1/2 Onion, chopped
1 Carrot, peeled and sliced
-very thin 1 Stalk celery, sliced very
-thin 4 Cloves garlic, sliced
1/4 c Olive oil
2 cn Plum tomatoes, drained (28
-ounces each) Salt, pepper, and sugar -(optional), to taste Red pepper flakes, to taste -(optional 1/2 c Red wine
4 tb Unsalted butter
4 tb All-purpose flour
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts White pepper
Nutmeg, to taste FOR ASSEMBLING Olive oil and salt for -cooking lasagna noodles 3/4 lb Lasagna noodles
15 oz Ricotta cheese (1 container)
1/4 To 1/3 pound mozzarella
-cheese, thinly sliced FOR THE SAUCE Grated Parmesan cheese (optional) To make the sauce, saute the onions, carrot, celery, and garlic in the olive oil until golden. Add the tomatoes, mashing them in the pot as they are added. Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat, uncovered, for 1 hour. Add salt, pepper, sugar, and red pepper flakes; cook for another 1/2 hour, covered. In the last 20 minutes of cooking, add the red wine. To make the bechamel sauce, bring the milk to a simmer in a small saucepan. Melt the butter in another saucepan and gradually whisk in the flour. Cook for about 2 minutes, but do not let the mixture turn brown. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the hot milk, whisking constantly. Return the saucepan to low heat and cook, whisking constantly, for 5 to 10 minutes, or until the sauce is medium thick. Add the salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Cook the lasagna noodles in salted boiling water, with a few drops of olive oil, until al dente. Drain. In a 9-by-13-inch baking dish, spoon enough tomato sauce to just cover the bottom of the pan. Cover with a layer of lasagna noodles, then some tomato sauce. Spoon on a third of the ricotta cheese, then a third of the bechamel sauce. Cover with a layer of pasta, then tomato sauce, a third of the ricotta and a third of the bechamel. Repeat one more time. Top with a layer of sliced mozzarella cheese. Bake in a 375-degree oven for about 30 minutes, or until piping hot. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with optional Parmesan cheese before serving. Makes 10 servings. Nutrients per Serving: 336 Calories, 13 g Protein, 26 g Carbohydrate, 21 g Fat, 10 g Saturated Fat, 50 mg Cholesterol, 483 mg Sodium. [THE WASHINGTON POST; January 16, 1991] Posted by Fred Peters.
How To make Luigi's Lasagna Al Forno's Videos
Gennaro Contaldo's Classic Italian Ragu Bolognese | Citalia
One of Italy’s most versatile sauces is the ragu Bolognese. Originating in the Emilia-Romagna region, this rich and delicious sauce can be used for a variety of dishes.
There are many versions of this recipe but Gennaro Contaldo’s authentic recipe shows you how to make a simple and flavoursome sauce, using far fewer ingredients than you may have been expecting. You will see that instead of tins of tomatoes, for example, Gennaro uses a small amount of concentrated tomato puree, diluted in stock, making the sauce lovely and rich but not overly tomato-y. In fact, it is the good quality mince used in the recipe which is the star of the show.
Gennaro’s recipe is simple to make and as it is slow-cooked over a gentle heat for at least two hours, it is a relatively effortless recipe to pull together, allowing you to get on with other things as the house fills with the delicious smell of Italian cooking.
Gennaro’s top tip is to make more than you need and then freeze the excess in batches, ready to be used another time in a tagliatelle Bolognese or hearty lasagne.
4 x servings
45ml extra virgin olive oil
25g butter
1 x onion, finely chopped
1 x celery stalk, finely chopped
1 x carrot, finely chopped
150g pancetta, cubed
200g minced beef
200g minced pork
200ml red wine
2 x tablespoons double-concentrated tomato puree'
200ml stock
Heat the extra virgin olive oil and butter in a pan, add the onion, celery, carrot and pancetta and sweat on a gentle heat for about 10 minutes until the onion has softened. Add the meat and brown all over. Increase the heat, add the wine and allow to evaporate. Dilute the tomato puree in a little of the stock and stir into the meat.
Reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and cook on a gentle heat for 2 hours, checking and adding a little extra stock from time to time to avoid the sauce from drying out.
Easy Cheesy Lasagna Noodle Bake! ????So Delicious and a family fav ???? #Shorts #lasagnarecipe
#Casadegarcia #Lasagna ish #Spaghettibake
How I make this super easy and delicious crossover of Lasagna and Spaghetti...my kids dont like ricotta so this is what works for us and its defiantly a family favorite,
Thanks for watching and here are the ingredients I use
Boil 12 lasagna noodles for 10 ish minutes
cook 3 pounds ground beef - I like to use 80/20 for better flavor
cook and sauté with
1/4-1/2 onion
4-5 garlic cloves
Don Sazon meat tenderizer
add in a big JAR of our fav spaghetti sauce - use yours
mozerella and cheddar cheese mix! Lots
Put a lil bit of the sauce and meat mix on bottom of pan
then lay 3 noodles and top with some meat sauce then cheese then repeat 4 times then
top with Italian seasoning
Bake at 400 for about 15-20 minutes or until melt on top melted good then let sit for about 15 minutes,
Then enjoy ...
