Best Vegeterian Eggplant Dip, Baba Ghanoush, Mutabbal Recipe
Click here: - Best Vegeterian Baba Ghanoush Mutabbal Recipe - Eggplant Tahini Dip Recipe
Best Vegeterian Baba Ghanoush Mutabbal Recipe - Flora's Mediterranean Kitchen
Baba Ghanoush is a Middle Eastern/Mediterranean/Lebanese eggplant dip. It can be eaten with small pieces of pita chips, or potato chips, or fresh pita bread or vegetables. It's really tasty and it's vegetarian since include yogurt. You can always skip the yogurt if you want something vegan but we like to include the yogurt in this dish so that it makes the dish a little tangy and makes it a little lighter and lighter in color. It blends with the eggplants and tahini better with a nicer consistency.
You will need
3 large eggplants grilled/roasted on top of the stove or in the oven. Once eggplants are roasted you need to remove the skins.
1 teaspoon Salt (but feel free to add or takeaway to taste)
5 Garlic Cloves Made Into A Paste
1.5 Cups Tahini
1/2 - 3/4 Cup Yogurt depending how thick and creamy you would like it. Depends on eggplant size.
3 Lemons Juiced about a 1/4 cup
Feel free to adjust the ingredients depending on how big or small your eggplants are.
Start out by grilling or roasting your eggplants on top of the stove or in the oven with the skins on. Roasting on top of the stove gives the eggplants the smoky flavor that is required for the baba ghanoush. You can also grill eggplants on a barbecue. We want to stress that the flavor of the baba ghanoush is the smokeyness.
Once the eggplants are grilled and roasted take them off the grill and set them aside and cover with a plastic wrap for about 10 minutes so the steam will stay in. This is good to do so that when you are ready to peel the eggplant skins that they come off much easier.
Once the eggplants are ready go ahead and peel the skins off carefully and put the eggplants in a bowl. Use a pestle to crush and flatten the eggplants in a flat bowl. We want to make sure the eggplants are stringy/thready. If you don't have a pestle feel free to use a fork. We want the eggplant to be stringy like string cheese.
Add the crushed garlic in with the eggplants as well as the lemon juice. Continue mashing the eggplants along with the garlic and lemon juice with the pestle or a fork. This will blend the ingredients perfectly. Never ever use a blender to make baba ghanoush.
To make garlic paste add 5 cloves of garlic with 1 teaspoon of salt into a mortar and crush with the pestle until you get a paste consistency.
Next add the yogurt and tahini to the eggplant mixture and mix together with the pestle or a fork. Mix it until all the ingredients are blended nicely. We want to make sure the eggplant becomes like a cheese or has a cheesy/stringy consistency. Add salt to taste.
Once you are happy with the consistency of the baba ghanoush and you are happy with the taste put a nice amount of the baba ghanoush into a serving bowl and decorate with a pinch of cumin and a pinch of Aleppo pepper. If you don't have Aleppo pepper you can use any kind of chili powder. Then chop a little bit of parsly and decorate the baba ghanoush. And drizzle a little virgin olive oil on top of the baba ghanoush. This is for presentation purposes if you are preparing it for guests or a party or something. Serve with pita bread for the best mezze experience.
And that's it this is the simple recipe for preparing Lebanese style Baba Ghanoush or Mutabbal or eggplant dip. It's vegeterian and it's healthy.
Click here: - Best Vegeterian Baba Ghanoush Mutabbal Recipe - Eggplant Tahini Dip Recipe
Saladmaster Recipes: How to Cook Eggplant
Food and nutrition are important, but is it possible to make eggplant taste amazing? Chef Sergio shows us the magic ingredients behind this delicious dish while teaching us how to use Saladmaster's culinary basket! Serve this up as a salad topping or as a side dish with seafood and you're sure to surprise your dinner guests a new healthy recipe!
Eggplant in Korean. Sweet and sour salad.
Eggplant in Korean. Sweet and sour salad.
