Petit-déjeuner minute !
Si vous ne connaissez pas les scones de pommes de terre, il faut absolument essayer ! C'est si bon ! Souvent également appelés Tattie scone - Tottie scone en Ecosse). Une recette écossaise délicieuse servie pour le petit-déjeuner avec des oeufs au plat, des saucisses et du bacon, etc. Mais ils peuvent aussi être consommé de façon sucrée avec de la confiture et une délicieuse et chaude tasse de thé ! Voici la vraie recette qui se faisait il y a plus d'un siècle avec du lait entier. Aujourd'hui le lait entier a été remplacé par du beurre. Tout aussi bon. Il faut les manger chauds ! Ps : dans la recette je vous montre deux cuissons différentes (à vous de choisir celle qui vous convient). Bonne dégustation !
If you're new to potato scones, you definitely have to try! It is so good ! Often also called Tattie scone - Tottie scone in Scotland). A delicious Scottish recipe served for breakfast with fried eggs, sausages and bacon etc. But they can also be eaten sweetly with jam and a delicious, hot cup of tea! Here is the real recipe that was made more than a century ago with whole milk. Today whole milk has been replaced by butter. Just as good. You have to eat them hot! Good tasting!
إذا كنت جديدًا على كعكات البطاطس ، فعليك بالتأكيد أن تجرب! انه جيد جدا! غالبًا ما يُطلق عليه أيضًا Tattie scone - Tottie scone في اسكتلندا). وصفة اسكتلندية لذيذة تقدم على الإفطار مع البيض المقلي والنقانق ولحم الخنزير المقدد إلخ. ولكن يمكن أيضًا تناولها بطريقة حلوة مع المربى وكوب من الشاي اللذيذ! هذه هي الوصفة الحقيقية التي تم صنعها منذ أكثر من قرن بالحليب كامل الدسم. اليوم تم استبدال الحليب كامل الدسم بالزبدة. بنفس الجودة. عليك أن تأكلها ساخنة! تذوق جيد !
Wenn Sie Kartoffel-Scones neu sind, müssen Sie es unbedingt versuchen! Es ist so gut ! In Schottland oft auch Tattie Scone - Tottie Scone genannt). Ein köstliches schottisches Rezept, das zum Frühstück mit Spiegeleiern, Würstchen und Speck usw. serviert wird. Sie können aber auch süß mit Marmelade und einer leckeren, heißen Tasse Tee verzehrt werden! Hier ist das echte Rezept, das vor mehr als einem Jahrhundert mit Vollmilch hergestellt wurde. Heute wurde Vollmilch durch Butter ersetzt. Genau so gut. Du musst sie heiß essen! Schmeckt gut !
Se non conosci le focaccine di patate, devi assolutamente provarlo! È così buono ! Spesso chiamato anche Tattie scone - Tottie scone in Scozia). Una deliziosa ricetta scozzese servita a colazione con uova fritte, salsicce e bacon ecc. Ma si possono consumare anche dolcemente con la marmellata e una deliziosa e calda tazza di tè! Ecco la vera ricetta che si faceva più di un secolo fa con il latte intero. Oggi il latte intero è stato sostituito dal burro. Altrettanto buono. Devi mangiarli caldi! Buona degustazione!
Если вы новичок в картофельных лепешках, вам обязательно нужно попробовать! Это так хорошо ! Часто также называется Tattie scone - лепешка Тотти в Шотландии). Вкусный шотландский рецепт, который подается на завтрак с яичницей, сосисками, беконом и т. д. Но их также можно употреблять в сладком виде с вареньем и вкусной чашкой горячего чая! Вот настоящий рецепт, который был сделан более века назад из цельного молока. Сегодня цельное молоко заменили сливочным маслом. Так же хорошо. Их нужно есть горячими! Хорошая дегустация!
Si eres nuevo en los bollos de patata, ¡definitivamente tienes que intentarlo! Es tan bueno ! A menudo también llamado Tattie scone - Tottie scone en Escocia). Una deliciosa receta escocesa que se sirve en el desayuno con huevos fritos, salchichas y tocino, etc. ¡Pero también se pueden consumir de forma dulce con mermelada y una deliciosa taza de té caliente! Aquí está la receta real que se hizo hace más de un siglo con leche entera. Hoy la leche entera ha sido reemplazada por mantequilla. Igual de bueno. ¡Hay que comerlos calientes! Buena degustación !
Ingrédients :
500 g de pommes de terre cuites (3 medium sized)
60 ml de lait (1/4 cup )
60 g de farine (¼ cup)
60 g de farine (1/4 cup)
Ingredients :
500g cooked potatoes (3 medium sized)
60 ml of milk (1/4 cup)
60g flour (¼ cup)
60g flour (1/4 cup)
How to make traditional tattie scones |
Double gloucester cheese gives added colour and flavour to this divine potato scone.
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Scottish Potato Scones! (Tattie Scones) ???? How To Use Leftover Mashed Potatoes
Scottish Potato Scones! (Tattie Scones) ???? How To Use Leftover Mashed Potatoes
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Ok I know I talk about Scottish things a lot, but tattie scones are seriously one of my favourite Scottish recipes to make, especially when I have leftover mashed potatoes to use up!
250g leftover mashed potato
65g all purpose flour
Pinch of salt and pepper
All you have to do to make these traditional tattie scones is to take your leftover potato, mash it (if it isn't already mashed) and mix in some flour to form a dough, then fry them until they're crispy and golden brown.
The ones I made here are the traditional larger size with the criss crosses in them, but I often make smaller ones that are exactly the right size to fit perfectly on a bun.
These Scottish tattie scones are also sometimes called a griddle scone. As far as I know they're always savoury. They're great for breakfast with eggs, or as a side dish for pretty much any dinner. Give this basic traditional potato scones recipe a try next time you have leftover mashed potatoes to use up!
They freeze well too.
A little about me:
I'm Paula, and I started How To Make Dinner because dinnertime is my favourite time of day. (Except on weekends, when it's breakfast, but you get the point.) I love winding down at the end of the day with a good cooking and eating sesh.
I love dinnertime SO MUCH, but I know not all of you feel the same way. Feeding ourselves and our families can be stressful. So I started this channel and my blog to help give you easy dinner ideas for enjoyable home cooking with less fuss.
My dinnertime strategy - Keep it simple and delicious, and don't use too many pots and pans. Learn to cook with me and you'll be the master of quick and easy dinners that will please everyone.
Like food? Me too! I share food photos and ideas for MORE easy dinners to make on the socials:
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Production by Hristo Stoev & Paula Hingley