Follow me for lots of easy and delicious recipes..
XOXO- Christina -Casa De Garcia
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Das ultimative Rezept für LASAGNE I Schritt für Schritt I World´s Best Lasagna
Das ultimative #Rezept für #Lasagne mit einer Schritt für Schritt Anleitung. #BESTLASAGNE
Ich habe ENDLICH das ultimative Rezept für die BESTE Lasagne der Welt nach italienischer Art gefunden und sie auch für euch nachgekocht. Dieses Gericht müsst ihr unbedingt probieren. Schmeckt einfach unnormal lecker. Definitiv bislang das beste Lasagne was ich je gegessen habe. Das Rezept stammt allerdings nicht von mir selbst. Ich habe lediglich kleine Veränderungen am Rezept vorgenommen. Das Originalrezept findet ihr auf yummmy‘s Kanal.
Das Rezept sowie die genauen Mengenangaben und die Schritt für Schritt Anleitung findest du auch auf meinem Blog:
Rezept Lasagne:
- 2 rote Zwiebeln
- 4 Knoblauchzehen
- 5-6EL Olivenöl
- 500g Hackfleisch
- 2TL Salz
- 1TL Paprikapulver
- 1TL Pfeffer
- 2TL Kerbel
- 2TL Oregano
- 800g gehackte Tomaten
- 1 Glas Wasser
- 9 Lasagneplatten
- 2 Mozzarella
- Parmesankäse
- Gouda oder Emmentaler
- 40g Butter
- 2TL Mehl
- 400ml Milch
- 1TL Salz
- 1TL Pfeffer
- 1TL Muskatnuss
Zwiebeln schälen und in Ringe schneiden.
Knoblauchzehen schälen und fein hacken.
Die Zwiebelringe in einer heißen Pfanne kurz anbraten.
Knoblauch dazu geben, kurz mitbraten und im Olivenöl schwenken.
Hackfleisch in die Pfanne geben und anbraten.
Mit den Kräutern und Gewürzen abschmecken.
1 Dose gehackte Tomaten unterrühren und mit etwas Wasser auffüllen.
Zugedeckt ca. 2 Stunden bei niedriger Hitze köcheln lassen.
Für die Bechamelsoße die Butter in einem Topf zerlassen.
Die restlichen Zutaten dazugeben und bei ständigem Rühren aufkochen lassen.
Die restlichen Tomaten auf dem Boden der Auflaufform verteilen und mit etwas Olivenöl beträufeln.
Mit Lasagneplatten vollständig bedecken.
Einen Teil der Hackfleischmasse darauf verteilen.
Mit Parmesan bestreuen und mit Mozzarellascheiben belegen.
Wieder mit Lasagneplatten bedecken und mit den Zutaten schichten.
Abschließend mit geriebenen Käse bestreuen.
Die Lasagne mit Alufolie abdecken, im vorgeheizten Backofen zuerst für 60 Minuten bei 190°C Ober-/Unterhitze, danach ohne Alufolie bei 220°C für 8 – 10 Minuten fertig backen.
Guten Appetit!
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Bushwick Tarantella von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution ( lizenziert.
Das Originalrezept stammt vom Kanal „yummyyy y“ ich habe es nachgekocht, es schmeckt wirklich unglaublich lecker. Probiert es einfach mal aus. Ein riesen Dank für das tolle Rezept von „yummyyy y“.
Danke fürs Zuschauen :)
Mi mejor versión de LASAÑA para san valentin
Picamos cebolla en cuadritos y ajo; salteamos con un poco de aceite y agregamos la carne molida, cocinamos y agregamos sal pimienta y tomillo a gusto.
Una taza o copa de vino tinto hasta que reduzca y agregamos salsa de tomate. Cocinamos bien y reservamos.
Para la pasta de quesos; queso ricotta, queso crema y queso mozarella granulado. Agregamos un huevo y perejil picado, revolvemos bien y listo.
Para la pasta de lasaña, yo usé precocida. La hervimos con un poco de sal y listo.
Armamos la lasaña en este orden: La carne, la pasta para lasaña y terminamos con la pasta de quesos. Este proceso una y otra vez hasta terminar en carne molida y cerramos con más queso mozarella granulado.
Un tip; agrega palitos de cóctel (yo usé 6; 1 en cada extremo y dos al medio) para que no se pegue el queso con el papel aluminio.
Cerramos con papel aluminio y al horno por 30 minutos a 180º.
Pasado el tiempo, sacamos el papel aluminio y nuevamente al horno hasta fundir el queso.
Déjala reposar unos minutos para que no se desarme a la hora de emplatar.
Ponte tu mejor tenida, prende unas velitas, bailen un poquito y a disfrutar de este san Valentín!????
Pasta al forno alla napoletana
Reality Bro's: Luigi Makes Lasagna
Luigi shows us how he makes his lasagna. If you guys want the recipe let me know and I'll put it up.
Special thanks to Silentzorah and Yurienu1 for letting use his remixes to classic Mario theme songs. Check out his channel for more remixes
Yurienu01: Mariocore - Super Mario Bros. techno remix by DJ Chaos
Silentzorah: Super Mario Bro's Starman (Remix)