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How To Make Roasted Eggplant Dip | Brinjal Dip | No Tahini Dip | Zaalouk Recipe | Homemade Baba Ganoush | Best Eggplant Ganoush | Easy Eggplant Spread | Pita Bread With Ganoush | Pita Bread With Eggplant Sides | Eggplant & Garlic Side Dish | Baba Ganoush vs Hummus | Brinjal Recipes | Ganoush Loaded With Vegetables | Recipe For Dinner | Party Appetizer Recipes | Recipes For Guests | Party Food Buffet Ideas Veg | Pita Bread Fillings Vegetarian | Big Brinjal Recipes | Rajshri Food
Learn how to make Baba Ganoush at home with our Chef Varun
Baba Ganoush Ingredients:
How To Prep Eggplant for Baba Ganoush
2 Large Eggplants
Roasting The Eggplant
How To Cut The Veggies
1/2 cup Red Onion
1/4 cup Tomato
1/2 cup Green Capsicum
Peeling & Chopping The Roasted Eggplant
How To Make Baba Ganoush
1 tbsp Garlic (crushed)
2 Lemon Juice
Salt (as required)
How To Serve Baba Ganoush
Pita Bread
1/4 Olive Oil
Sprigs of Parsley Leaves
1/2 tsp Chilli Flakes
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About Baba Ganoush
Baba ghanoush (Arabic: بابا غنوج, romanized: bābā ġannūj), also spelled baba ganoush or baba ghanouj is a Levantine appetizer consisting of finely chopped roasted eggplant, olive oil, lemon juice, various seasonings, and tahini. The Middle Eastern version consists of onions, tomatoes, or other vegetables. The eggplant is traditionally baked or broiled over an open flame before peeling so that the pulp is soft and has a smoky taste. It is a typical meze ('starter') of the regional cuisine, often served as a side to the main meal and as a dip for pita bread. Eastern Arabian cuisine versions of the dish vary slightly from those of the Levant by spicing it with coriander and cumin; those versions might be minimally spiced and topped with thinly chopped parsley or coriander leaves. |
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Jeder hat sich nach dem Probieren in es verliebt ein einfaches erschwingliches und leckeres Gericht.
Jeder hat sich nach dem Probieren in es verliebt ein einfaches erschwingliches und leckeres Gericht. Ich habe diese Auberginen-Vorspeise wirklich geliebt, ich mache sie immer, wenn Gäste kommen! ???????? Auberginenbrötchen! ???? Vegetarische Gerichte und für diejenigen, die auf Diät sind! Essen Sie lecker und sättigend! Tolle Idee für eine Vorspeise im Urlaub! ???? Auberginen-Vorspeise ist lecker, schnell und gesund! Schnelle und einfache Auberginen-Vorspeise! Probieren Sie es aus und lassen Sie mich wissen, wie es Ihnen gefällt! ???? Guten Appetit und einen schönen Tag!❤️
4 große und dicke Auberginen.
Schneiden Sie es nicht zu dünn.
2 Esslöffel Salz auf 3 Liter Wasser geben.
20 Minuten beiseite stellen.
1 Zwiebel.
1 Paprika.
1 Tomate.
1 Karotte.
60 ml Pflanzenöl.
Braten, bis sie weich sind.
1-2 Minuten kochen.
Fügen Sie 1 Tasse Reis hinzu.
1 Glas Wasser. 200 ml.
1 Teelöffel Salz.
1/2 Teelöffel schwarzer Pfeffer.
1/2 Teelöffel Thymian.
15 Minuten bei schwacher Hitze garen.
Trocknen Sie die ausgeruhten Auberginen.
50 ml Pflanzenöl ein Teelöffel Thymian.
Die Aubergine auf beiden Seiten damit bestreichen.
Im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 200°C (400°F) backen, bis sie goldbraun sind.
Vom Herd nehmen, wenn das Wasser verdunstet ist.
Ein halbes Bund Petersilie.
Geben Sie einen Teelöffel gehacktes Gemüse auf den Kopf der Aubergine.
Sorgfältig einwickeln.
Führen Sie einen Zahnstocher ein, damit sich die Rolle nicht öffnet.
1 Teelöffel Tomatenmark.
1 Teelöffel Tomatenmark.
1 Teelöffel Salz.
120 ml Wasser.
Im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 200°C (400°F) 5 Minuten backen.
50 Gramm Cheddar-Käse.
Im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 200°C (400°F) 5 Minuten backen.
Mit übrig gebliebenem Reis servieren.
