3/4 c Hot Strong Coffee 4 ts Brandy 1 Sugar Cube Pour coffee into warmed mug. Float 2 teaspoons brandy on coffee. Put remaining 2 teaspoons brandy into a tablespoon with sugar cube. Warm spoon over hot coffee. With a match, carefully ignite brandy in teaspoon. Slowly lower spoon into coffee to ignite floating brandy. Wait 1 minute after flame has died before drinking. From Sheila Buff & Judi Olstein, "The New Guide to Mixer's Low-Alcohol to Nonalcoholic Drinks." Published By HPBooks, Inc., 1986, ISBN 0-89586-458-4.
So here is it guys. I thought of trying out something new for my YouTube Channel. Hope you liked it????????. If you enjoyed this video, share it with your Family and Friends and do Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe to my YouTube channel ????❤
If you like my content, remember to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to my channel !
COMMENT below if you have any recipe that wish me to try out ????
Flaming HOT coffee + BOURBON using a CAFE ROYALE spoon from Reed & Barton!
Watch as I show you the Reed & Barton Cafe Royale spoon that was gifted to me (thanks mum!). The unit even has the directions on how to use it, and as I follow them… even past my fear of all things (fire being one of them), you’ll see how pretty this spoon is and the flame that it gives off.
What better way to start a day off (or umm, night) ;)
A great way to have fun with your coffee after dinner, especially if you had a set of these for all your friends to enjoy and watch at the flame on their very own mugs. Delightful!
I’d love to know if you’ve used one of these, or would you? Which beverage would you spice up? Let me know in the comments down below.
Thanks so much, tea friends, hope to hear from you!
Find me having tea at the following locations too: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Snail Mail: PO Box 1503, Truro NS B2N 5B2 Canada
Share my videos with your other tea friends and tag me! @teawithjann
Recette Royale : Choco Latte Cannelle-Noisette | Café Royal
Chocolaté. Nutty. Gourmand. Notre latte au chocolat, noisette et cannelle est un peu la couette idéale des jours de grisaille. L'automne n’a qu’à bien se tenir !
Café Royale
A nice tasty shooter combining, chambord and frangelico, with Coole Swan and Triple Sec. Was worried it would make it terrible but it turns out to be really awesome. So use Orange Liqueur, if you have it, if not Triple Sec will work just fine.
Layer ingredients in a shooter glass, it also calls for the Chambord to be laced in whipping cream but I tried that it didn't turn out so well so, if you know how to lace them do so, or just try this version it will do just as well.
Buy stuff
Buy coole swan from here and they'll ship it to you for free.
Orange Liqueur
Good Triple Sec
Hour Glass shot glasses and others
OXO measures and other cool gadgets
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Recette Royale : Carajillo – recette NYE 2020 au café | Café Royal
Cette année, pas de mousseux, pour une fois ???? ! 2020 commence par un Royal Carajillo : la boisson parfaite du Nouvel An pour tous ceux qui abordent 2020 loin des conventions.
????????L’expresso de la vidéo :
????????La recette en un coup d'œil :
* Cette marque appartient à des tiers qui n'ont aucun lien avec Delica AG. | 2019 Café Royal