1 T Brown sugar 1 Cinnamon stick 5 Whole cloves 1 Lemon rind,thinly slivered 1 Orange rind,thinly slivered 2 Thin slices lemon 1 Thin slice orange 1/2 c Orange-flavored liquer 1/4 c Brandy 3 c Louisiana coffee w/chicory Lemon rind curls Orange rind curls 1. Combine sugar, cinnamon, cloves and citurs rinds in a chafing dish or medium skillet; heat until sugar begins to dissolve. 2. Add citrus slices, liquer and brandy; heat. 3. Half fill a metal ladle with some of the hot liquid and carefully ignite. 4. Add to mixture in pan to ignite, ladling to distribute flavors. 5. When flame dies, add coffee; heat. 6. Serve in demitasse cups; garnish with curls of lemon and orange rind if desired.
How To make Cafe Brulot's Videos
Jerome's Café Brûlot (Arnaud's)
Eye Opener: Café Brûlot with Sue Strachan and Liz Williams
In her new book, The Café Brûlot, Sue Strachan examines the cocktail that was born of a legend and has endured through the centuries. A combination of coffee, liquor, and fire, Café Brûlot also goes by the name Café Brûlot Diabolique, “devilishly incendiary coffee.” Join Strachan and Southern Food and Beverage Museum founder Liz Williams as they delve into the history of the cocktail, the story of its various ingredients, and how it became a unique New Orleans tradition.
As part of the Words & Music Festival, this event will be livestreamed free and available to the public. Donations are gratefully accepted. Proceeds from Words & Music support One Book One New Orleans' year-round adult literacy outreach and free public programming.
Café Brulot at Arnauds in New Orleans
Café Brûlot Diabolique
Claimed to be developed in 1890s by Jules Alciatore, still served at New Orleans's Antoine's Restaurant. Looks like a show-off, tastes like a great treat.
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#kaffee #brulot Zutaten: Kaffee 120 ml Cognac 4 cl Orangenlikör 2 cl Zitrone x 1 Orange x 1 Zucker 15 g Zimtstange x 1 Nelken x 2 Schlagsahne
Der im Video verwendete V60 Kaffeefilterhalter:
Moderation: Marc Skribiak Kamera & Schnitt: Marc Skribiak & Dominik Paunetto
Der Kaffeekanal ist ein Projekt aus Heidelberg. Für Anfragen wendet euch bitte an hallo@derkaffeekanal.de
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