How To make Genoise w/Amaretto Cake
2/3 c Sugar
7 Eggs
3/4 c All-purpose flour
3 tb Cornstarch
2 ts Grated lemon rind
***amaretto/chocolate Filling*** 3 c Whipping cream
6 oz Semi-sweet chocolate
Chips 1/4 c Amaretto
1 9 inch genoise; split
Recipe by: Leruth, Warren In a bowl, mix eggs and sugar. Heat over hot water to 115 degrees, beating until doubled in volume. Sift flour and cornstarch together 3 times. Carefully fold the flour, cornstarch and lemon rind into the egg mixture. Pour into greased and floured 9-inch cake pans. Bake at 425 degrees until set and springy. Remove from pans and cool on cake racks. ***AMARETTO/CHOCOLATE FILLING*** Heat cream to 180 degrees. Stir in chocolate chips and remove from the heat. Stir to melt, then chill overnight. Put half of the genoise on a cake pan and sprinkle with half of the Amaretto. Whip the cream mixture until stiff. Spread 1/4 of the mixture on the cake. Add top layer of cake and sprinkle with the remaining Amaretto. Ice top and sides of cake with chocolate filling, reserving some it it to pipe through a pastry bag for finishing touches. -----
How To make Genoise w/Amaretto Cake's Videos
Winterapfeltorte / Weihnachtstorte / Apfelsahnetorte / Apfeltorte
Eine Torte nicht nur für's Auge - nein auch für den Gaumen ist diese Winterapfel-Torte ein wunderbarer Genuss.
Rezept für 26er Springform:
(Torte im Tortenring 10 cm Höhe einschichten )
5 Eier
2 EL Wasser
180 g - 200 g Zucker
150 g Mehl
80 g gemahlene Haselnüsse
1 TL Zimt
1/2 TL Kardamom
1 TL Backpulver
400 g gewürfelte Äpfel
Saft einer halben Zitrone
80 g - 100 g Zucker
40 gehackte Mandeln
2 Blatt Gelatine
600 ml Sahne
2 P. Vanillezucker
1 TL Zimt
300 g Apfelmus
30 g Zucker
5 Blatt Gelatine
200 ml Sahne
200 g Marzipan (Rohmasse)
1 EL Apfelgelee
etwas Kakao und Puderzucker
eine Schablone nach Wahl selbst machen
160 Grad Umluft ca. 60 Minuten
Brownie-Chocolate Cake with Mascarpone frosting & strawberry filling
This past weekend was a very special weekend (at least for me it was). Not only i celebrate one more year alive, thank you God, but also was mothers day.
Like everyone around the world...these year we all celebrate in a different way our moms day!
Im sharing my recipe of brownie-chocolate cake with mascarpone frosting and strawberry filling. For decoration you can make meringues, here's my recipe:
And for other cakes check my: Cakes / Bolos recipes:
These cake is good for birthdays and others celebrations!
If you have a sweet tooth like me you're going to love it! ;)
If you can't go out because of covid-19 to celebrate with your family & friends special occasions... make a cake and share with them. Being surrounded with the ones we love it's life most precious present! Wishing you all the best during these hard times... i do believe that things will change soon, we're all in this together. Be safe!
Hope you like the video and give it a try and don't forget to subscribe to my channel & share with your family and friends ???? Thank you ????
Breakfast / Pequeno-almoço recipes:
Desserts / Sobremesas recipes:
Easter / Páscoa recipes:
Valentines Day recipes:
Cookies / Biscoitos (Bolachas) recipes:
Fall & Halloween Recipes (Receitas Outono & Halloween):
Christmas / Natal recipes:
➡️ Cakes recipes / Bolos recipes⬅️
Ciasto budyniowe z musem truskawkowym????
Ciasto ukoronowane musem ze smacznych truskawek. A pod spodem masa budyniowa z domowego budyniu. A na spodzie wilgotny biszkopt czekoladowy. Pieczmy i jedzmy bo warto!
