How To make Lasagne Verdi
1/2 c Spinach;cooked, drained
2 Eggs;slightly beaten
2 1/2 c Flour; up to 3 cups
6 qt -Water
-Salt 4 tb Olive oil
3 c Mother's Tomato Sauce
3 c Cheese Sauce
1/2 c Parmesan cheese;freshly
-grated Green Lasagna To quote the author, "Many years ago, I invited some friends to try mu kosher green lasagne. At first they declined my invitation (being strictly orthodox, they seldom accepted invitations to eat in other people's homes). But when I insisted that I would buy everything new -from pots and pans to tablecloth and dishes - they accepted. They came early, so I prepared everything with their help. We had a lot of fun, and they liked my lasagna so much that they asked to stay for supper to eat the leftovers. Of course, I was very flattered and delighted that they stayed." Squeeze most of the liquid of the spinach. Chop very fine to the consistency of a smooth paste. Make dough with spinach, eggs and flour as needed, following the directions for pasta - homemade. Roll it thin, sprinkling often with flour to avoid sticking . Cut into strips about 5X8 inches. Bring 6 quarts of water to a boil with 3 Tbsp salt. Cook a few strips at a time for 2 minutes, uncovered. Remove from boiling water with a slotted spoon and drop into a basin of cold water. Drain and spread over a slightly damp cloth. Coat the bottom of a lasagna baking dish with 2 Tbsp oil and 1/4 cup tomato sauce. Place in it one layer; lightly cover it with tomato sauce and dollops of cheese sauce. Sprinkle with some Parmesan cheese and continue to make layers until you have used up all the pasta and the sauces. Sprinkle top with remaining oil and bake in a 400F oven for approximately 20 minutes. Serve with remaining Parmesan cheese in a separate dish. SERVES: 6
How To make Lasagne Verdi's Videos
Lasagne Verdi...????????????
Lasagne verde
Met heel veel vitamientjes!
Hier vind je het uitgeschreven recept:
LASAGNA CREMOSA ALLE VERDURE Lasagna di verdure lasagna vegetariana lasagna alle verdure lasagna
Lasagna cremosa alle verdure
■ Il mio libro
Lasagna Cremosa alle verdure Lasagna di verdure lasagna vegetariana
Ingredienti per la lasagna di verdure
le verdure che preferisci 600 grammi
pasta per lasagna
1 litro besciamella
Ricetta dietetica con poche calorie
Tagliare tutte le verdure a cubetti.
metterle in una padella, aglio olio d'oliva e le verdure.
Cuocere con coperchio per 10 minuti.
Prepara la besciamella
Un litro di latte
70 grammi di amido di mais
poco sale
Mischia 70 grammi di amido di mais con mezzo bicchiere di acqua fredda.
Fai bollire il latte.
Quando il latte è caldo aggiungi l'amido.
Mischiare 30 secondi e la besciamella è pronta.
Mischia le verdure cotte con la besciamella.
Grattugia 150 grammi di formaggio
Crea gli strati di lasagna con le verdure e il formaggio.
almeno 5 strati.
cuocere in forno caldo 170° per 30 minuti.
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Lasagne verdi
Oggi cuciniamo le lasagne verdi, con pasta di spinaci e ricche di bontà...
Lasagne verdi
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