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الخضار تكون دائما لذيذة بهذه الطريقة اليمنية الصحية والسهلة! Vegetables are delicious in this way
الخضار تكون دائما لذيذة بهذه الطريقة اليمنية الصحية والسهلة!
Vegetables are always delicious in this healthy and easy Yemeni way!
كوسة (350 جرام)
جزر (180 جرام)
فلفل حلو (250 جرام)
بصل (150 جرام)
باذنجان (500 جرام)
البطاطس (500 جرام)
طماطم (200 جرام)
زيت الزيتون
فلفل اسود
بودرة البصل
مسحوق الثوم
فلفل أحمر
نقطع جميع الخضار إلى قطع بحجم البطاطس المقلية والطماطم إلى شرائح صغيرة.
ضع الخضار المحضرة في مقلاة التحميص.
رش زيت الزيتون بسخاء على الخضار.
يتبل بالملح والفلفل الأسود وبودرة البصل وبودرة الثوم والكمون والبابريكا حسب الرغبة.
سخني الفرن إلى 350 درجة فهرنهايت (180 درجة مئوية).
قم بشوي الخضار المتبلة في الفرن المسخن مسبقاً لمدة 40 دقيقة تقريباً، أو حتى تصبح طرية وتكتسب اللون البني قليلاً.
أثناء شواء الخضار، قومي بتحضير صلصة الطماطم:
في وعاء، ضعي كمية قليلة من الزيت النباتي.
يُقلى البصل المفروم (200 جرام) حتى يتغير لونه.
يُضاف خمسة فصوص من الثوم المفروم (20 جم) ويُقلى حتى تفوح رائحته.
يُضاف الفلفل الحار (اختياري) ومعجون الطماطم (2 ملعقة كبيرة / 40 جم) واثنين من الطماطم المقطعة (350 جم).
يتبل بالكمون والكزبرة والبابريكا والفلفل الأسود والكركم والملح ومرقة الخضار حسب الرغبة.
صب نصف كوب من الماء وأضف كوبًا واحدًا من البازلاء الحلوة.
اتركي الصلصة تغلي على نار خفيفة لمدة 5 دقائق.
بمجرد أن تصبح الخضار المشوية جاهزة، أخرجها من الفرن.
أضيفي الخضار المشوية إلى صلصة الطماطم المحضرة.
ضعي خليط الخضار والصلصة مرة أخرى في الفرن، باستخدام نفس إعدادات درجة الحرارة، لمدة 15 دقيقة إضافية لتختلط النكهات.
يُزيّن بالكزبرة الطازجة قبل التقديم.
استمتع بشكل الخضروات اللذيذة بالفرن! مثالي كطبق جانبي أو طبق نباتي رئيسي مع الأرز أو الخبز.
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Zucchini (350g)
Carrots (180g)
Bell peppers (250g)
Onion (150g)
Eggplant (500g)
Potatoes (500g)
Tomatoes (200g)
Olive oil
Black pepper
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Cut all the vegetables into fries-sized pieces and the tomatoes into small wedges.
Place the prepared vegetables into a roasting pan.
Drizzle olive oil generously over the vegetables.
Season with salt, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, and paprika to taste.
Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).
Roast the seasoned vegetables in the preheated oven for approximately 40 minutes, or until they become tender and slightly browned.
While the vegetables are roasting, prepare the tomato sauce:
In a pot, add a small amount of vegetable oil.
Sauté chopped onions (200g) until they change color.
Add five cloves of chopped garlic (20g) and sauté until fragrant.
Stir in hot peppers (optional), tomato paste (2 tbsp/40g), and two diced tomatoes (350g).
Season with cumin, coriander, paprika, black pepper, turmeric, salt, and vegetable bouillon to taste.
Pour in half a cup of water and add one cup of sweet peas.
Let the sauce simmer for 5 minutes.
Once the roasted vegetables are ready, remove them from the oven.
Add the roasted vegetables to the prepared tomato sauce.
Place the vegetable and sauce mixture back in the oven, using the same temperature settings, for an additional 15 minutes to let the flavors meld.
Garnish with fresh coriander before serving.
Enjoy your delicious oven-roasted vegetables! Perfect as a side dish or a satisfying vegetarian main course with rice and or bread.