Przepis w formie tekstowej dostępny na naszej stronie internetowej:
00:00 intro
00:19 biszkopt czekoladowy
04:40 masa budyniowa
09:02 mus truskawkowy
10:56 składamy ciasto
Ciasto Balzac (ciasto, które dodaje skrzydeł ????)
Przepis w formie tekstowej dostępny na naszej stronie internetowej:
00:00 intro
01:02 krem kawowy
04:46 biszkopt
08:17 beza kokosowa
11:33 wracamy do kremu kawowego
13:36 składamy ciasto
Cytat który zawarto w filmie zapożyczono ze strony internetowej W zaciszu biblioteki pod adresem:
Tiramisu w szklaneczkach – przepyszny deser bez gotowania!
Dołącz do naszej rodziny ????
Tiramisu w szklance: sprytny sposób na serwowanie pojedynczych porcji klasycznego włoskiego deseru. Tiramisu w jednej porcji jest serwowane w przezroczystych szklankach, aby wyeksponować jego piękne warstwy. Tiramisu składa się z biszkoptu nasączonego espresso i naprzemiennymi warstwami klasycznego kremu tiramisu.
Tiramisu w szklance to mój ulubiony sposób podania tego deseru. Chociaż uwielbiam też robić tiramisu jako tort, jednorazowe filiżanki do tiramisu są o wiele łatwiejsze do podania. Ciasto tiramisu z pewnością przyprawia o zawrót głowy, ale tiramisu w szklankach jest nie mniej niesamowite. Podobnie jak ciasto tiramisu, również w tym przepisie używam biszkoptów.
Pełny opis wraz ze składnikami oraz przepisem, znajdziesz na naszym blogu :)
00:00 Intro
00:17 Przygotowanie kremu
01:33 Przygotowanie czekolady
01:42 Nasączanie biszkoptów
02:01 Przygotowanie tiramisu
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#snack #fajerki #appetizer
(진한 오렌지향 케이크) 오렌지 스펀지 케이크 만들기, 기본 스펀지 케이크, 쉬운 케이크 만들기,Orange Sponge Cake [홈베이킹], 쿠킹씨 cooking see
▶구독 & 좋아요는 좋은 컨텐츠를 만드는 큰 힘이 됩니다 ^^
♡공유 많이 해주세요.
레시피는 영상 더보기를 클릭하시면 되세요.
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(구매 했을 경우 작지만 소정의 수수료가 나오며, 저에게는 소중한 힘이 됩니다.)
(진한 오렌지향 케이크) 오렌지 스펀지 케이크를 만들어 보았어요. 기본 스펀지 케이크이기도 하며 쉬운 케이크 레시피라 어렵지 않게 만들어 볼수 있어요.
무엇보다도 오렌지 향이 정말 일품인 케이크 입니다.
드셔 보시면 아마 반하실꺼에요.
베이킹 파우더는 넣지 않고 만들 수 있어요.
기본 스폰지 케이크 레시피이며 영상 처럼 따라 만드시면 오렌지 향도 풍부하지만 부드러운 식감의 케이크를 만들 수 있을꺼에요.
재료는 오렌지 이외에 정말 간단하고 초보자가 만들더라도 실패없이 누구나 쉽게 만들도록 하였어요.
쉬운 레시피이고 어렵지 않은 베이킹이라 제가 하는 과정 그대로만 한다면 집에서도 간단히 스펀지 케이크를 만들 수 있어요.
케이크 1호 사이즈로 재료도 간단한 기본적인 케이크 레시피라 추천 드립니다.
그럼 즐겁고 편안한 시청되세요.♡
▶틀 사이즈 : 1호팬
노른자 3개
소금 1g
흰자 3개
설탕 90g
박력분 90g
식용유 30g
오렌지즙 30g
바닐라 익스트랙 2g (생략가능)
▶♡레시피 사용시 출처를 밝혀주세요.♡
3 egg yolk
Salt 1g
3 egg whites.
Sugar 90g
Cake flour 90g
Vegetable oil 30g
Orange juice 30g
Vanilla Extract 2g
#스펀지케이크 #기본케이크 #케이크
시청해 주셔서 감사합니다^^
Thank you for watching^^
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