Chinese Kasha Varnishkes Recipe
Heat the oil in a skillet over a medium-high flame. Add the onions, mushrooms, and garlic and season with salt and pepper. Brown and remove to a large bowl.
Chinese Kasha Varnishkes Recipe
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Гречневая каша с бантиками и грибами - Kasha Varnishkes
1 стакан гречки, 1 стакан макарон в форме бантиков, 700 гр грибов, 1 большая луковица, 40 гр. сливочного масла, растительное масло для жарки, соль и перец по вкусу.
Варим гречку. Насыпаем гречку в казан и прокаливаем несколько минут на среднем огне, периодически помешивая. Когда крупа хорошо и равномерно прокалится (станет горячей), снимаем с огня, заливаем кипятком и помешаем. Затем воду сливаем. В промытую гречку добавляем 2 стакана кипятка, соль по вкусу, и варим на небольшом огне, не накрывая, до готовности.
Лук нарезаем мелко и жарим до прозрачности. Добавляем нарезанные грибы и тушим до готовности. Когда грибы почти готовы, добавляем соль и перец по вкусу.
В кипящую воду насыпаем бантики и варим до гототовности (в соответствии с инструкцией на пакете).
На дно большой кастрюли кладем сливочное масло, добавляем готовые кашу, бантики и грибы, размешиваем и прогреваем на небольшом огне в течении 2-3 минут. Блюдо готово.
1 cup of buckwheat, 1 cup of bow ties pasta, 1.5 lb. of mushrooms, 1 large onion, 1.5 oz. of butter, olive oil for frying, salt and pepper to taste.
Cooking the buckwheat. Place buckwheat into iron cast pan and “fry” several minutes on medium heat, stirring frequently. When the grits become evenly hot, remove from heat and CAREFULLY pour boiling water, mix well, then drain the water. Add 2 cups of boiling water to drained buckwheat, salt to taste, and cook over low heat, uncovered, until tender.
Chop onion finely and sauté until transparent. Add sliced mushrooms and sauté until tender. When mushrooms are ready, add salt and pepper to taste.
While sautéing mushrooms, cook pasta as per package instructions. At the bottom of a large pan put butter, add cooked kasha, bow ties and mushrooms, stir and heat through over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Add salt and pepper as needed.
The dish is ready. Bon appetite.
Episode #15 Feed Me Bubbe - Kasha Varnishkes Closed Captioned by Project ReadOn
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Episode Summary :
What do you get when you mix bowties and meat? A really good meal!
Show Notes:
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First of all a big thank you to Helen C.. from Ohio. Your contributions are starting to slowly shine through. As we strive to improve ourselves things tend to break but thanks to the fans we are doing our best to fix everything we can. Anyway on to the show!
Bubbe starts the show off and before she can get a word out Avrom interrupts her letting her know that Art of Living from Retirement Lving is visiting today to tape behind the scenes of Bubbe.
Bubbe then goes on and starts talking about the Senior Center and the nutritionist that comes in once a month. So Bubbe brings in her kasha varnishkes. The nutritionist mentioned how it's delicious! With the ingredients and the benifits she is going to recommend it to all of her clients. And now you can make this healty treat too! Here is the recipe!
We start with one bowl of kasha and it's the medium version of it. Notice the camera shot of the kasha sprinkling into the bowl. Of coures we have the mushrooms and the onions and I got to say the picture quality is better then we have ever had it! It just brings a tear to my eye!
It's at this point we watch Bubbe going all over the kitchen. She's sauteing, she's beating eggs, and dissolving cubes. So much going on for one delicious recipe.
It's at this point just have to notice how well the piano is working with the background of this show. Seems to help blend and calm everything into something that makes sense. If there is any video you should see for color alone it's this one!
Now it's time for the yiddish word of the day and of course it is MAZLTOV. Now the thing is it should be Mazel Tov but this is not the hebrew word of the day but instead the Yiddish word of the day. There was even a discussion behind the scenes if Mazel Tov is even Yiddish. Ok fine Bubbe was right so now it's in the show. So after all of this what does it mean? Congratulations, Good Luck. So there you go the Yiddish Word of the Day.
Yiddish Word of the Day is sponsored by:
Time for Avrom to go behind the scenes! He was at Von 07 with Bubbe and there he wanted to bring his computer but there was no way to do that. Too many things to bring already. So what do you do if you are in that position? Use, and Feed Me Bubbe fans get 30 days free using
Now we are back to the show and Bubbe is moving faster then ever. So many different things to keep track of. But the more she blends things the better it is going to taste.
This recipe can be frozen and Bubbe decided to serve with pot roast and a vegtable so try it out and let Bubbe know how you enjoyed it!
Well thank you for joining us and stay tuned for the next episode. And seriously try! You will thank yourself the next time it bails you out.
How to make Kasha Varnishkes
This Jewish side dish recipe was donated by a friend. It was his grandmother's. Kasha Varnishkes is made with onion, buckwheat groats, and bow tie (farfalle) pasta. His grandmother insisted the onions must only be cooked in chicken fat, but I think you can safely substitute a frying oil like pure olive oil (not extra virgin; it burns at frying temperature). This probably won't be one of my most popular videos, but it was fun to make and I like the authenticity of the recipe. His grandmother was from Israel.
See the full recipe on my web site at:
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And some people tell me my voice has a natural ASMR quality.