Cover tightly and cook over medium-low heat for just about 2 hours. Cooking in a 350 degrees F oven is also possible. You should not stir the stew, but you can tilt the pot back and forth to circulate the liquid and prevent the bottom layer from burning. Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley. Variations: Savoy cabbage is frequently added to the roster of vegetables, and it tastes delicious. Sliced kohlrabi would be fine as well. For a truly gourmet 'Pichelsteiner', 6 to 8 slices of bone marrow should be briefly sauteed with the onions at the beginning, then added to one of the in-between layers of meat. Doubling of ingredients is advisable. Pichelsteiner tastes excellent reheated. Makes 4 servings. From: THE CUISINES OF GERMANY by Horst Scharfenberg, Simon & Schuster/Poseidon Press, New York. 1989 Posted by: Karin Brewer, Cooking Echo, 8/92
How To make Three Meat Stew with Vegetables (Pichelsteiner)'s Videos
CORBA@Balkan, EINTOPF mit Wirz-Gemüse - Winterzeit ist Eintopfzeit ???????? #gesund #lecker #VEGI
- 2 Blätter vom Wirzgemüse
- 2 Zwiebeln
- 2 Karotten
- 2-3 Knoblauch-Zehen
- 2 gelbe Spitzpaprika
- 1 Tomate
- 4-6 Kartoffeln (je nach Grösse)
- Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika mild, Vegeta
- ca. 800 ml Wasser (zum Einkochen)
- 1 Esslöffel Ajvar (Gemüsemischung)
- 1 Esslöffel Tomatenpüree
- 1 Esslöffel Mehl
- 3 Esslöffel Wasser
Guten Appetit. Ich freue mich auf eure Rückmeldungen und Eindrücke. Wir lieben Eintopf-Gerichte in der kalten Jahreszeit ????...hoffe ihr auch?!? ????
Gruss ????????????????
Deftiger Graupeneintopf wie vom Oma, Hearty pearl barley stew just like grandma used to make
#eintopf #kochen #food #cooking
Dieses Rezept ist fast wie das Originalrezept von Oma, da wir aber Liebstöckel nicht so gerne mögen haben wir dem Liebstöckel durch Petersilie ersetzt.
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Das schnelle Der leckerste Eintopf der Welt plus ne riesengroße Flocke Butter Rezept vom Henssler - Schnell und einfach selbst kochen! Mehr schnelle Gerichte und Rezepte mit Video-Anleitungen findet Ihr auf ►
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So geht‘s:
100 g Butter in einem Topf bei mittlerer Hitze leicht bräunen, bis sie nussig duftet. Inzwischen Zwiebeln grob würfeln. Karotten erst quer, dann längs halbieren. Diese nochmals längs halbieren, dann in kleine Stücke schneiden. Kartoffeln etwas kleiner als die Karottenstücke schneiden
Zwiebel, Karotten- und Kartoffelstücke zur Butter geben. Mit Chilisalz würzen. Unter gelegentlichem Rühren bei mittlerer Hitze ca. 7 Min. leicht anbraten. Mit Gemüsegewürz würzen. Brühe und 60 g Butter zufügen. Zugedeckt ca. 15 Minuten köcheln, bis das Gemüse gar ist
Suppe anrichten. Mit Petersilie und je 1 Prise Salz und Pfeffermix bestreuen
Einkaufsliste für 2 Personen:
160 g Butter
2 Zwiebeln, geschält
1-2 Karotten, geschält
4-6 mehligkochende Kartoffeln, geschält
HSN Chilisalz
HSN Gemüsegewürz
200 ml HSN Gemüsebrühe
1 Bund krause Petersilie, gehackt
HSN Pfeffermix
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Tushonka/Russian Stewed Meat | 돼지고기 투손카 | Домашняя Тушёнка | Simple Emergency Meal for Quarantine
#Tushonka #Pork #Canned #Stew
Tushonka is a canned stewed meat that is still popular in Russia today. During the Second World War, the US government provided tushonka to the Soviet Union through Lend-Lease. Unlike the UK government, the Soviet Union demanded America to send tushonka instead of Spam because Stalin didn't want his people to recognize that they are receiving tremendous aid from America. It is also popular among people in former Soviet Union countries, and it is common for campers and hikers to take tushonka with them for the outdoor activities. Tushonka is normally used as an ingredient for making kasha or pasta, and sometimes it is just eaten with bread. It can be stored in a fridge for several months which makes tushonka a great emergency meal.
fresh pork
onion (minced)
garlic clove (minced)
dry bay leaf
salt to taste
sterilized jar
투손카는 2차대전 당시 미국이 소련에게 랜드리스로 끊임없이 보내주던 물자 중 하나였습니다. 초기에는 스팸이 보내졌지만 인민들에게 소련이 미국의 도움을 받고 있다는 인식을 심어주고 싶지 않았던 스탈린의 요구로 러시아식 돼지고기스튜인 투손카가 탄생했다고 하죠. 오늘날까지도 구소련의 일원국이었던 나라들에서는 여전히 투손카를 즐겨 먹는다고 하며, 캠핑이나 등산을 갈 때, 소풍을 갈 때 등등 챙겨서 가는 사람들도 흔하다고 하네요. 투손카는 주로 까샤나 파스타와 곁들여 먹거나 그냥 간편하게 빵과 먹기도 하고, 집에서 만드는 경우 한 번에 많이 만들어서 몇달이고 쟁여놓고 먹는 저장식이라고 보시면 되겠습니다. 지난번 앞서 먹어봤던 2차대전 스타일의 투손카는 매우 느끼했지만 이번에 먹어본 가정식 스타일의 투손카는 전혀 느끼함이 없고, 중탕으로 익힌 덕분에 고기에서 우러나온 육즙과 양파에서 나온 물이 잘 섞여 맛있는 수육 같은 느낌이었습니다. 먹기 전에 2~3달 냉장보관했었는데 전혀 변하지 않았고, 심지어 돼지냄새도 전혀 나지 않았기 때문에 여러모로 쇼킹(?)한 음식이었습니다.
소독한 병
WW2 Red Army Tushonka
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Rindereintopf mit Kartoffeln & Bratpaprika - Rezept
Zutaten :
- 300g Rindfleisch
- 500g Kartoffeln
- 4 Bratpaprika
- 3 EL Tomatenmark
- eine Knoblauchzehe
- eine Zwiebel
- Sonnenblumenöl
- Olivenöl
- Pfeffer
- Salz
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wenn euch das Video gefallen hat schenkt mir ein like abonniert es und teil es weiter. Danke ????
Gedünsteter Eintopf mit Schweinefleisch
1 Zwiebel
2 rote Paprika
1,3kg Kartoffeln
1kg Schweinefleisch
3-4TL Salz
schwarzer Pfeffer
rote süße Paprika
3-4EL passierte Tomaten