How To make Basic Fondue (Fondue Neuchateloise)
2 1/2 fl Dry white wine
Clove garlic 5 1/2 oz Emmental and Gruyere cheese*
1 ts Cornstarch
1/2 fl Kirsch**
Shake pepper Grind fresh nutmeg 6 oz White bread, cubed
(Note: the above measurements are for *each* person. Multiply by your number of guests.) * Grated and mixed half and half. ** This is Swiss cherry firewater: clear, dry-tasting
*not* "cherry brandy", which is dark and sweet. Most good liquor stores should carry it, at least one of the US brands like Hiram Walker, or else maybe Bols. The best Kirsch is "Etter" brand from Switzerland, but the odds of your finding it are minuscule. :
In Switzerland, fondue is usually perpared in a "caquelon", an earthenware dish with a handle, glazed inside; but any enamelled saucepan can be used, or a not too shallow fireproof dish. Rub the inside of the pan with half a cut clove of garlic, and let it dry until the rubbed places feel tacky. Put the wine in the dish and bring it to a boil. Slowly start adding cheese to the boiling wine, and stir constantly until each bit is dissolved, then add more. When all the cheese is in, stir the kirsch into the cornstarch well, then add the mixture to the cheese and keep stirring over the heat until the mixture comes to a boil again. Add freshly ground pepper and nutmeg to taste. -- Remove the dish to on top of a small live flame (Sterno or alcohol burner) and keep it bubbling slowly. Bread should have been cubed ~- about 1-inch cubes for spearing with fondue forks and stirring around in the cheese. The old custom is that if you accidentally lose the bread into the cheese from the end of your fork, if you're male, you have to buy a round of drinks for the table: if you're female, you have to kiss everybody. (Hmm.) . Other fondue info: Do not drink water with fondue :
it reacts unkindly in your stomach with the cheese and bread. Dry white wine or tea are the usual accompaniments. Another tradition: the "coupe d'midi", or "shot in the middle", for when you get full: a thimbleful of Kirsch, knocked straight back in the middle of the meal, usually magically produces more room if you're feeling too full. Don't ask me how this just does. -- The crusty bit that forms at the bottom of the pot as the cheese keeps cooking is called the "crouton", and is very nice peeled off and divvied up among the guests as a sort of farewell to dinner.
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Schweizer Spezialitäten, die du probiert haben solltest - Folge 2
Im zweiten Teil der Videoreihe über Spezialitäten der Schweiz, die man unbedingt probiert haben sollte, sind wir hauptsächlich in der Westschweiz und im Tessin unterwegs. Es gibt wieder jede Menge leckere Gerichte und Rezepte. Folge mir auf eine kleine kulinarische Tour durch die Schweiz. Für jeden Kanton stelle ich euch eine Spezialität vor, die ihr meiner Meinung nach unbedingt einmal gegessen haben solltet. Die Rezepte dazu findet ihr in der Videobeschreibung etwas weiter unten.
⏵Folge 1 von Schweizer Spezialitäten, die du probiert haben solltest:
00:00 Einleitung
00:48 Freiburg
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03:44 Waadt
04:20 Wallis
05:00 Neuenburg
05:26 Genf
06:01 Jura
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Vlog40 Fondue Dinner After Neuchatel and Chasseral ¦ Danis Laii
Vlog40 Fondue Dinner After Neuchatel and Chasseral ¦ Danis Laii
Re-uploading video from last year.
After our visit in Neuchatel and Chasseral, we decided to eat fondue which is in Swiss Culture. According to google, Fondue is a Swiss melted cheese and wine dish served in a communal pot over a portable stove heated with a candle or spirit lamp, and eaten by dipping bread and sometimes vegetables into the cheese using long-stemmed forks.
and fyi, Famous din ang Fondue meal every autumn to winter nila dito even spring sometimes kasi malamig din during spring, cause after eating and even during eating fondue, according to my experience haha, it makes me warm ganern.
#switzerland #swissfondue #lifehacks
Top rated Restaurants in Neuchatel, Switzerland | 2019
Neuchâtel or Neuchatel (UK: , US: , French: [nøʃɑtɛl]; Arpitan: Nôchâtél; both from Old French: neu(f) new and chatel castle; German: Neuenburg [ˈnɔʏənˌbʊrk]; Romansh: Neuchâtel or Neufchâtel; outdated Italian: Neocastello) is a town, a municipality, and the capital of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel on Lake Neuchâtel.
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The rating information was taken from Google Maps and the list was last updated on 28th September, 2019:
1: Bruno's Pizzeria
2: Yamato
3: Cow Fusion
4: Eateco Natural food
5: Ananda Café-Boutique
6: Le Palais du Peyrou
7: Ikiru
8: Oryza Sushi
9: Café de la Collégiale
10: Antica Gelateria Fiorentina
Click on a link below to see the most recent changes and more:
Une petite fondue en Gruyère
Petite fondu entre ami en Gruyère
La fondue crée la bonne humeur.MP4
Une petite fondue sur le lac gelé de Neuchâtel, par -6°C.