Garniture aux crevettes, pour fajitas
Consultez la recette sur Allrecipes Québec :
Une recette toute simple de crevettes et de légumes cuits au four, parfaits à servir en fajitas.
Crédit musique : Jazz organ trio cool blue, Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions, YouTube Audio Library
Le secret du chou farci : préparer la garniture parfaite
In this video I will show you an easy healthy recipe that are very easy to make and will blow your mind. These easy to make recipes are perfect for easy to make dinners and healthy varieties for healthy family dinners that can be done in 15 minutes.
easy to cook dinner in 30 minutes or less.
Also, these easy to cook meals are amazing because they are based on an easy healthy recipe that is an easy quick recipe cretaed for you to make easy meals for family for lunch, snack or to an easy to cook dinner.
Coeurs en Concombre / Garniture Rapide & Facile pour la Saint-Valentin
Découvrez 25 Recettes & Garnitures pour la Saint-Valentin:
Si vous Aimez, n’hésitez pas à vous Abonner et à Cliquer sur la Cloche ???? pour Recevoir toutes les Notifications :) @1-Minute-Recipe
Découvrez Toutes mes Sculptures de Fruits et Légumes:
Découvrez Toutes mes Techniques Culinaires:
Vidéo: 1 Recette 1 Minute, 1 Recette Minute, 1 Minute Recipe
Musique : Courtoisie d'Audio Network
Music : Courtesy of Audio Network
İSTİRİDYE MANTARI SOTE NASIL YAPILMALI (Garnitür) / Sautéed Oyster Mushrooms Recipe (Garniture)
???????????? Öneriler ve Malzemeleri (Recommendations and Ingredients) ????????????
~~~ Yanına İyi Gider (Goes well with) ~~~
(Main Dish) ~~ Uzbek Ravioli Chuchvara ~~ ☝️
(Salad) ~~~ Carrot Salad ~~~ ☝️
(Dessert) ~~ Rose Cookie ~~ ☝️
~~~ Malzemeleri (Ingredients) ~~~
~ 800 gr. istiridye mantarı
(800 gr. oyster mushroom)
~ 1 adet soğan
(1 onion)
~ 1 adet kapya biber
(1 capia pepper)
~ 3 diş sarımsak
(3 cloves of garlic)
~ Yeşil soğan
~ Maydanoz
~ Zeytinyağı
(Olive oil)
~ Tereyağı
~ Tuz
~ Karabiber
(Black pepper)
~ Kekik
~~~ Yapılışı (Making) ~~~
1) Mantarları kesip doğrayın. Soğanı, sarımsakları ve biberleri doğrayın.
(Cut and chop the mushrooms. Chop the onion, garlic and peppers.)
2) Zeytinyağını ve tereyağı ısıtın. Soğanları kavurun. Sarımsakları ve mantarları ekleyin.
(Heat the olive oil and butter. Fry the onions. Add the garlic and mushrooms.)
3) Ara ara karıştırdıktan sonra biberleri ekleyin.
(Add the peppers after stirring occasionally.)
4) Tuz, karabiber ve kekik ekleyip karıştırın.
(Add salt, pepper and thyme and mix.)
5) Mantar suyu kalmayana kadar soteleyin.
(Saute until there is no mushroom juice.)
Afiyet olsun!
(Bon Appetit!)