How To make Danish Pastry Dansk Wienerbrod
4 c Flour
1 ts Salt
1/4 c Sugar
2 1/4 oz Yeast cakes
1 c Milk
1 Egg
1 1/2 c Butter
Sift flour and mix with sugar and salt. Mix yeast with a little cold milk. Add this, the rest of the milk and the beaten egg to flour and sugar. Beat well until smooth with a wooden spoon. Roll out the dough on baking board to 1 finger thickness. Spread small pieces of butter on 2/3. of the dough. The butter must have same consistency as the dough; if it is too soft it melts into the dough. Fold together into three layers like folding a napkin, first the part without butter. Roll out and fold again. Repeat three or four times. Leave in cold place 1/2 hour. This is the dough with which many different kinds of Danish pastry is made. When pastry is shaped, place on baking sheet and leave in cold place to rise for 15-20 min., then brush with egg white and bake in a fast oven until golden brown. Cocks' Combs (Hanekamme). Roll out dough to finger thickness and spread with a paste made of equal parts of butter and sugar, then cut into square pieces 4" x 4". Place filling across middle and fold over. Press the edges firmly together and make 4-5 deep slashes in this side. Let rise, brush with egg white and spread with chopped almonds and sugar. Spandauers. Roll our dough, spread with paste and cut as above. Place filling in middle. Fold corners to the center and press down. After baking drop 1 teaspoon of jelly in the center and spread with frosting of confectioner's sugar and water. Chocolate Buns (Cremeboller). Roll out dough, spread with paste and cut as above. Place filling of vanilla creme in middle, fold corners to center, forming dough as a ball and place upside down on baking sheet. After baking spread with frosting of con- fectioner's sugar, cocoa and water. As filling may be used apple sauce, jelly, prunes, vanilla creme or almond paste: Vanilla Creme. Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 table- spoon flour and 3/4 cup milk and cook until thick. Take off, add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
extract and cool stirring occasionally. Almond Paste. Cream 1/2 cup butter, add 1/4 lb. ground, blanched almonds and 1/2 cup sugar and well until smooth. Another kind of almond paste without butter is made of: 1/4 ]b. almonds, 1/2 cup sugar and 3 egg whites. Work well together until smooth. From "Danish Cookery" by Suzanne, Andr. Fred. Host & Son, Copenhagen, 1957. Posted by Stephen Ceideberg
How To make Danish Pastry Dansk Wienerbrod's Videos
Hvordan laves Wienerbrød? []
Wienerbrød hos Bogense Bageren Danmark.
Wienerbröd à la Danmark
Hej vänner,
Idag ska vi försöka baka ett bakverk som har många fina namn- allt ifrån Köpenhamnaren till Danish pastry. I norden kallas den Wienerbröd!
Emil Saaby Steffen är dansken som för första gången ska försöka göra sitt nationalbakverk!
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Danish Kringle Recipe
This Danish Kringle recipe is filled with traditional remonce filling alongside an array of chopped nuts and topped with a sweet and silky glaze to make a classic Danish pastry!
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Mette munk inspiration til dekoration af wienerbrød
Sådan kan du dekorere klassisk dansk wienerbrød - flot og indbydende!
Kranzkuchen | Kopenhagener | Wienerbrød | Danish ????✅
Kranzkuchen, u.a. auch bekannt als Rosinenstriezel oder Kopenhagener lässt sich mit fertigem Plunderteig oder Blätterteig ganz einfach zubereiten und schmeckt einfach nur köstlich!
Wenn Ihr Marzipan mögt, dann probiert dieses Rezept unbedingt mal aus.
Je nachdem, wie dick der Teig, den Ihr verwendet ist, müsst Ihr ggf. 2 Lagen übereinanderlegen, so dass er in etwa 4 - 5 mm dick ist. Ansonsten kann der Kranzkuchen sehr dünn werden.
Da ich das Eigelb zum Bestreichen des Gebäcks verwenden wollte, habe ich das Eiweiss mit dem Marzipan vermischt. Wer möchte kann das Marzipan aber auch einfach nur Reiben und auf dem Teig verteilen.
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???????? Zutaten:
???? 600 g Plunderteig (Croissantteig) oder Blätterteig
???? 60 - 75 g Rosinen
???? 1 Eiweiss (Grösse M)
???? 200 g Marzipan
???? Orangenabrieb (optional)
???? 2 TL Orangenblütenwasser (optional)
???? 1 Eigelb
???? 1 EL Milch
???? 1 - 2 TL Mandelblättchen
???? 2 EL Aprikosenmarmelade
???? 50 g Puderzucker
???? 2 - 3 TL Zitronensaft
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