How To make Yemenite Charoset
1/2 c Slivered almonds
1/2 c Dried apricots
8 Dried figs,quartered
2 ts Ground coriander
2 ts Lime or lemon rind,finely
Grated 1 tb Honey
3 tb To 4 Passover sweet white
Wine 2 tb Sesame seeds toasted
Process almonds and apricots coarsely in food processor. Transfer to small bowl. Process figs to fine consistancy. Stir into almond apricot mixture. Add coriander, rind, honey and enough white wine to bind ingredients. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Roll into balls, 1" in diameter, roll in the sesame seeds and place each in miniature
paper cups, or shape into a pyramid and press sesame seeds into sides. Makes about 24 balls... ~--
How To make Yemenite Charoset's Videos
חרוסת טעימה ומיוחדת שתעשה לכם את החג/ A delicious and special charoset / شوكولاتة لذيذة ومميزة
שלום לכם:)
תודה שחזרתם לעוד סרטון בערוץ שלי, היום נכין חרוסת טעימה מאוד לליל הסדר של חג הפסח. או סתם כנשנוש עם מצה . אז בואו נתחיל...
300 גרם אגוזים
450 גרם ממרח תמרים
2 תפוחי עץ
1 כפית גדושה קינמון
1/2 כוס סילאן
1/4 כוס יין אדום מתוק
1/4 כוס מים רותחים
אופן ההכנה:
נטחן את האגוזים גס, נחתוך בפומפיה את התפוחים. נוסיף את כל החומרים ונערבב לעיסה אחידה.
נשמור בקירור.
תרשמו לי בתגובות איך יצא לכם
אוהבת המון:)
Hello to you:)
Thank you for coming back for another video on my channel, today we will make a very tasty charoset for the Passover Seder night. Or just as a snack with matzah. so lets start...
300 grams of nuts
450 grams of date spread
2 apples
1 heaping teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup silane
1/4 cup sweet red wine
1/4 cup boiling water
Grind the nuts coarsely, slice the apples. Add all the ingredients and mix until smooth.
Keep refrigerated.
Write me in the comments how you did
love a lot:)
مرحبا لكم:)
شكراً لعودتك لمشاهدة مقطع فيديو آخر على قناتي ، اليوم سنقوم بعمل كروسيت لذيذ جدًا في ليلة عيد الفصح. أو مجرد وجبة خفيفة مع الماتساه. دعنا نبدأ...
300 جرام من المكسرات
450 جرام من التمر
2 تفاح
1 ملعقة صغيرة قرفة
1/2 كوب سيلان
1/4 كوب نبيذ أحمر حلو
1/4 كوب ماء مغلي
طحن المكسرات بشكل خشن ، وقطع التفاح إلى شرائح. تضاف جميع المكونات وتخلط حتى تصبح ناعمة.
احفظها بالثلاجة.
اكتب لي في التعليقات كيف فعلت
حب كثير:)
The Nosher's Passover Cooking: Charoset with Doreet Jehassi
Learn how to make Yemenite charoset with Doreet Jehassi.
Chinese Charoset
Common ingredients in Chinese cuisine are highlighted in this unique version of Charoset that we created: soy sauce, pine nuts and honey. This is a slightly savory Charoset in contrast with the other sweet traditional options such as Ashkenazi. Please visit for more Passover Food, Fun & Philosophy.
Visit for this Passover recipe and many more.
Charoset From Around the World and other Passover Specialties with Chef Vered Guttman
There’s more to charoset than just apples, walnuts and sweet red wine. Chef Vered Guttman demonstrates how this symbolic Passover food is prepared around the world. She also makes homemade horseradish and other Passover specialties.
Menu includes:
* Yemeni charoset with sesame seeds
* Italian charoset with chestnuts and poppy seeds
* Persian charoset with apples and pomegranate
* Iraqi date and walnut charoset “truffles”
* Homemade beet and horseradish chrain
*Cold borscht with potato and raw egg yolk – the traditional Ashkenazi lunch before the Seder
* Mina del Pesach – matza pie with beef (or meat substitute) from the Balkans.
How to make Sephardic Haroset for Passover
Although there may be many variations of Haroset, there are two main versions, Sephardic and Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi is made mainly with apples while Sephardic is made primarily with dates. Which is you're favorite?
How to Make Charoset: With Diane Kimbrough
Micah Member Diane Kimbrough teaches us how to make delicious charoset for your Passover Seder.